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Voltage Sag Response of PWM Rectifiers for Variable-Speed Wind Turbines by Rolf Ottersten, Andreas Petersson and Kai Pietiläinen financial supported by.

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Presentation on theme: "Voltage Sag Response of PWM Rectifiers for Variable-Speed Wind Turbines by Rolf Ottersten, Andreas Petersson and Kai Pietiläinen financial supported by."— Presentation transcript:

1 Voltage Sag Response of PWM Rectifiers for Variable-Speed Wind Turbines by Rolf Ottersten, Andreas Petersson and Kai Pietiläinen financial supported by Sydkraft AB & Swedish National Energy Agency

2 PWM Rectifiers Main advantages (PWM Rectifiers) Bidirectional power flow. Controllable dc-link voltage. Good power quality.

3 New Grid Codes 0.3-100 MW >100 MW

4 PWM Rectifiers and Voltage Sags Overcurrent and overvoltage/undervoltage at the dc link must be avoided during voltage sags. Balanced sags “Phase angle jumps” Unbalanced sags Space Vectors Single-line-to-ground fault Two-lines-to-ground fault Line-to-line fault

5 Control System Structure Main characteristics “Fast” synchronous-frame current control loop. “Slow” dc voltage control loop. “Slow” estimator (PLL) for grid-voltage synchronization.

6 DC-Link Control Structure Generator power, P s, is treated as a disturbance Sags “transformed” to disturbance in P s Disturbance rejection of P s of great importance ”Active damping” in an inner feed-back loop Inner and outer feed-back loops tuned for the same bandwidth Analytical result  Load step Reference step (2.5 pu)

7 Experimental Results 1(2) -45º “phase angle jump” and 50% balanced voltage sag Balanced voltage sag “Phase angle jump” Analytical results phase angle jump balanced voltage sag (2.6 pu) (2.76 pu)

8 Experimental Results 2(2) -45º “phase angle jump” and 50% unbalanced voltage sag Ripple due to negative sequence Reduction due to positive sequence Analytical results phase angle jump unbalanced voltage sag (2.6 pu) (0.1 pu) (0.08 pu)

9 Experimental Results Summary The reduction in the positive-sequence voltage is critical, since the q-component of the grid current is increased with the size of the sag. The negative-sequence voltage causes ripple in dc-link voltage and q-component of the grid current. “Phase-angle jumps” are not critical for PWM rectifiers. Analytical results in agreement with experiments

10 Ride-Through Capabilities It may happen that the SG power exceeds its maximum value during a voltage sag. The SG power must then be somehow stored or dissipated. Rotor energy storage. If the pre-sag power needs to be restored moments after the sag has been cleared, then blade pitching is preferably avoided until the rotor approaches over speed. A “braking” chopper at the dc link can dissipate the excess wind energy DC-link energy storage. Mainly applicable for small and short-duration voltage sags.

11 Conclusion The reduction in the positive-sequence voltage is critical. The worst-case scenario is a balanced sag with zero remaining voltage. For the candidate control system structure: the negative- sequence voltage introduces ripples in dc-link voltage and q-component of the grid current. “Phase-angle jumps” are not critical for PWM rectifiers.

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