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Welcome to the East Memphis Church of Christ 10/31/2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the East Memphis Church of Christ 10/31/2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the East Memphis Church of Christ 10/31/2010

2 Are You Listening To God? Pro 8:32-36

3 Instruction of Wisdom v32-33 Implementation of Wisdom v34 Importance of Wisdom v35 Injury of Wisdom v36

4 Solomon Endowed – With Wisdom – I Kings 3:11-12 Experienced – In the World – Eccl 2:10 Example – In our Walk – I Kings 11:3-4

5 Instruction of Wisdom (Learning) Perception “Hear instruction” – Hear means to understand----to obey – Instructions are the things that are right (Word of God) II Tim 3:16-17; John 17:17---warnings --Jer 44:15-17 Prudence “and be wise” – Wisdom is the application of knowledge----use skillfully – Eccl 12:13-14 Protest “and refuse it not” – Jer 6:16 – Jesus---John 1:11 – Is 53:3 – Paul ---Gal 4:16 – Missionary journeys

6 Implementation of Wisdom (Labor) Walk “Blessed is the man that heareth me” – When we obey God we have happy (good) lives – I Tim 4:8; Ps 1:1-4 – James 1:25; Rev 1:3 Watching “watching daily at my gates” – Means to be intentionally aware (looking with penetrating eyes) – Ps 119:97 – Desire---Matt 5:6 – Daily---continuously searching for God’s commands Waiting “waiting at the posts of my doors.” – Means to keep---to guard – Pro16:16

7 Importance of Wisdom (Life) Discovery “For whoso findeth me findeth life – Wisdom is attainable for all men – James 1:5 – To find means to inquire----diligently search John5:39; Acts 17:11 – Read Pro 8:10-11 – Life Earthly Eternal Distribution “and shall obtain favour of the LORD.” – Obtain means to secure – Favor means approval – Mat 25:21 His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.

8 Injury of Wisdom (Lack) Self Destruction “But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul” – Sin means to miss the mark – When we reject wisdom we are hurting ourselves! – It is foolish to reject the wisdom of God Sinners Death “all they that hate me love death.” – When we hate (despise) the wisdom of God we love death – Two choices Life Death

9 Are You Listening To God? Salvation – H-B-R-C-B – One Church Christian Living – Faithfulness – Evangelism

10 Are You Listening To God? Pro 8:32-36

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