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+ Reminders The next Latin Club Meeting will be on Wednesday, December 2 nd. Project ideas are due on November 30 th. Project is due on January 22, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "+ Reminders The next Latin Club Meeting will be on Wednesday, December 2 nd. Project ideas are due on November 30 th. Project is due on January 22, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 + Reminders The next Latin Club Meeting will be on Wednesday, December 2 nd. Project ideas are due on November 30 th. Project is due on January 22, 2016. Homework: Complete workbook page 43, Ex. B.

2 + The Imperative Mood Commands

3 + Agite Nunc Do Now Give an example of a command in English. E.g., Mercury, tell Aeneas to gather the Trojans and leave Carthage tomorrow.

4 + Moods in Latin The indicative mood "indicates" a fact The fact can be a belief and need not be true. "He sleeps," (dormit) is in the indicative. impero, imperare: order, command Normally, the imperative mood is used for direct commands (orders) like "Go to sleep!". mando, mandare: to command IndicativeImperative

5 + Formation of the Imperative The form of the Latin verb used in giving a command to one person is the same as that of the present stem Formed by dropping the –re from the present active infinitive vocā / re: vocā = imperative singular = call monē / re:monē = imperative singular = warn In Latin –te is added to the present stem if the subject understood is plural Cf. Mary, hurry! Properā, Marīa! Boys, hurry!Properāte, puerī!

6 + Negative Commands To give a negative command in Latin is very simple. Use nōlī with the present infinitive if the subject is singular; nōlīte, if plural. Both forms mean unwilling or don’t Don’t fear, Mary!Nōlī timēre, Marīa! Don’t fear, boys!Nōlīte timēre, puerī!

7 + Study Helps The tense of the imperative most used is the present; it is always second person, singular or plural. The imperative of the verb sum is es, singular, and este, plural. Be good, Mary!Es bona, Marīa! Be good, boys!Este bonī, puerī!

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