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New PV’s Chapter 11. 1 st I saw this house 2 nd I called to get more information.

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Presentation on theme: "New PV’s Chapter 11. 1 st I saw this house 2 nd I called to get more information."— Presentation transcript:

1 New PV’s Chapter 11

2 1 st I saw this house 2 nd I called to get more information

3 I saw the house and then I _________ _____ on it by calling the owner. Follow up (on) Return to an important matter because you now have: -- Have some information -- Have more time -- Correct it or be more effective

4 I was in an accident!!

5 The doctor said, “you’ll have to wear a cast and…”

6 “…and later you’ll have to follow up with physical therapy”

7 A follow-up (noun) A time when you return to an important matter -- You make a phone call -- You visit a place I saw the doctor for a follow-up after the cast came off my leg.

8 1. When you stop sleeping I ______ ____ at 6 am and ate breakfast. Wake…up

9 A wake-up call (Part. Adj) When you stay at a hotel and ask the clerk to call you in the morning. A: Hello, Can I help you? B: Yes, I’d like a wake-up call for 6am. A: Ok, I’ll be sure someone wakes you up at 6.

10 2. Wake…up When you understand the truth, or you realize the truth. A: Why did you give up smoking? B: When my friend died of cancer, it really woke me up. Smoking is bad for you.

11 I need my pen… It’s in this box. I’ll ______ it ______ so I can use it. Take…out (of) Remove from container, or building, or place What’s the opposite?

12 What kind of food is this?

13 A: I’d like some Chinese food B: Me too. Let’s get takeout and eat the food at home. Takeout (noun) Carryout is the same as takeout

14 2. Take…out (of) Remove because it is unwanted or damaged Student: Did you read my essay? Teacher: Yes. You need to take out the 3 rd paragraph and re-write it.

15 What is she doing?

16 3. Take…out (of) Means to withdrawal money She is taking money out of the ATM

17 Let’s do something fun together Go to dinner, see a movie, anything else?

18 4. Take…out Do something fun with people and YOU pay for it. If you are a good class, I will take you all out to dinner.

19 Did anyone see Pulp Fiction? What’s their job?

20 5. Take…out [informal] They are hit men. They kill people They took Brad out. They shot him with a gun.

21 When a situation’s end result is successful A: Why did Jim get fired from his job? B: He wasn’t ________ _____. He was very bad at it. Work out

22 3. Work out: The result of a calculation or measurements A: How much will the wedding cost? B: Food is $5,000 Drinks are $3,000 Music is $2,000 It works out to $10,000.

23 4. Work…out Do work to know a calculation, measurement or problem --- what other PV is similar? Similar to “Figure out” I worked out the math problem with my calculator.

24 5. Work out Find a solution to a plan by carefully thinking and discussing it After a long discussion, the lawyers worked out a plan to sell the company.

25 This was Frank 6 months ago.

26 Frank worked out at the gym.

27 6. Work out Exercise to improve the way you look. Frank was fat, but he worked out and now he is thin.

28 Workout (noun) 1 of 2 1. Exercises done to improve the way you look. Frank was tired after his workout.

29 I drove my car from Istanbul…

30 Across Europe

31 All the way too…

32 Paris, France!!

33 Workout (noun) 2 of 2 2. Making a machine or tool work very hard or for a long time. A: I drove my car from Istanbul to Paris! B: Wow! You gave your car a real workout.

34 Where is this? Outside an Airport

35 1. When you take people or things to another place and leave them there. A: My flight takes off at 10. Can you give me a ride? B: Sure I can _____ you _____. Drop…off Who rides the shuttle service?

36 A drop-off (noun) The place where you are dropped off. Outside an airport there is a drop-off area.

37 2. Drop off When business, interest, or frequency declines. Sales of ice cream in the summer was high. Now in the winter no one wants to eat ice cream. Sales have dropped off in winter. -- similar to “fall off” (ch. 10)

38 What are these? Records What replaced records? CD’s What is replacing CD’s now? iPod’s!

39 A drop-off (noun) There was a drop-off in sales of records when people started using CD’s. Nowadays, there is a drop-off in sales of CD’s because of iPods.

40 I went hiking and… …there was a cliff

41 3. Drop off When the ground declines steeply (a cliff) Be careful on your hike, the trail drops off steeply.

42 A Drop-off (noun) A steep decline of the ground The trail ended at the drop-off. There was a nice view of the valley.

43 Which way is this car going? Going in reverse The car is _____ ____. Back…up

44 2. Back up When you repeat something already said. A: Mr. Lewis you’re talking too fast. B: Sorry, I’ll back up and say it again.

45 I was doing my homework but…

46 3. Back…up Show that something is true Give evidence of the truth Teacher: Where is your homework? Student: My dog ate it! And I can prove it Teacher: How can you back that up?

47 4. Back…up Support people in a time of: -- Conflict -- Confrontation -- Difficult work or assignment Example…

48 4. Back…up A: If it gets busy, can you help me? B: Sure I’ll back you up.

49 A backup (noun) The policeman saw a terrible crime He needs help so he calls backup.

50 5. Back…up When you copy information (data) and save it from damage. You should always back up your computer files to a CD.

51 A backup (noun) The copy you made of your information A: My computer crashed!! B: Where is your backup?

52 6. Back…up Like def. 5, but with a machine or tool We have 2 computers, one new one old. We saved the old computer to back the new computer up.

53 7. Back…up When something is stopped from moving or flowing An accident backed up traffic for 2 hours. Sorry, I’m late. Traffic was backed up.

54 7. Back…up What’s wrong with the sink?

55 What’s he doing? Cutting wood But there was an accident

56 His HAND!!! He his hand in a terrible accident.

57 Remove something completely with a knife He was using the saw and _____ _____ his hand! Cut…off Can you cut off a piece of bread for me?

58 2. Cut…off When you suddenly stop the supply of: -- water -- money -- electricity Our electricity was cut off because we didn’t pay the bill.

59 Cutoff (noun) The time or amount when supply is cut 550 is the cutoff. If you score lower than 550 you won’t pass the TOEFL.

60 3. Cut…off When you drive rudely and drive in front of another driver. I had to hit the brakes when the other driver cut me off.

61 4. Cut…off When speaking on the phone and the line is accidentally stopped. Hello…hello… are you still there? We must have been cut off.

62 What happened? The road is out. We can’t drive anywhere!

63 5. Cut…off Create a barrier between yourself and other people. The damaged road cut us off and we couldn’t get home. (Part. Adj.) Now we are cut off.

64 What should I do before I buy it?

65 Go for a test drive… 1. When you test a product out before you buy it. I will _____ the new car _____ before I buy it. Try…out

66 A Tryout (noun) When you give something a try I gave the new diet a tryout, but it didn’t work.

67 2. Try…out Give people a chance to do a job before hiring them. The boss agreed to try me out for 2 weeks before hiring me full-time.

68 A tryout (noun) Usually with sports Player: When are the tryouts? I want to join the team. Coach: We’ll start trying players out next week.

69 3. Try…out (for) Show that you can do the job A lot of players will try out for the football team, but only the best will join.

70 Ch. 11 Back…up Cut…off Drop…off Follow up Take…out (of) Try…out Wake…up Work out

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