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Market psych. Classical Conditioning Will the dog learn to associate the arrival of food with a neutral stimulus (e.g., a bell)? Ivan Pavlov.

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1 market psych


3 Classical Conditioning Will the dog learn to associate the arrival of food with a neutral stimulus (e.g., a bell)? Ivan Pavlov


5 Classical ConditioningTerms Neutral Stimulus Unconditioned Response Unconditioned Stimulus Conditioned Response Conditioned Stimulus NS NS - bell UCR UCR - drool in response to food (not learned) UCS UCS - food (triggers drool reflex) CR CR - drool in response to sound of bell (learned) CS CS - sound of bell (triggers drool reflex) NS NS - bell UCR UCR - drool in response to food (not learned) UCS UCS - food (triggers drool reflex) CR CR - drool in response to sound of bell (learned) CS CS - sound of bell (triggers drool reflex)



8 Pavlov spent the rest of his life outlining his ideas. He came up with 5 critical principles that together make up classical conditioning. Acquisition Extinction Spontaneous Recovery Generalization Discrimination

9 Classical Conditioning We know learning exists because the CS is linked to the UCS. This is called ACQUISITION.

10 Acquisition The neutral stimulus should come before the unconditioned stimulus They should be very close together in timing. –½ a second for best results learning is better when the UCS and CS occur together frequently. learning is better when the CS is new or unique. “zoogoo”

11 Extinction Acquisition does not last forever. The moment the neutral stimulus(conditioned stimulus) is no longer associated with the UCS, we have EXTINCTION. Reconditioning: the quick relearning of a CR after extinction

12 Spontaneous Recovery Sometimes, after extinction, the CR still randomly appears after the CS is presented. –Example- a student’s response to a teacher’s non-verbal punishment.

13 Stimulus Generalization and Discrimination Generalization Something is so similar to the CS that you get a CR. Discrimination Something so different to the CS so you do not get a CR.

14 Generalization v. Discrimination We stop our vehicles when the traffic light is red, but continue through the light when it is green. We sit quietly in our seats during class examinations, church services, theatrical presentations, and funerals. We raise our hands before speaking in class but not while talking to a friend or while at a party. We put our feet up on our desk and coffee table at home, but not on our grandparents' coffee table. We mistake a stranger for a friend of ours. We answer the doorbell when it was really the phone that was ringing.

15 Practice: Every time a cancer patient goes into the office where she receives chemotherapy, she is assigned to the same nurse. The chemotherapy makes her nauseous. Seeing the nurse makes her nauseous too. Identify the UCS, UCR, NS, CS, CR & give an example of how the following may occur: –Extinction –Spontaneous Recovery –Generalization –Extinction

16 Little Albert John Watson – famous behavioralist Little Albert – 11 month old orphan Showed him a white rat. No fear. Made a loud noise. Albert cried. Showed him a white rat and made a loud noise. Albert cried. Repeated several times. Eventually Albert cried at white rat alone.

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