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Plant Genomes Houses of genetic materials Total genetic material within a cell Usually referred to a haploid cell [Basic set of genetic material (1x)]

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Presentation on theme: "Plant Genomes Houses of genetic materials Total genetic material within a cell Usually referred to a haploid cell [Basic set of genetic material (1x)]"— Presentation transcript:

1 Plant Genomes Houses of genetic materials Total genetic material within a cell Usually referred to a haploid cell [Basic set of genetic material (1x)]

2 Plant Genomes General perception: DNA in Nucleus Other organelles: Mitochondria / Chloroplast May not correlate with chromosome / gene number Extensive transfer of genes from organelles to nucleus

3 Plant Genomes

4 Nuclear genome C value: DNA amount in nucleus of gamete (1 n) identified by flow cytometry Diploid (2n=2x) C value = genome size C value of polyploid  genome size (how?) For comparative study

5 Typical C value bacteria1.5 * 10 7 bp mammals1-2 * 10 9 bp spore-bearing vascular plants 50 * 10 9 bp gymnosperm 70 * 10 9 bp angiosperm5-30 * 10 9 bp

6 Typical C value Highly varied C value in plant Plants in general with big genome Variation of DNA amounts among closely related plants

7 Orchidaceae C value Oncidium0.6pg Cypripedium38.83pg Paphiopedilum exul16.5pg Paphiopedilum dianthum35.9 pg 10 9 bp = 1 pg

8 Nuclear genome Increased genome size = Increased gene number Non-coding DNA regions: Variation in genome size ?

9 Nuclear genome Diversity: as a result of nt change 0.1% every 2 * 10 5 years more diverse in non genic area why?

10 Gene evolution Major rearrangement by Recombination duplication or deletion or transpose Exons and Regulatory elements shuffled as separate modules resulting in new proteins / new roles

11 Gene evolution Minor change by Point Mutation following duplication replication errors of copies May result in related/unrelated gene products share common amino acid segments different functions

12 Unique sequence low copy number mostly genes Repetitive sequence satellite DNA transposable element Composition of nuclear genome

13 Satellite DNA Minor component in density gradient Tandem repeats of simple sequence 1/3 of genome / in general not transcribed microsatellite / minisatellite / satellite 1 repeating unit: 1-2 nt / several thousands ATT

14 Satellite DNA (AAT) n (AT) m (AACATAGAAT) n (378 bp sequence) n 90% AAGAG and 10% AAGAGAG Individual variation: different numbers of repeat


16 Transposon Transposable element / Transposition / Transpose Movable segment of DNA: interspersed / scattered in nuclear genome DNA element: transposase RNA intermediate: reverse transcriptase

17 Genome organization Short Period Interspersion 1-2 kbp of unique DNA 0.3-1 kbp of repeated DNA most higher eukaryotes, esp with large genome Long Period Interspersion

18 Genome organization Short Period Interspersion Long Period Interspersion alternated stretches of unique / repeated DNA longer than 10 kbp found in some eukaryotes with small genome size

19 Co-linearity Organization of genomes of related plants Rice Maize Sorghum Wheat extensive co-linearity simple intrachromosomal inversion interchromosomal translocation Tomato Potato conserved gene copy number conserved gene order Tomato Pepper conserved gene repertoire highly divergent gene order

20 Organelle Genome Mitochondria / Chloroplast Small and simple DNA Usually circular Multiple copies Clusters in matrix / stroma

21 Organelle Genome Transcription / Translation in organelles Required > 90 nuclear-encoded proteins e.g. DNA polymerase RNA polymerase RNA processing enzyme

22 Protein transport Unidirectional: cytosol to organelle (mt / ct) Signal: at N terminal as precursor sequence Transit peptide: about 4 kD uptake require energy unlinked translation and transport

23 Organelle Genome Isolated organelles Continue to make DNA / RNA / Protein for a brief period Complete genetic system

24 Mitochondrial genome Purple photosynthetic bacteria w/o PS ability Bacteria with oxidative phosphorylation Plant: largest mt genome more complicated than mt from animal, fungus or algae

25 Mitochondrial genome Small animal15-16kbp Fungus / Algae20-100kbp Plant150-2500kbp

26 Mitochondrial genome Oenothera195 kbp Turnip218kbp Corn570kbp Muskmelon2400kbp Plant mt genome: large and variable but encode only a few more proteins

27 Mitochondrial genome Organism Genome size Gene number Arabidopsis 367 kbp 58 Liverwort 184 kbp 66 Green algae 58 kbp 63 No correlation

28 Structure of plant mt genome Plant mt genome Circular or linear or supercoiled Multipartite organization several molecules of different sizes Introns in some genes of some species

29 Genetic apparatus rRNA, tRNA, rProtein Respiratory chain complex (energy metabolism) eg subunits I and II of Cytochrome c Oxidase ATPase subunits NADH dehydrogenase subunits Plant mt gene product

30 Mitochondrial genome

31 Mitochondria genetic map



34 Cytoplasmic inheritance Maternal / Uniparental inheritance Mitochondrial genes

35 Genome size expansion Flowering plant mt Large intron Sequence duplication DNA of virus origin Additional genes Intergenic unknown origin Human mt no intron Fungal mt with intron

36 Arabidopsis mt Genome protein-coding genes 16.1 % introns 8.8 % ORF 10.2 % repetitive sequence 6.8 % tRNA 0.4 %

37 Arabidopsis mt Genome rRNA 1.3 % nuclear-mt homologies 2.2 % nuclear origin 4.0 % plastid origin 1.2 % unaccounted for 49 %

38 Chloroplast genome Photosynthetic cyanobacteria Similar sequence, size, structure, organization among organisms Differences in higher plant ct genomes accounted for by inverted repeats

39 Chloroplast genome


41 Plant chloroplast genome 100-120 genes ~ 20 genes with introns 2/3 maternal inheritance some biparental (pollen grain with ct)

42 Plant chloroplast genome Colinearity found in maize, petunia spinach, cucumber and mungbean Extensive rearrangement in pea and broadbean

43 Chloroplast Genome Chloroplast ribosome different from rbs in cytoplasm similar to rbs from E. coli structure / nt sequence antibiotic sensitivity

44 Chloroplast Genome Basic regulatory sequences (promoter / terminator) similar to bacterial genome

45 Structure Chloroplast DNA Circular or supercoiled About 125-200 kbp Single copy / inverted repeat regions Low GC content (rich / poor regions) Most genes: polycistronic (except for rbcL)

46 Chloroplast genome

47 Encode: Translation component tRNA rRNA rProtein Subunits of transcription Subunits of photosynthetic enzymes Chloroplast genes Function:photosynthesis, fatty acid synthesis nitrogen metabolism and sulfate reduction

48 Spinach ct genome Double-stranded circular 150 kbp 108 unique loci with know functions 17 genes with intron quadripartite

49 Spinach ct genome 2 inverted repeats of about 25 kbp 2 single-copy regions (large and small) RNA genes Protein genes

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