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Plagiarism Ms. Castillo. Don’t forget: You can copy- paste this slide into other presentations, and move or resize the poll. Poll: I didn't have time.

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Presentation on theme: "Plagiarism Ms. Castillo. Don’t forget: You can copy- paste this slide into other presentations, and move or resize the poll. Poll: I didn't have time."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plagiarism Ms. Castillo

2 Don’t forget: You can copy- paste this slide into other presentations, and move or resize the poll. Poll: I didn't have time do my homework; I can...

3 Don’t forget: You can copy- paste this slide into other presentations, and move or resize the poll. Poll: As long as the book/article/website is...

4 Don’t forget: You can copy- paste this slide into other presentations, and move or resize the poll. Poll: Saving binders from past classes for fri...

5 Why do students plagiarize?

6 Is it plagiarism? In your groups, each member needs a copy of the plagiarism notes. Read over these notes together. Each member should read the scenario in your folder. Decide whether you think it is plagiarism or not. 2009 NEWS & OBSERVER FILE PHOTO - ROBERT WILLETT Discuss why or why not, and write your reason on the colored sheet of paper.

7 Choose a role: Speaker, recorder, or person to be in charge of materials  Group 1:Preyer, Katherine, Elijah  Group 2: John, Chris, Edward  Group 3: Tommy, Latrell, Jennings  Group 4: Darice, Edgar, K’Lynn  Group 5:Teanna, Jennifer, Tre  Group 6: Kiana, Natalie, Brooks  Group 7:Lauren, Cindy, Tia  Group 8: Michael, Sydney, Rachel

8 Scenario 1 You are writing a research paper on global warming. You do a great deal of research and consult various sources. One website in particular is very helpful. You find a passage that is perfect for your paper. It gives all sorts of reasons for global warming. You cut and paste it into your paper. The passage is exactly as it appeared on the website. You put quotes around the passage that you have cut and pasted and cite where the passage came from. You also include the source information in your works cited page.

9 Scenario 2 You are writing a research paper on global warming. You do a great deal of research and consult various sources. One website in particular is very helpful. You find a passage that is perfect for your paper. It gives all sorts of reasons for global warming. You are careful to paraphrase the information, putting everything into your own words. You do not cite where the information came from or include the source information in your works cited page.

10 Scenario 3 You have a paper due tomorrow that counts for one- fourth of your entire grade and you really need to do well. Unfortunately, you are stumped on the topic and have not made much progress. You know your cousin wrote a paper on a similar topic a year ago, You email her, asking for help. You finally get a response two hours later. Instead of just sending an email with advice, your cousin has attached her entire paper to the email. Looking it over, you realize that, with a few changes, it would be perfect for you to turn in. You decided to make some minor changes and hand it in.

11 Scenario 4 You are working on a project about symbols. The assignment is to draw or create all of the different symbols in your project. You’ve completed the entire assignment, and you are searching the web to double- check your work. You come across an illustration of one of the symbols in your project that looks much better than the version you drew. You cut and paste this image in your paper as one of your symbols. You had already completed the assignment with your own drawing first.

12 Scenario 5 You are researching a paper about women and World War II. While you are working, an elderly neighbor stops by to see your mother. Your mom isn’t home, so the neighbor asks what you are doing, When you explain the topic of the paper, your neighbor starts to smile. She actually worked in a local factory during WWII and has lots of memories and stories to share. You grab a pen and paper and start asking question. You write down her answers carefully, and you ask your neighbor if you may quote her in your paper. She agrees. You later work some of her stories into your paper, putting quotation marks around her exact words and citing the information that came from her. In your works cited pace, you include an entry for the interview with your neighbor.

13 Scenario 6 You are making a Power Point presentation on Martin Luther King Jr. for your class. You find a fantastic photograph of him on a respectable website. You cut and paste it into your Power Point presentation. You do not cite where it came from or make references to it in your works cited.

14 Scenario 7 You are asked to wire a paper on the novel you are reading in English class, You are having a great deal of trouble with the essay question. Your best friend allows you to read his paper for some help. He has many great ideas about the novel and does a fantastic job analyzing themes. Now that you understand things better, you write your paper on many of the ideas you read in his. You put these ideas in your own words.

15 Scenario 8 You are writing a paper on a play you read in English class. It’s Shakespearean play and was quite difficult to read. You decide to consult some books and articles written about the play. You find some great critiques of the play. You really understand the themes and symbolism much better now. You rephrase the ideas from one article in particular, cite where the ideas came from, and include the article information in your works cited page. Unfortunately, you were not completely clear on how to format a citation for an article on the works cited page and some of the information that you list is in the wrong order.

16 Plagiarism Wrap Up  If you are using someone else’s words or ideas in your paper, it needs to be cited!  Integrating sources into your work and citing them appropriately shows an understanding of the materials.  Use correct style for citations. In this case, MLA.  Take careful and thorough notes.  We will talk more about this next class.  When in doubt, give a citation!  Plagiarism- The Writing Center at UNC- Chapel Hill

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