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CiviCRM introduction/overview Brian Shaughnessy Lighthouse Consulting & Design

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1 CiviCRM introduction/overview Brian Shaughnessy Lighthouse Consulting & Design

2 goals  introduction to CiviCRM  provide an overview of the features  leave with a better understanding of the capabilities and possibilities  book raffle  developer session tomorrow

3 about  open source constituent relationship management (CRM) software geared toward the not-for-profit/civic sector communities  web-based contact/member database that integrates with your Joomla website  open source  localized in over 20 languages

4 integration  unique integration strategy:  Joomla/Drupal/Wordpress  why does this matter?  significantly expands the (very committed) development community  broadens the support options  pushes the project forward faster than it would otherwise

5 integration  dispelling rumors...  CiviCRM is fully integrated into Joomla  3rd party add-ons may be CMS-specific  but different...  codebase does not follow the standard Joomla MVC patterns or make heavy use of Joomla API  why?  project must maintain CMS-agnostic position

6 who uses it?  charitable orgs... Breast Cancer Research Foundation  government... NYS Senate  political orgs... Green Party of NZ  grass roots advocacy... Fair Vote Canada  member-based orgs... International Mountain Biking Association  religious orgs... City Bible Forum  other...  Electronic Frontier Foundation, Missouri Credit Union Association, NYC Coalition Against Hunger, Amnesty International, City of Parramatta (AUS)

7 who builds it?  core development team (8)  hundreds of developers around the globe contributing back to the project  online community of 15,000+ members  400,000+ total downloads since inception  trainings and meet-ups in 25 cities worldwide  annual conferences (CiviCon)  free online user admin book and developer book  commercial book through Packt Publishing  NTEN Data Ecosystem Report

8 what does it do?  fundraising/donations/pledges  communication tracking  event management  membership management  mass email  case management  grant management  campaign development/promotion  reporting

9 contact-centric model membership events notes pledges mailings cases relationships activities campaigns grants contributions

10 backend admin  staff have access to contact records o search/view/add/edit/report  extensive ACL permissions o over 60 permission options o additional internal permissions for limiting access to subsets of contacts, events, custom data, profiles  web-based/centralized o staff can access contacts outside of office

11 frontend tools  contribution/donation/membership forms  personal campaign pages  contact search/listings/view  user profile: create/edit  event information page/registration form  event listings/participant listings  mailing list subscription form

12 frontend tools  key benefit: single data source with real time integration o no import/export or manual entry from web tool to desktop based database o event registrations, donations, data collection results realized immediately o empower users to manage their own data (reduce staff involvement)

13 walkthrough feature set

14 contact record  contact types/subtypes o individual/organization/household o student/teach/parent/branch/family trust  tabbed interface [configurable]  inline editing/full edit form o address/phone/email/etc.  communication preferences  take action

15 activities/notes/groups/tags  activities: communication log  notes: misc. details/comments  groups: collections of contacts o simple groups: manually add contacts to container o smart groups: saved searches  tags: categorize/classify contacts o hierarchal tree o free-text

16 relationships  connect two contacts o employer-employee o spouse-spouse o household-household member o parent-child o organization-affiliate  active/inactive/date-based  permissioning options (limited)

17 custom fields  extend existing data objects o contacts [indivs/orgs/households] o event participants o memberships o relationships o activities o addresses o cases o etc.

18 contributions  any payment that comes through the system  categories (event fee, donation, membership)  integrated credit card transactions  recurring contributions  soft credits  in honor/memory of  linked to memberships/events  contribution pages  campaigns

19 membership  define membership term period  fixed/rolling start date  auto-renew options  renewal reminder emails  extend membership to related records

20 events  create/promote/collect registrations  display lists of events, RSS feeds, modules  allow registration of multiple people  set maximum allowed registrants (waitlist)  require administrator approval  construct complex price sets  date-based fee options (discounts/late fees)  social media sharing/tell a friend  schedule reminders  personal campaign pages

21 personal campaign pages  provide constituents an opportunity to raise money on behalf of your organization  after completing a donation, option to create a PCP o configure intro text o set personal fundraising goals o share link with friens

22 cases  container for activities (grouping around a common project or problem)  establish workflows: o step (activity) A followed by B three days later…  define roles o case manager/support staff/agency lead  audit trail

23 other tools  pledges o commitment to pay in regular installments over a period of time  grants o handle grant applications, dissemination of funds  campaigns o group a series of resources together (donation pages, membership campaign, etc.) o survey constituents  mass email o generate and track emails

24 searching  quick search/simple search  advanced search  full text search  component searches (events, members, etc.)  search builder (logic statements, AND/OR)  custom searches  take bulk action on search results

25 reporting  40+ report templates  templates -> instances o multiple reports can be created and saved based on a single template  generate pdf, export to csv  configure schedule generation and mailing of reports

26 configuring  checklist after installation  enable/disable sub-components  localization (languages, currency, etc.)  options to hide editing sections, address fields, tabs  search settings  logging/caching/attachments  system workflow email templates  text replacement

27 other features  extendable through plugins, extensions, overrides  advanced logging capabilities  undelete/trashing  customizable navigation bar  ACL permissions  mapping/geocoding  SMS integration  scheduled jobs  import data

28 barriers  size/complexity  migrating data  unique requirements (customizations)  unique business processes

29 CiviCRM Brian Shaughnessy Lighthouse Consulting & Design

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