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Endoparasites The danger lies within….. Definitions: Endo- inside Parasite- organism that survives by living on the inside or outside of another living.

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Presentation on theme: "Endoparasites The danger lies within….. Definitions: Endo- inside Parasite- organism that survives by living on the inside or outside of another living."— Presentation transcript:

1 Endoparasites The danger lies within….

2 Definitions: Endo- inside Parasite- organism that survives by living on the inside or outside of another living thing Transmission- how disease is contracted or passed to others Common name vs scientific name

3 Roundworms (Toxocara Cati or Canis) Transmission: Mother to child, ingesting feces Signs/symptoms: vomiting, poor haircoat, low weight ZOONOTIC Encyst in muscle tissue of Animals- released by preg. hormones

4 Hookworms (Ancylostoma) Transmission: Mother to child, eating fecal material or subcutaneous migrans ZOONOTIC!! Signs/symptoms: Anemia, pale mm, poor coat, low weight

5 Whipworms (Trichuris Vulpis) Transmission: Mother to child, eating feces Signs/symptoms: Chronic diarrhea, poor haircoat and low weight Very difficult to clear from intestine

6 Tapeworms (Taenia Psiformis) Transmission: From eating larvae on ground or infected flea or rodent Signs/symptoms: Low weight, small white “pieces of rice” stuck around rectum and on feces Usually not seen in fecal analysis

7 Coccidia Single celled organism- not a worm Signs/Symptoms: watery, bloody diarrhea Transmission: contaminated ground

8 Giardia Microscopic Parasite- flagellate Signs/symptoms: diarrhea, sometimes severe Diagnosis- send out lab test of feces or ELISA in-house test

9 Blood Parasite: The Heartworm (Dirofilaria Immitus) Transmission: Mosquito Signs/symptoms: Short of breath, coughing, heart failure Diagnosis: Heartworm test- blood test Treatment: Poison- not simple to treat

10 Heartworms (cont) Dogs vs cats Prevention

11 Deworming Many different types of dewormers Gets everything: Droncit plus, panacur

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