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Myers Ch. 11. “The Intelligence War”  What is intelligence?  How do we best assess it?  What should those tests really determine?

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Presentation on theme: "Myers Ch. 11. “The Intelligence War”  What is intelligence?  How do we best assess it?  What should those tests really determine?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Myers Ch. 11

2 “The Intelligence War”  What is intelligence?  How do we best assess it?  What should those tests really determine?

3  The ability to direct one’s thinking, adapt to one’s circumstances, and learn from one’s experiences.

4 Names to know…  Spearman = g factor  Thurston = 7 factors  Sternberg = Three intelligences  Gardner = multiple (8 to be exact) Gardner = multiple (8 to be exact)  Binet—mental age  Terman-IQ (mental age/physical age)

5 Factors?  Heredibility? Mz twins (shared home) r =.86 Mz twins (separate home) r =.78 Dz twins r =.60 Parent/child r =.42 Siblings r =.47 Siblings (non biological/shared home r =.32 Siblings (biological raised apart) r =.24

6 Environmental  Flynn Effect  Improved nutrition  Breast feeding = 6 points  Improved education  Wealth  Life = more demanding and complicated  Oldest child (3.5 points)

7 Intelligence Testing  Aptitude vs. achievement = future vs. past  WAIS  WISC  Bell Curve M=100 Sd=15

8 Degrees of Intellectual Disability  Mild 50-70  Moderate 35-50  Severe 20-35  Profound below 20  Down syndrome— extra chromosome 21

9 Reliability  The extent to which a test yields consistent results  1) Test-Retest  2) Split-half  3) Alternate form  Basically…if you take the test again, you will get a similar score.

10 Validity  The extent to which a test measures or predicts what it is supposed to  1) Content validity—a test samples the behavior that is of interest  2) Predictive validity—the extent to which a test predicts the desired behavior

11 The past and the future…  Eugenics 2 Eugenics 2  Designer Babies Designer Babies

12  Answers to the Chitling Test:  1-c, 2-c, 3-c, 4-d, 5-c, 6-e, 7-c, 8-c, 9-c, 10-c, 11-a, 12-c, 13-d

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