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Utah State Spotlight 2014 Cohort. Why We Applied  To improve Tier 1/core instruction to meet the needs of an increasingly diverse student population,

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Presentation on theme: "Utah State Spotlight 2014 Cohort. Why We Applied  To improve Tier 1/core instruction to meet the needs of an increasingly diverse student population,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Utah State Spotlight 2014 Cohort

2 Why We Applied  To improve Tier 1/core instruction to meet the needs of an increasingly diverse student population, particularly students with disabilities  To narrow the achievement gap, particularly in the area of mathematics.  CEEDAR’s mission is one that resonated with the state and the partnership would support our efforts to enable students with disabilities to achieve college and career ready standards (See the Utah SSIP and Equity Plan).

3 Who Is Involved  CEEDAR Staff –Teri Marx, State Facilitator –Dan Conley, State Co-Leads –Abigail Marshall, TA Specialist  State Steering Committee  Deputy superintendent, state department directors and coordinators, and IHE representatives (college deans or their designees)  State Leadership Team –State PBIS/MTSS specialists, district supervisors, school principals, secondary mathematics teachers, and state department directors and coordinators.

4 What We Hope To Accomplish  Increase the ability of teachers/teacher candidates to successfully address the needs of all learners through mathematical knowledge for teaching, formative assessment, and accountability.  Prepare teacher candidates and school leaders to work within an MTSS framework that supports students’ receipt of effective instruction and instructional supports, and that furthers mathematical achievement at the school level.  Assist educators with understanding the utility of (and expect students with disabilities to master) mathematics content and teach educators the skills for making IEP decisions that require and scaffold grade-level Core mathematics instruction.

5 Where We are Now  Three SSC meetings have been held over the past three months, and three overarching goals have been drafted.  The first SLT meeting will be held in early August.  IHEs are in the process of identifying specific objectives, tasks, and activities that are aligned with state goals.

6 Our Next Steps  IHEs will submit completed Blueprints and stipend applications to the state.  SLT members will be contacted and invited to meet in early August.  The state will actively work with LEAs and CEEDAR to collaboratively develop professional development modules designed to help improve the quality of mathematics instruction.

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