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Faculty Senate January 2010.  UNC Staff Assembly Day of Service Food Drive  Bring non-perishables to department from Feb. 8-12—not later then 4:30 on.

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Presentation on theme: "Faculty Senate January 2010.  UNC Staff Assembly Day of Service Food Drive  Bring non-perishables to department from Feb. 8-12—not later then 4:30 on."— Presentation transcript:

1 Faculty Senate January 2010

2  UNC Staff Assembly Day of Service Food Drive  Bring non-perishables to department from Feb. 8-12—not later then 4:30 on Feb. 12  These food items will be donated to the Food Bank of Southeastern North Carolina  Staff Senate has people assigned to buildings who will pick food up

3  Main Reason State Health Plan is so expensive for couples and families:  The state of NC contributes a very small amount towards these plans versus other states.  Example: U.S. National Average of state’s contributions to family coverage health benefits: $818. The NC amount is $321. I do not see the state changing this soon in the current budget climate.

4  A quick fix:  Make single people pay  Not popular  SEANC against it  However, we are pretty unique in not charging singles any $$ for health insurance

5  Idea of separate plan for spouses and families  Contacted a local health insurance group  State will not allow this  Must go though State Department of Insurance  Cannot invite vendors to campus  Thus we are not allowed to shop around

6  Concerns communicated to me why this would not be a good idea  Favoritism to whomever would get this contract ▪ And we would not want to make BCBSNC no-bid contract look bad  Conflict of interest ▪ Could McKinney get $$$$ for inviting people??? ▪ Hmm, Tony Rand’s biggest contributor is BCBSNC ▪ But that’s OK  My experience with GA—who’s on first????

7  We have a poor health plan that is very expensive for couples and families  But if you want better coverage, you will be breaking the law  So you are stuck with SHP  This does hurt the quality of people UNCW can attract

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