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MSFD monitoring guidance MSCG proposed amendments Nikolaos ZAMPOUKAS.

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Presentation on theme: "MSFD monitoring guidance MSCG proposed amendments Nikolaos ZAMPOUKAS."— Presentation transcript:

1 MSFD monitoring guidance MSCG proposed amendments Nikolaos ZAMPOUKAS

2 Drafting the MSFD monitoring guidance 2 Core drafting group led by JRC and including DG ENV, DG MARE and some MS and RSCs Extended drafting group: RSCs, ICES, EE, FR, FI, DE, GR, IT, PL, PT, RO, NL, UK

3 WG GES review 3 Feed back from DK, DE, ES, SE, FR 231 proposed amendments Vast majority accepted/ accommodated Discussion of controversial proposals in the 10 th GES meeting JRC response included in the updated document sent to the MSCG Invitation to MSCG to provide written proposals for amendment in track changes

4 MSCG review 4 Proposed track changes from GFCM and FI GFCM: all proposed changes can be directly accepted FI: most proposed changes can be directly accepted. 1 not correct, 1 controversial. 35 FI comments - effort to accommodate them but at this stage not possible to add extended text and develop additional passages

5 Table 1 on monitoring requirements of the MSFD and other EU pieces of legislation 5 FI proposal FI proposal: to include mixing and residence time as a WFD requirement. JRC response JRC response: Mixing and residence time are WFD requirement only for lakes not for coastal waters

6 6 Currently, from available alien species databases, only EASIN is explicitly mentioned. FI proposal FI proposal: to include a very detailed text on AquaNIS, an online information system on alien species that is currently focusing more on the Baltic Sea. JRC response JRC response: Such passage would overemphasize AquaNIS and make the chapter unbalanced in relation to other databases/on-line systems. EASIN is highlighted as it is clearly mentioned in the recently proposed regulation on invasive alien species. Biodiversity chapter – descriptor 2

7 7 FI proposal FI proposal: AquaNIS is an online information system on the aquatic Non- Indigenous Species (NIS), and species which might be considered as NIS, i.e. cryptogenic species. The system stores and disseminates information on NIS introduction histories, recipient regions, taxonomy, biological traits, impacts, and other relevant documented data. Currently, the system contains data on NIS introduced to marine, brackish and coastal freshwater of Europe and neighbouring regions, but may be extended to other parts of the World. AquaNIS seeks to ensure the long-term maintenance and reliability of the database by continuous update and scientific validation of its data, making it useful for research and practical for management and reporting. The content will be of value in relation to the management of the EU Water Framework Directive, The Marine Strategy Framework Directive, Risk Assessment measures for different pathways, especially shipping and aquaculture. AquaNIS is a living database and it will be gradually opened for free access in modules according to each state of completion. The database is proposed to be the HELCOM MARITIME platform for the non-indigenous species, together with the ALIENS2-database on non-native species in ports. At present the Baltic Sea AquaNIS dataset is opened for public access.

8 8 JRC proposal to add a sentence on AquaNIS and other indicative databases: JRC proposal to add a sentence on AquaNIS and other indicative databases: An important tool that could assist Member States in assessing non- indigenous species is the European Alien Species Information Network (EASIN) developed by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission. EASIN facilitates the exploration of non-indigenous species information in Europe from distributed resources through a network of interoperable web services, following internationally recognized standards and protocols. EASIN does not collect new information but integrates information provided by other providers (including Member States) and its quality depends on monitoring effort by Member States. Consequently, it cannot, by any means, replace monitoring but can provide maps and other overview info on the occurrence of non-indigenous species based on the input of data providers. There are many other European, regional or national online databases that offer support to MSs for assessing non- indigenous species in European waters, such as AquaNIS (that has been proposed to be the HELCOM MARITIME platform for the non-indigenous species), DAISIE, NOBANIS, and ELNAIS. These information systems provide useful information on alien species distribution and impact on a national, regional, or European scale.

9 Next steps 9 The MSCG is invited to: Discuss, if necessary, the written proposals for amendment and the JRC counter- proposals Endorse, thereafter, the document Agree to forward this document to the Marine Directors for information without discussion

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