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LEGALIZING MARIJUANA DYLAN YAMEEN. OVERVIEW Marijuana has been a huge discussion for years Legalize or not Some believe it has many positives Others believe.

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Presentation on theme: "LEGALIZING MARIJUANA DYLAN YAMEEN. OVERVIEW Marijuana has been a huge discussion for years Legalize or not Some believe it has many positives Others believe."— Presentation transcript:


2 OVERVIEW Marijuana has been a huge discussion for years Legalize or not Some believe it has many positives Others believe it will cause chaos

3 POSITIVES Marijuana being legalized can begin to take country out of its huge debt Medically, can treat people in need better then other drugs Better way to keep young kids from getting marijuana Stop overcrowding in prisons and save money (70,000 people) Crime rate will lower

4 NEGATIVES Cops believe it will make job harder (Federal Law) Stigma attached to it, still have dealers and buyers at street level Driving under the influence Gateway drug

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