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Teacher/Scientist Research Internships Summer 2010 Professional Development Study Groups.

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Presentation on theme: "Teacher/Scientist Research Internships Summer 2010 Professional Development Study Groups."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teacher/Scientist Research Internships Summer 2010 Professional Development Study Groups

2 Program Goal This summer experience will integrate the principles of teaching STEM disciplines with the authentic practice of science. Participants’ experiences in scientific research will be reflected in and transferable to classroom practice, contributing to the reform of STEM education Department of Energy - Office of Science Academies Creating Teacher Scientists Program Overview

3 Measurable Outcome Participants will show evidence of using research-based best practice instructional strategies to translate the practice of science to the classroom. Department of Energy - Office of Science Academies Creating Teacher Scientists Program Overview

4 Efficient and Targeted Professional Development How might these things we are learning influence our practice? What are the applications to teaching and implications for action? Professional Learning Communities for Science Education: Lessons from Research and Practice

5 Viral Professional Development Each group will start with a common resource to read and discuss. However, we hope that each of you will go beyond that resource by consulting the latest research summaries, reading journals, and subscribing to online services that provide information on promising practices. In addition, to help meet the outcome, each group will share an implementation plan on July 23 rd. Hopefully this will impact more teachers in each participant’s respective school/district. Professional Learning Communities for Science Education: Lessons from Research and Practice

6 Expectations & Accountability Group facilitator/recorder (rotating responsibilities) posts a synopsis of the face-to-face discussion that ensues each week, including any questions to think about for the next meeting. Logistical information should also be posted by this person, such as additions or changes to reading schedule, meeting times and/or locations.

7 Expectations & Accountability Between the face-to-face meetings, any one can and should post questions or reflective comments. These would be based on the agreed upon reading or other relevant materials that group members find and share. The entire group will present a short (15 min) implementation plan on July 23 rd. How will the things we learned influence our practice? How will we apply new knowledge to teaching? What actions will we take in our schools and beyond?

8 Flexible P.D. Schedule 11AM-2PM Mondays Meet with your group for face-to-face discussion Eat lunch (this can be done during your meeting if your group chooses) Read, reflect, research, post Go back to the lab and work on research projects (schedule meeting and work at a more convenient time)

9 The Web Site Before Our Meeting on Friday… 1.Respond to my email (or register) 2.Locate your Study Group & join it 3.Write down any questions you have about the site and bring them with you






15 The Web Site Before Our Meeting on Friday… 1.Respond to my email (or register) 2.Locate your Study Group & join it 3.Write down any questions you have about the site and bring them with you

16 Clarifying Roles Role of Facilitator Keep group on task by organizing a tentative agenda (brings/posts discussion questions or prompts for discussion) Mediates issues or de-escalates disagreements by reminding group of the grounds rules for communication Role of Recorder: Writes and posts a synopsis of the discussion that occurs at face-to-face meetings Assumes the facilitator role at the next meeting

17 Clarifying Roles All Group Members Read for the coming week’s meeting Respond to prompts from facilitator/recorder that were posted after previous meeting Participants post comments and questions that come to mind as they are reading for upcoming meeting. (We hope this promotes an ongoing dialogue even when not meeting face-to-face.) Search for and share outside resources that might support the groups endeavor (a compilation could be shared in the implementation plan on July 23 rd )

18 Today in Study Group Create a reading schedule Assign facilitator and recorder for each week Discuss ground rules and modify as necessary Become familiar with the website Post discussion synopsis and logistics online for ease of sharing info. include the location, time, and date of next meeting Include reading schedule if possible

19 PD Study Groups Check your binders for this information

20 Some ideas for final products: Create a presentation you can give to your school's science dept. on your next professional development work day. Give that presentation to us as practice in July. Explicitly incorporate the methodology, approach, or strategies you researched and/or read about into your lesson plans, grant proposals, and professional leadership plan.

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