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Materials of Life Chemical Bonding Biology I Wolfe.

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Presentation on theme: "Materials of Life Chemical Bonding Biology I Wolfe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Materials of Life Chemical Bonding Biology I Wolfe

2 Think Pair Share Name the 3 types of chemical bonds you have read or heard about. How do these chemical bonds differ from one another?

3 Three Types of Chemical Bonds Covalent Ionic Hydrogen

4 What are valence electrons? 1p

5 Let’s look at some atoms to figure out their valence electrons.

6 And this one?

7 Is there an easier way to figure out Valence Electrons…?

8 We can look at the Periodic Table Yes the colors all mean something The colors represent the # of e-’s in outer shell. 1 2 8 7 34 5 6

9 Let’s Practice… VIIIA

10 Why do Atoms bond? It is all about the Valence Electrons… Let’s review.

11 Rules for Electron Shells The first shell can only hold 2 e- All of the other ones can hold a maximum of 8 e- An atom is not “happy” or “stable” unless it’s outer shell is full. If it only has one shell, it is stable with 2 e- If it has 2 or more shells it is only stable with 8e- in it’s outer shell These outer shells are called Valence shells.

12 How many e-’s would each atom need to become “happy” or “stable”

13 Try this one on your own

14 Try These 1 2 34

15 Okay…Now about the Bonding So in order for atoms to fill that outer shell, they can either Share OR they can gain/ lose an electron. Lets talk about sharing first…

16 Covalent Bond When two or more atoms SHARE valence electrons. o (Remember Co-chairs Share Duties like electrons are shared in a Covalent bond). Hey Check out the memory cue!


18 Here comes a Tricky one…

19 How do we represent that two atoms are bonding???? This line represents two shared electrons… or a bond!

20 Now you try it CH4

21 Try these H 2 NH 3 H-H H-N-H H

22 Single, Double, Triple, Bonds

23 Try this one, it’s tricky… CO 2 First think… how many things does carbon want to bond with? Next… how many things does O want to bond with? Will they be happy if they single bond?

24 Covalent Bonds – How to Spot Them. In the periodic table non-metals always covalently bond with other non- metals. They are the elements shown in yellow on this periodic table.

25 Ions When an atom gains or loses an electron it becomes a charged ion. If the atom loses an electron it will have one more proton than electron and therefore a +1 charge. The atom which gained the electron will have one more electron than proton and therefore a –1 charge.


27 Ionic Bond



30 Ionic Bonds- How to Spot Them. Ionic bonds form between metals and non- metals. Metals are the elements in blue on this periodic table. Non-metals are the elements in yellow.

31 Isotopes When 2 atoms of the same element have different numbers of neutrons, (different atomic masses). C12 has 6 protons, 6 electrons and 6 neutrons. C14 has 6 protons, 6 electrons and 8 neutrons. C12 and C14 are isotopes of one another.


33 Non-polar Covalent Polar Covalent

34 Hydrogen bonds

35 Review What is an Ion? What is an ionic bond? What is a covalent bond? What is a hydrogen bond? What is an Isotope?

36 Interactive Periodic Table

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