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PLAGARISM Elizabeth García, Nury Gonzalez, Alisson Espinosa, 201.

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Presentation on theme: "PLAGARISM Elizabeth García, Nury Gonzalez, Alisson Espinosa, 201."— Presentation transcript:

1 PLAGARISM Elizabeth García, Nury Gonzalez, Alisson Espinosa, 201

2 Definition Noun 1. an act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of another author without authorization and the representation of that author’s work as one’s own, as by not: crediting the original author

3 Eli’s definition Plagarisim is stealing the author’s credit or dont giving credits, like coping and re-writting something that’s not yours, something you didn’t writte, you are just cheating on you.

4 Alisson’s defenition It’s when you copy someone’s work without giving them credit, so you are steling them their work.It’s when you just copy paste. This is wrong we all have one it at least once in our lives.

5 Nury’s defenition it’s when you steal someone’s work without permission and without giving the credit to that person who made an effort to do that work.

6 Why is it wrong? You deny yourself the opportunity to learn and practice skills may be needed in your future careers. You also deny yourself to opportunity to receive honest feedback on how to improve your skills and perfomance.

7 2.- You commit fraud.

8 4.- You are showing disrespect for your own, and for the author.

9 How to avoid plagiarisng: “Paraphrase- So you have found information that is perfect for your research paper. Cite- citing is one oft the effective ways to avoid plagiarism. Quoting- When quoting a source, use the quote exactly the way it appears.”

10 Conclusion. Plagiarism is bad. When you plagiarize you are stealing, you are showing everyone that either you don’t know what and how to do it or that you are not smart.

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