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J Jensen/J Gordon RAL Storage Storage at RAL Service Challenge Meeting 27 Jan 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "J Jensen/J Gordon RAL Storage Storage at RAL Service Challenge Meeting 27 Jan 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 J Jensen/J Gordon RAL Storage Storage at RAL Service Challenge Meeting 27 Jan 2005

2 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow 10 January 2005Oversight Committee What was GridPP1? A team that built a working prototype grid of significant scale > 2,000 (9,000) CPUs > 1,000 (5,000) TB of available storage > 1,000 (6,000) simultaneous jobs A complex project where 88% of the milestones were completed and all metrics were within specification

3 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow 10 January 2005Oversight Committee GridPP Deployment Status (9/1/05) Three Grids on Global scale in HEP (similar functionality) sitesCPUs LCG (GridPP)90 (16)9000 (2029) Grid3 [USA]292800 NorduGrid303200 GridPP deployment is part of LCG (Currently the largest Grid in the world) The future Grid in the UK is dependent upon LCG releases totalCPUfreeCPUrunJobwaitJobseAvail TBseUsed TBmaxCPUavgCPU Total20291402954808.694.5525491994

4 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow 10 January 2005Oversight Committee UK Tier-2 Centres ScotGrid Durham, Edinburgh, Glasgow NorthGrid Daresbury, Lancaster, Liverpool, Manchester, Sheffield SouthGrid Birmingham, Bristol, Cambridge, Oxford, RAL PPD, Warwick LondonGrid Brunel, Imperial, QMUL, RHUL, UCL

5 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow 10 January 2005Oversight Committee Multiple Experiments ATLAS LHCbCMS BaBar (SLAC) SAMGrid (FermiLab) QCDGridPhenoGrid

6 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow 10 January 2005Oversight Committee Middleware Development Configuration Management Storage Interfaces Network Monitoring Security Information Services Grid Data Management

7 J Jensen/J Gordon RAL Storage Storage Group GridPP Storage Group Development and support Data and Storage RAL, Edinburgh, Glasgow

8 J Jensen/J Gordon RAL Storage Overall Goals – GridPP2 Provide SRM interfaces to: –The Atlas Petabyte Storage facility at RAL –Disk (for Tier 1 and 2 in UK) –Disk pools (for Tier 1 and 2 in UK) Package and support

9 J Jensen/J Gordon RAL Storage GridPP in the UK Tier 1: RAL Tier 2: ScotGrid, NorthGrid, SouthGrid, London –Each T2 consists of several sites Support tape at T1 Disks and disk pools at T1 and T2

10 J Jensen/J Gordon RAL Storage Options RAL-SRM –an SRM interface to ADS developed from EDG-SE dCache –from DESY-FNAL with SRM interface DRM – From LBNL dpm – from EGEE SA1 Deployment

11 J Jensen/J Gordon RAL Storage (Short Term) Timeline Provide a release of SRM to disk and disk pool by end of January 2005 Was planned to coincide with the EGEE gLite “release” Was planned to match the path toward the full gLite release Now focusing more on production…

12 J Jensen/J Gordon RAL Storage (Short Term) Strategy Focus on dCache –Andrew reported on Tier1 work Storage Element dCache + dCache-SRM SRM to ADS SRM to disk SRM to disk pool dCache has seen more testing

13 J Jensen/J Gordon RAL Storage Longer Term Strategy Possibly, dual solution Storage Element dCache + dCache-SRM SRM to ADS SRM to disk SRM to disk pool

14 J Jensen/J Gordon RAL Storage Optimising SE Now: write via SE disk Pipe via SE Directly to tapestore But need data protocol supported by both SE ADS GridFTP VTP GridFTP VTP ???

15 J Jensen/J Gordon RAL Storage Longer Term Strategy Actively interworking with other SRMs Cross testing, development SRM Collaboration GSM within GGF

16 J Jensen/J Gordon RAL Storage Acceptance tests SRM tests – SRM interface must work with: –srmcp (the dCache SRM client) –GFAL –gLite I/O Disk pool test – must work with –dccp (dCache specific) –plus SRM interface on top

17 J Jensen/J Gordon RAL Storage Other Deployments Manchester

18 Existing Edinburgh System LCFG Server (glenellen) SE Server (glenmorangie) CE Server (glenlivet) Disk Server (glenkinchie) direct network connection indirect connection WNs NFS mount Glenkinchie - 24TB RAID using 24 * 1TB partitions - limited to private network Glenmorangie - dual PIII 1GHz, 2GB RAM - /storage  NFS to glenkinchie partition(s)

19 Proposed Edinburgh System Classic SE Server (glenmorangie) Disk Server / dCache Pool Node (glenkinchie) dCache SE Server (se) NFS mount Glenkinchie - patched & connected to Internet - dCache Pool software and GridFTP installed - Classic SE supported until existing data migrated - partitions classed as individual pools giving 24 max

20 J Jensen/J Gordon RAL Storage Summary UK Storage Group –working with GridPP –Supporting SRM solutions in the UK –For Tier1 and Tier2 –and anyone else Most other communities being steered towards SRB as part of a data management framework.

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