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 Goggles, no contacts on Dissection Night  NO FOOD OR DRINK, EVER  NO OPEN-TOED SHOES, EVER.

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Presentation on theme: " Goggles, no contacts on Dissection Night  NO FOOD OR DRINK, EVER  NO OPEN-TOED SHOES, EVER."— Presentation transcript:

1  Goggles, no contacts on Dissection Night  NO FOOD OR DRINK, EVER  NO OPEN-TOED SHOES, EVER

2 The Language of Anatomy


4  http://highered.mcgraw- hapter1/labeling_exercises.html# http://highered.mcgraw- hapter1/labeling_exercises.html#

5  Universally accepted standard position  Body terminology refers to it  “body is erect, feet slightly apart, head and toes forward, arms hanging at the sides, palms FACING FORWARD”

6  Supine ◦ Anatomical position…palms to front  Prone ◦ Palms to rear Fig. 9-4

7 Medial Medial Toward the midline of the body Toward the midline of the body Lateral Lateral To the side To the side

8  Superficial ◦ Toward the surface (example: skin)  Deep ◦ Toward the inside (example: organs)

9 Superior (cephalad) Posterior (dorsal) Anterior (ventral) Proximal Distal Inferior (caudal) Superior (dorsal) Posterior (caudal) Anterior (cephalad) Inferior (ventral)

10  Cephalic…………..head  Cervical…………...neck  Vertebral………….spinal column  Caudal…………….toward tail/posterior

11  Appendicular ◦ limbs & their attachments to the body axis  Axial ◦ body axis (head, neck, trunk)


13 Cephalic Dorsum Cervical Occipital Otic Scapular Vertebral Lumbar Sacral Gluteal Perineal Upper limb Acromial Palmar Pollex Carpal Antebrachial Olecranal Antecubital Brachial Manus (hand) Digital Femoral Coxal Lower limb Patellar Crural Popliteal Pedal (foot) Sural Plantar Hallux Fibular or peroneal Calcaneal Tarsal Digital Orbital Frontal Nasal Pubic Mammary Inguinal Sternal Buccal Axillary Pelvic Umbilical Abdominal Thoracic Cervical Cephalic Mental Oral Anterior/Ventral Thorax Abdomen Back (Dorsum) Posterior/Dorsal  Facial (on face) ◦ Nasal………………nose ◦ Buccal…………….cheek ◦ Oral………………..mouth ◦ Orbital…………….bony eye socket  Cranial (surrounding brain) ◦ Frontal……………forehead (anterior) ◦ Occipital…………back of head (posterior) ◦ Parietal…………..upper side ◦ Temporal………..lower side

14 Cephalic Dorsum Cervical Occipital Otic Scapular Vertebral Lumbar Sacral Gluteal Perineal Upper limb Acromial Palmar Pollex Carpal Antebrachial Olecranal Antecubital Brachial Manus (hand) Digital Femoral Coxal Lower limb Patellar Crural Popliteal Pedal (foot) Sural Plantar Hallux Fibular or peroneal Calcaneal Tarsal Digital Orbital Frontal Nasal Pubic Mammary Inguinal Sternal Buccal Axillary Pelvic Umbilical Abdominal Thoracic Cervical Cephalic Mental Oral Anterior/Ventral Thorax Abdomen Back (Dorsum) Posterior/Dorsal  Thoracic (chest) ◦ Sternal………sternum ◦ Costal……………..ribs  Abdominopelvic (abdomen + pelvis) ◦ Abdominal…anterior trunk, inferior to ribs ◦ Inguinal…….groin ◦ Umbilical…..navel ◦ Pelvic………pelvis ◦ Gluteal……..buttocks ◦ Coxal……….hip ◦ Pubic……….genital

