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PC Current Interlocking for the SPS Fast Extractions. 1 J. Wenninger July 2009.

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1 PC Current Interlocking for the SPS Fast Extractions. 1 J. Wenninger July 2009

2 ROCS FEI System 2 The ROCS FEI (Fast Extraction Interlock) system is implemented as a task in the SPS ROCS PC front-end crates (FESA class). The task is triggered by a CTIM associated to the fast extraction. The FEI interlocks are organized in ‘work units’. Each unit is characterized by:  A group of PCs to survey (with interlock references and tolerances).  A user mask to decide on which cycle the FEI must be evaluated. For CNGS : all CNGS users. For LHC : all LHC, LHCFAST and LHCION users.  An output pulse length (currently 2 ms for CNGS, 3 ms for LHC).  A HW output signal that is input to one of the SPS extraction BICs. The interlock signals are connected to the SPS extraction interlock BICs.

3 FEI Timing 3 The evaluation of the FEI is triggered by the mugef.fei.wrn (legacy) event that is sent out twice for each fast extraction : - At -16 ms to perform a preliminary check of the currents  start MKE resonant charge. - At -4 ms to perform the final check of the currents. In both cases the ROCS system will produce a 3-4.5 ms long OK signal to the extraction interlock system if all PCs of the FEI unit are in tolerance.

4 FEI BIS Diagnostics 4 4 BIC detail Time evolution of the signal When all currents are in tolerance, the PC FEI unit provides 2 short pulses (triggered by the timing events) where the BIS input switches to TRUE/OK. The green/shadowed regions indicate where the signal must be = 1 (TRUE) to be OK (and to give status = green !

5 Main UI 5 One tab per transfer One tab per FEI unit PC interlock settings in AMPERES. With the appropriate RBAC role, you may edit some parts of the table. Configuration – no edit PCs that belong to the FEI unit

6 Main UI 6 Interlock pulse width FEI device name: Rocs_FEI_ _ BIC crate/input User categoryROCS FEI output no. (0 to 3)

7 Main UI 7 Drive all settings (or all settings for a transfer) from LSA DB to ROCS crates. Drive selected FEI unit

8 Main UI – CNGS Tab 8 CNGS settings use Magenta as color. Involve 3 crates : m1sba4, m2sba4, m1sbb4.

9 Main UI – LHC Beam 1 Tab 9 LHC Beam 1 settings use BLUE as color. Involve 5 crates : m2sba6, m3sba6, m4sba6, m1sba7, m1ssr2.

10 Main UI – LHC Beam 2 Tab 10 LHC Beam 2 settings use RED as color. Involve 4 crates : m1sba4, m2sba4, m1sbb4, m1ssr8.

11 Settings issues 11 For the moment the settings in the FEC are NOT persistent, i.e. they are lost when the ROCS FEC are rebooted. This will automatically generate interlocks on all affected channels. >> Drive is required after reboot.

12 SIS 12 Since those interlocks are very critical, SIS will progressively incorporate more and more cross-interlocks to avoid any error on the most critical FEI settings. SIS checks: o The pulse width (xxx_PULSEWIDTH) tests. o The output (xxx_OUTPUT) tests. o The settings of the critical converters (level EXPERT or GURU (xxx_SETTINGS) tests.

13 Updating Settings 13 The ROCS FEI settings are stored as critical settings in the LSA DB (digitally signed). The settings can be driven to HW like any other LSA setting without special rights. The following RBAC roles are allowed to alter FEI settings:  MCS-SPSOP Can only change the corrector reference settings.  MCS-SPSOP-EXPERTCan change all settings and tolerances except some DCCT references for RBI.816.  MCS-SPSOP-GURUCall change all settings, including the pulse width. RolePeople MCS-SPSOPAll people on SPS shifts + Machine supervisors + GA + Edda MCS-SPSOP-EXPERTJorg, Verena, Karel, Elias, Django, Malika MCS-SPSOP-GURUJorg, Verena From the CNGS experience there is NO need to trim any setting except the corrector reference settings once the setup is finished.

14 Trims 14 The trim button changes depending on the user role (adapts to the different FESA properties): o For role MCS-SPSOP the trim button sends the Reference. o For role MCS-SPSOP-EXPERT the trim button sends the Tolerances and Enabled status. o For role MCS-SPSOP-GURU the trim button sends the Pulse width and Output number. The SIS reference settings can be updated with the MCS-SPSOP-EXPERT and MCS-SPSOP-GURU roles. Attention: When the reference or tolerance is updated for a PC associated to the EXPERT or GURU roles, it is necessary to update the SIS settings. Since SIS only retrieves its reference every 15 minutes from LSA, it may be required to restart the subscription in SIS >> see one of the following slides !

15 Trim Button / 1 15 No MCS role MCS-SPSOP

16 Trim Button / 2 16 MCS-SPSOP-GURU MCS-SPSOP-EXPERT Trim SIS settings

17 SIS Subscriptions to LSA FEI ref settings 17 When the reference or tolerance is updated for a PC associated to the EXPERT or GURU roles, it is necessary to update the SIS settings. Since SIS only retrieves its reference every 15 minutes from LSA, it may be required to restart the subscription in SIS that are shown below (rmi://lsa/SIS_FEI.xxxxx).

18 Cycle Selection 18 Open cycle selection from ‘File’ menu. Select appropriate CYCLE and TRANSFER. The settings can be edited directly at the level of the table, or imported from the DB !

19 Settings Comparison & Import 19 Click on ‘FEI<>FSA’ button to compare LSA PC settings and FEI settings : this opens a table with PC and FEI settings. If there are differences, you can import the PC settings to the FEI (if you have the rights). Do not forget to click on ‘Trim’ button at the end to apply the changes. Authorization: -SPSOP -SPSOP-EXPERT -SPSOP-GURU

20 20 Monitoring & diagnostics : ROCS FEC Click on ‘DB<>FEC’ button. Opens frame Active users For all parameters : HW and FEI (DB) value

21 21 Monitoring & diagnostics : SIS Click on ‘DB<>FEC’ button. Opens frame For all parameters : SIS and FEI (DB) value The FEI Ref must match the SIS Ref + SIS Tol.

22 Monitoring & diagnostics 22 Click on ‘Monitor FEI’ button. Opens frame You can see the currents (I), the differences wrt reference (dI) or the differences normalized to the tolerance in %.

23 Help 23 This presentation can be opened from the help menu.

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