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By James Fuller, Ben Anderson And Clinton Johnstone.

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1 By James Fuller, Ben Anderson And Clinton Johnstone

2 Perfection is, broadly, a state of completeness and flawlessness. Perfection is a quality, trait, or feature of the highest degree of excellence. All of us failed to match our dreams of perfection. So I rate us on the basis of our splendid failure to do the impossible.

3 My definition of perfection is when someone reaches the highest possible standard or they are just flawless. Everything is perfect in the universe, even your desire to improve it. It is sometimes said that the greatest perfection is imperfection.

4 The positives of Gattaca is the fact that we can get rid of diseases and reach perfection. People can achieve things that the normal borns wouldn’t be able to. They can achieve greater and better things.

5 Everyone would be just the same and there would be no diversity which will make it boring. Nobody will be different. They supervisors would know every detail about you so you have no privacy. When a new baby is born they leave nothing to chance and program you which means from the start you have no control over your life.

6 It depicts the idea by only allowing Valids to work at Gattaca, who are perfect because they have all the perfect qualities and are in a sense super human. They keep the people at perfect fitness by doing extreme fitness sessions where they are pushed to the absolute maximum. Gattaca depicts a perfect world as people being genetically perfect and physically perfect.

7 Gattaca depicts the idea of a perfect by it only allowing people who have no faults in and work there. They believe that they should have 100% results these people have no flaws. They constantly check and screen the people to make sure that they are up to perfection, and if they are not perfect they would probably be fired.

8 A perfect world could be many things. Perfect people with perfect genetics, looks and behavior. A world with no mistakes. A world free of drugs, crime and terrorism

9 A world where error is not an option. A place where people are guaranteed a trouble free life. A place where people can be genetically engineered.

10 Perfection isn’t important at all. Although in sport perfection is something that so many athletes work on and can be the difference between a win and a loss. Perfection is the reason that athletes train. They train to perfect a certain skill, then exhibit it when it comes to a competition. Perfection isn’t the most important thing in life.

11 There are many other virtues/values that are equally important as perfection. It doesn’t matter if you are perfect at something or not. It is the effort that you put in to get there that matters. Its doesn’t matter if you have perfect looks or not, its how you are on the inside that matters.

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