15 Cephalic Dorsum Cervical Occipital Otic Scapular Vertebral Lumbar Sacral Gluteal Perineal Upper limb Acromial Palmar Pollex Carpal Antebrachial Olecranal Antecubital Brachial Manus (hand) Digital Femoral Coxal Lower limb Patellar Crural Popliteal Pedal (foot) Sural Plantar Hallux Fibular or peroneal Calcaneal Tarsal Digital Orbital Frontal Nasal Pubic Mammary Inguinal Sternal Buccal Axillary Pelvic Umbilical Abdominal Thoracic Cervical Cephalic Mental Oral Anterior/Ventral Thorax Abdomen Back (Dorsum) Posterior/Dorsal  Inferior Spine ◦ Lumbar……..back, between ribs and hips ◦ Sacral……….back, between the hips

16 Cephalic Dorsum Cervical Occipital Otic Scapular Vertebral Lumbar Sacral Gluteal Perineal Upper limb Acromial Palmar Pollex Carpal Antebrachial Olecranal Antecubital Brachial Manus (hand) Digital Femoral Coxal Lower limb Patellar Crural Popliteal Pedal (foot) Sural Plantar Hallux Fibular or peroneal Calcaneal Tarsal Digital Orbital Frontal Nasal Pubic Mammary Inguinal Sternal Buccal Axillary Pelvic Umbilical Abdominal Thoracic Cervical Cephalic Mental Oral Anterior/Ventral Thorax Abdomen Back (Dorsum) Posterior/Dorsal PECTORAL  Axillary……………armpit  Acromial………….point of shoulder  Scapular………….shoulder blade  Deltoid……………upper shoulder/arm

17 Cephalic Dorsum Cervical Occipital Otic Scapular Vertebral Lumbar Sacral Gluteal Perineal Upper limb Acromial Palmar Pollex Carpal Antebrachial Olecranal Antecubital Brachial Manus (hand) Digital Femoral Coxal Lower limb Patellar Crural Popliteal Pedal (foot) Sural Plantar Hallux Fibular or peroneal Calcaneal Tarsal Digital Orbital Frontal Nasal Pubic Mammary Inguinal Sternal Buccal Axillary Pelvic Umbilical Abdominal Thoracic Cervical Cephalic Mental Oral Anterior/Ventral Thorax Abdomen Back (Dorsum) Posterior/Dorsal SUPERIOR APPENDAGES  Brachial…………upper arm  Antebrachial……forearm  Olecranal………..elbow  Carpal……………wrist  Manual…………...hand  Palmar……………palm of hand  Digital…………….digits=fingers

18 Cephalic Dorsum Cervical Occipital Otic Scapular Vertebral Lumbar Sacral Gluteal Perineal Upper limb Acromial Palmar Pollex Carpal Antebrachial Olecranal Antecubital Brachial Manus (hand) Digital Femoral Coxal Lower limb Patellar Crural Popliteal Pedal (foot) Sural Plantar Hallux Fibular or peroneal Calcaneal Tarsal Digital Orbital Frontal Nasal Pubic Mammary Inguinal Sternal Buccal Axillary Pelvic Umbilical Abdominal Thoracic Cervical Cephalic Mental Oral Anterior/Ventral Thorax Abdomen Back (Dorsum) Posterior/Dorsal INFERIOR APPENDAGES  Femoral………..thigh  Patellar………...anterior knee  Tibial…………...medial calf  Fibular…………lateral calf  Tarsal………….ankle  Calcaneal……..heel of foot  Pedal…………..foot  Plantar………...sole of foot  Digital………….digits=toes

19 Figure 1.3 Planes of the body with corresponding magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans. Frontal plane Frontal section (through torso) Left and right lungs Spinal cord Liver Heart Arm Stomach Aorta Spleen Pancreas Body wallSubcutaneous fat layer Vertebral column Intestines Rectum Median (midsagittal) section Transverse section (through torso, inferior view) Median (midsagittal) plane Transverse plane  Longitudinal sections ◦ Sagittal planes  Divides into right & left ◦ Midsaggital plane  Equal right & left halves ◦ Frontal or coronal planes  Divides into anterior & posterior Planes of Sectioning

