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Top 10 Mistakes of Freshman Year. 1. My freshman year doesn’t count! If I mess up, I can always get back on track in the 10 th grade. Your freshman year.

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Presentation on theme: "Top 10 Mistakes of Freshman Year. 1. My freshman year doesn’t count! If I mess up, I can always get back on track in the 10 th grade. Your freshman year."— Presentation transcript:

1 Top 10 Mistakes of Freshman Year

2 1. My freshman year doesn’t count! If I mess up, I can always get back on track in the 10 th grade. Your freshman year is the foundation upon which the rest of your high school years (and college) are built. It isn’t practice or a trial period for high school---it’s the real thing! While you can make up for bad choices and slip-ups, it will add time and a great deal of effort.

3 2. I’m picking this class because my friend is taking it. Think about your interests…whenever possible, choose classes that you like and that will help you develop as a student.

4 3. I’ll just skip this class. One day won’t make a difference. Most of high school teaching is cumulative. Each day is built on what happened in class the day before. Excessive absences will cause you to lose credit. You must earn your credits…you can not be promoted without passing your classes and coming to school.

5 4. I don’t need to write down that assignment. I’ll remember it. 7 classes 7 assignments Stay organized—write it down!!!

6 5. I spilled soda on my homework and now I’ll be late turning it in if I do it over, so I’ll just forget about it. Communicate with your teacher—you must become your own advocate. Doing your work is always better than not doing it. Find out the rules and procedures of all of your teachers.

7 6.Sorry, I can’t join that club, I have to study all the time. Freshman year is an important time to become part of the school community. Make new friends. Explore new interests…it’s all an important step in making the most in high school.

8 7. Everyone else in this class understood what the teacher just said except me, so I won’t ask him to explain it. If you didn’t understand, other people didn’t either. Ask the question…other people will be thankful. Most importantly, you’ll understand what the teacher was saying.

9 8. I don’t want to talk to the teacher about the problems I’m having with her class. Teachers love to teach, and part of teaching is helping students understand things. Your teachers will appreciate your honesty and your desire to better.

10 9. There’s a problem at school. I’ll just tell my friend and not go to the counselor’s office. Your high school counselors are there to help you, protect you, guide you, comfort you. Your best friend may be able to sympathize with your problem, but chances are your friend can’t solve the issue as effectively as a counselor or teacher can.

11 10. I really don’t need all that much sleep. All that brain power you are using to adjust to high school takes energy. Energy comes from a good night’s sleep. Getting too little sleep impairs your memory and ability to concentrate. You need about 9 ¼ hours of sleep per night. And you can’t catch up on the weekends…it doesn’t work that way!!

12 Source Peterson’s –Get a Jump! –Your Guide to College and Career Planning –ISBN 978-0-7689- 2454-1

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