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Process Analysis Ida and Samantha March 24, 2009.

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1 Process Analysis Ida and Samantha March 24, 2009

2 Process Analysis- How to do something or how something is done. Breaks down the topic into easily understood steps or parts. Uses- to explain topics clearly and logically Examples: Instruction manual for an electronic Recipe for how to bake a cake How a river was made Introduction

3 Two different forms of Process Analysis Directive- Explains how to do something or make something instruction manual for how to put something together. Informative- How something is done or takes places. Most often read out of curiosity. Many tell events of things that are out of our control. Scientific theories

4 Directive A directive analysis explains the process of how to do something step by step -Example: 1)Wake up 2)Brush teeth 3)Shower 4)Get dressed

5 Informative An Informative Process Analysis explains an event that has happened, most commonly scientific theories and important past events -Example When cities saw their crime rates rising, they increased patrol officers in areas with the highest crime. When that did not seem to help they put a neighborhood curfew in place.

6 Transition Words First, second, third… Then After Next Finally

7 Organization Always organized by steps Steps must always be in order from first to last to minimize confusion Process analysis is supposed to break down a complex process into easily understandable steps so each step should be percise and accurate

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