20 Figure 1.3 Planes of the body with corresponding magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans. Frontal plane Frontal section (through torso) Left and right lungs Spinal cord Liver Heart Arm Stomach Aorta Spleen Pancreas Body wallSubcutaneous fat layer Vertebral column Intestines Rectum Median (midsagittal) section Transverse section (through torso, inferior view) Median (midsagittal) plane Transverse plane  Cross sections ◦ Horizontal or transverse planes  Divides into superior & inferior ◦ Oblique planes  Divide at an angle  Helps relate models and figures to the body as a whole Planes of Sectioning

21 Figure 1.4 Objects can look odd when viewed in section. Frontal sections Cross section Midsagittal section

22 Figure 1.5 Dorsal and ventral body cavities and their subdivisions. Cranial cavity (contains brain) Vertebral cavity (contains spinal cord) Dorsal body cavity Thoracic cavity (contains heart and lungs) Cranial cavity Vertebral cavity Superior mediastinum Pleural cavity Pericardial cavity within the mediastinum Diaphragm Abdominal cavity (contains digestive viscera) Pelvic cavity (contains urinary bladder, reproductive organs, and rectum) Abdomino- pelvic cavity Ventral body cavity (thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities) Dorsal body cavity Ventral body cavity Lateral view Anterior view Body cavities & organs  Thoracic ◦ heart, trachea, lungs, esophagus  Abdominopelvic ◦ stomach, intestines, liver, pancreas, adrenal glands, kidneys, bladder, ovaries, prostate gland  Cranial ◦ brain, pituitary gland  Spinal/Vertebral ◦ spinal cord

23  Produce serous fluid  Lubricate organs  Movement without friction  Compartmentalize organs to help infections from spreading

24 Figure 1.6 Serous membranes of the ventral body cavities. Parietal peritoneum Visceral peritoneum Parietal pericardium Visceral pericardium Parietal pleura Visceral pleura  Double-layered membranes ◦ Parietal layer  Lines body cavity walls ◦ Visceral layer  Covers external surface of the organ within that cavity Serous membranes

25  Pericardium ◦ Surrounds the heart  Pleura(e) ◦ Surrounds the lungs  Peritoneum ◦ Surrounds abdominopelvic organs Visceral pericardium, parietal pericardium, etc.

26  Timed, Open-notes quiz tonight over this ◦ Last 10 minutes of lab (1 min per question) ◦ Questions about content or labelling diagrams, on ppt  Usually, we’ll have the lab at the very beginning of lab ◦ Arrive on time, or you’ll miss it! ◦ Quiz will cover the previous night’s material  Labelling Diagrams or Photos of Models  Learn it during lab, go home and study it

27 Figure 1.8 Abdominopelvic regions. Right hypochondriac region Left hypochondriac region Right lumbar region Left lumbar region Right iliac (inguinal) region Left iliac (inguinal) region Hypogastric (pubic) region Epigastric region Umbilical region Diaphragm Spleen Stomach Transverse colon of large intestine Urinary bladder Descending colon of large intestine Initial part of sigmoid colon Ascending colon of large intestine Appendix Cecum Small intestine Liver Gallbladder

28 Figure 1.9 Other body cavities. Orbital cavity (orbit) Tongue Nasal cavity Oral cavity (mouth) Middle ear cavity Synovial cavity in a joint between neck vertebrae Fibrous layer around joint

29 Review Figure 1.1

30 Review Figure 1.2

31 Review Figure 1.2a

32 Review Figure 1.2b

33 Review Figure 1.2c

34 Review Figure 1.3

35 Review Figure 1.4

36 Review Figure 1.5 Body cavities 1 Dorsal body cavity cavity 2 Ventral body cavity (superior) (inferior) (superior) (inferior) cavity 6 5 4 3 (superior) (inferior) cavity 8 7

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