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LD Partnership Board Transitions Plan – Serious Case Review update Doris Sheridan – October 2013 Learning Disabilities, People Group.

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1 LD Partnership Board Transitions Plan – Serious Case Review update Doris Sheridan – October 2013 Learning Disabilities, People Group

2 Transitions – Serious Case Review update Transition is a priority development area for the Disability Teams. Developing more effective Transition pathways for young people aged 14 to 25 years of age, to prepare them for adulthood, is a priority area within the Learning Disabilities Team Plan. There is a commitment to improve the range of choice in relation to: Information and support Advice about accommodation Employment – gaining voluntary or paid jobs Staying fit and healthy Making friends and social relationships

3 Transitions – update A Transition Improvement Action Plan has been devised and actions are underway to ensure that young people are fully supported during the transition from Children’s into Adults’ Services. The current Transition Policy is also being re-written to improve customers’ experience. Add picture of young people and or document or happy person

4 Transitions – update There is a project underway to develop a Transition pathway which will take into account new legislation and local priorities. The project will give progress reports to the Learning Disabilities Partnership Board. We want to gain your views as customers, family members and carers, so we will arrange forums and collect valuable feedback to help design the Transition Pathway. Picture of a listening type event either one to one or group / and picture of family

5 Transitions - update An important aspect of the Transition Project is to ensure that the Serious Case Review recommendations are within the new policy and procedures. The Transition pathway will also include Quality Assurance measures to ensure that young people’s experience of transition and outcomes are improved. Key performance indicators will be set and monitored, so that success can be measured. Picture of sad face and then a happy face and tick form

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