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How to create Cover letters. Cover Letters and Letters of Application are in essence the same thing.

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Presentation on theme: "How to create Cover letters. Cover Letters and Letters of Application are in essence the same thing."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to create Cover letters. Cover Letters and Letters of Application are in essence the same thing.

2 Cover letters and letters of application are an form of introduction in the formality of the hiring process. These letters are always attached to the resume and should be created on the same kind of paper.

3 The goal of a cover letter and resume is to be asked to interview

4 Business letters and other forms of business communication, tend not to use superlatives, adjectives or adverbs.

5 All business letters are formal. About 20 years ago, there were “personal business letters”, but no longer.

6 All business letters are written in the same style. All letters are written “flush-left” side of the page

7 Formal business letters begin with the date, one and a half inches from the top of the page.

8 (Skip three lines, after the date ) Type the name of the person and their job title to whom you are writing this letter Example: John Smith, Vice President of Marketing

9 How do you find out the name of the person that does the hiring for the position you are interested? Call that business! While resumes are industry / job specific, cover letters are specific to that business. A cover letter needs to be written for every business which you would like to interview.

10 The next line down, write the name of the organization and the business’s address. Example: ABC Company 123 Main St. San Jacinto, CA 92583

11 Most students will be creating this assignment as a work of fiction. Feel free to use the same name and address as given in the previous slide.

12 Skip 3-6 lines and begin the salutation. “Mr.” for a Male and “Ms.” for a female. This is important to ask, when you phone the business, when concerning an unisex name. A colon “:” is the punctuation that follows the name Example: Dear Mr. Smith:

13 One line separates the salutation and the first paragraph Remember there is no indentation. Also, try to avoid using first person “I”. However, it is unavoidable.

14 Business letters are always written in the same 3 paragraph format 1.Paragraph 1, (Purpose) 2.Paragraph 2, (Amplification) 3.Paragraph 3, (Closure)

15 Paragraphs are separated by one line and are single spaced The main body of the letter (the 3 paragraphs) should be in the middle of the page. When writing business letters, one sentence can be one paragraph, if the sentence is written well.

16 Paragraph One, Purpose Why are you writing this letter? Name the position in which you are interested and how you learned of the position open.

17 Paragraph Two, Amplification Just like an amplifier on a sound system, this paragraph amplifies why you are qualified for the job.

18 Paragraph Three, Closure Close the sale by explaining that you would like an interview.

19 After the third paragraph, skip one line and create the Closing salutation which should be “Sincerely,”.

20 Then, skip 3-5 lines and Type your name. Under your name should be your address, your phone # and your e-mail.

21 Double check your letter Information content: Does the letter contain all the important information you need the employer to see? Information quality: Is the information relevant to the job, clear, and easy to read? Sentence structure: Do all the sentences make sense and fit together? Anything that doesn't need to be there: You've only got one page. Remove all unnecessary words and information. Stick to bare bones in your drafting, because you'll get more information in your letter. Typos: Check everything. Read the letter one word at a time. Spelling: Use spell check, but if you're not sure, use a dictionary. Grammar: Everything OK? Sure about that? If not, ask or check a style guide.

22 Print the Cover Letter! Sign the cover letter in-between “Sincerely” and your typed name in blue or black ink.

23 Business Letters are folded into Thirds and put into a #10 envelope.

24 Fold as demonstrated

25 Your Name and address is in the left corner if it is to be addressed to anyone’s attention, their name and title are 10 lines down with a 12 pt font The name of the company, with whom you are writing is 15 lines down, starting at the center of the page.

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