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POWER POINT Windows What are you waiting for?. How do I get Started? Log In Choose Teacher Applications Windows on the Local Hard Drive Classroom Applications.

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Presentation on theme: "POWER POINT Windows What are you waiting for?. How do I get Started? Log In Choose Teacher Applications Windows on the Local Hard Drive Classroom Applications."— Presentation transcript:

1 POWER POINT Windows What are you waiting for?

2 How do I get Started? Log In Choose Teacher Applications Windows on the Local Hard Drive Classroom Applications Power Point

3 Time to start your presentations. Choose a blank presentation Choose type of layout that you prefer (let’s start with a Title Slide) Now click on format and choose Apply Design choose your design and click on Apply

4 Adding Text Add you title and sub-title by clicking in box where you would like to type. Go to Insert and choose New Slide Choose the desired layout and click on OK Continue

5 Adding Clip Art When choosing a layout, make sure to choose a layout with a picture and click on Apply Click the box w/the picture one time Go to Insert on the Menu Bar and choose picture Use clip art and choose picture you desire Click on Insert - Adjust to fit

6 Aren’t Dolphins cute!!!! The dolphins have landed on this page from a student writing center document. Remember how to toggle between different window applications??? A simple copy/paste works best

7 And just what is going on here?! You can also add quick cam or scanned pictures off your own files!!! Instead of choosing clip art, choose from files and choose a picture you have in your files.

8 Adding graphs Choose a layout with a graph on it Double click on Add Chart Box Create your data sheet or graph Choose Chart type from your menu bar Click on x to close data sheet

9 Special Effects After completing your presentation, you have the option to personalize your presentation. At the bottom of your screen you’ll find 5 icons 1 shows your current screen 1 shows your presentation in outline form 1 shows story board of your presentation 1 shows current slide and notes about 1 shows presentation from current slide

10 What next?? Go to the story board icon (4 little squares) At the top of the screen you will now see two bars that say:No transition and No Effect. Click and hold on these options and you will be given a list of things you can do.

11 Grades???

12 Power Point Windows A whole world of possibilities!!

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