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The use of imagery so that one object represents something else. The cross is an example of christianity; the lion is a symbol of courage. In literature,

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Presentation on theme: "The use of imagery so that one object represents something else. The cross is an example of christianity; the lion is a symbol of courage. In literature,"— Presentation transcript:


2 The use of imagery so that one object represents something else. The cross is an example of christianity; the lion is a symbol of courage. In literature, symbolism is the use of objects or actions to suggest ideas or emotions. In Shakespeare’s Macbeth, for example, Lady Macbeth’s attempts to wash her hands symbolize her desire to cleanse herself of guilt.

3 Verse or prose blending a critical attitude with humour and wit. The purpose of satire is to ridicule frailties in human customs and institutions and, by causing laughter, to inspire their reform.

4 A form of speech in which the actual intent is expressed in words that carry the opposite meaning. True irony involves some form of deceit, duplicity, or hypocrisy, be it intentional or accidental.

5 There are different types of irony. Examples: -Irony can be fateful. For example: In 1912 the Titanic was touted as "100% unsinkable", and yet the ship sank on its maiden voyage. -He is as smart as a soap dish -I have no doubt your theatrical performance will receive the praise it so richly deserves.

6 A figure of speech making casual reference to a famous historical or literary figure or event. Example: an author who writes, “She was another Helen,” is alluding to the proverbial beauty of Helen of Troy. "I was not born in a manger. I was actually born on Krypton and sent here by my father, Jor-el, to save the Planet Earth." (Senator Barack Obama, speech at a fund-raiser for Catholic charities, October 16, 2008)

7 A statement that seems contradictory or absurd and yet is true. Paradox is used to attract attention and provide emphasis. Examples: "War is peace." (George Orwell, 1984) “Je ne parle pas Français." (Bart Simpson, The Simpsons)

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