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Fishing an Industry in Crisis Ch 23 p 278 Focus on East Coast Fisheries.

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1 Fishing an Industry in Crisis Ch 23 p 278 Focus on East Coast Fisheries

2 Terms:  Renewable Resource: A resource that will regenerate or replace itself  Sustained Yield Management: Use of a renewable resource at a rate that allows the resource to renew itself

3 The numbers: in 2003  East coast fishing industry had 42 897  Value of the catch 1 854 million dollars

4 Conditions that produced ideal fishing grounds.  Grand Banks off the coast of Newfoundland- more than double the size of the island of Newfoundland

5 Why are there fish there?  Continental Shelf- Water less than 200m, off the Banks- water less than 150m  This allows sunlight to penetrate to the bottom- causes plankton to grow  Plankton is base of marine food chain, therefore attracts large numbers of fish

6 An example of a marine food chain

7 Also:  mixing of currents: Cold Labrador, and Warm Gulf Stream  Provides idea water temperature and the mixing currents stir up nutrients necessary for the growth of plankton

8 Inshore vs Offshore In Shore  small boats with limited gear, self-employed  85% of fishers but just 10% of fish  day trips only, no trips during bad weather  low income  lobster, shrimp, clam, cod, and haddock Off Shore  large ships with variety of gear, company owned  15% of fishers but 90% of fish  out for two weeks or more at a time, in any weather  reasonable income  harvest cod, sole, halibut, redfish, flounder


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