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Meat Consumption By: Celina Leung and Jessica Truong.

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Presentation on theme: "Meat Consumption By: Celina Leung and Jessica Truong."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meat Consumption By: Celina Leung and Jessica Truong

2 Historical Context There are high levels of methylmercury in hen meat. Very toxic to the body and is very bad for the human population now and for the future generations. 51% or more of global greenhouse gas emissions are caused by animal agriculture. Elaborate on graph

3 Argument Meat consumption is bad for one’s health and environment Reasons why: Various Health Issues (e.g. Coronary Heart Disease, Obesity, Alterations of Hormones) Environmental Issues (e.g. Global Warming, Pollution of water and air) Explanation of picture

4 Meat Glue There is a product called “meat glue”: Known as transglutaminase - enzyme that creates bonds between amine groups within peptide bonds. sAd1xY sAd1xY

5 Health Issues Meats are now being chemically modified to enrich the taste and their appearances. People may think it is “pure meat”, but what they see is not pure meat, but a formation of meat. One can get food poisoning from the chemicals used to enhance the meat. Overconsumption of meat can lead to heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, clogged arteries. Can increase zinc levels: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and stomach pain.

6 Environmental Issues Pollution and waste contents that are being transported out from the factory farms are causing the dilapidation of the environment. In order to raise cattle, land must be destroyed leading to the extinction of certain plants and trees that could benefit the human civilization. Majority of the water goes to raising cows E.g. It takes 2500 gallons of water to produce a pound of meat, but only 25 gallons to produce a pound of wheat. Cows are raised in factories that are known to contribute to the pollution of the water and air.

7 Counterargument If the recommended amount is eaten, meat can provide the essential amino acids to help build strong bones and muscles. Meat has a high count of iron and Vitamin B-12. Meat benefits cell health.

8 Possible Solutions Consume less meat; eat more fruits and vegetables. Eat the recommended servings on the food pyramid. Grow your own produce. Eat leaner cuts of meat Chicken and fish

9 Conclusion All issues stated on previous slides are interrelated with each other. Pollution for the air is detrimental to one’s health. Consumption of process meats can jeopardize one’s health. The waste consisting of harmful chemicals are being discarded into the environment, which are detrimentally toxic. Based on the research that was done, overconsumption of meat can cause permanent health and environmental problems in the future.

10 The End

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