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Adam Hendrickson Calvin Mwesigwa John Marston Noah Bouillon.

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Presentation on theme: "Adam Hendrickson Calvin Mwesigwa John Marston Noah Bouillon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adam Hendrickson Calvin Mwesigwa John Marston Noah Bouillon

2  Our project is to design and build an electronic monopoly game console. The console will output the board and sound to a monitor and player information to android phones/tablets. Players will connect to it using android phones/tablets and be able to see game status including how much money, and what properties they own.

3 Pic 32 Microcontroller Graphics Controller 128 kb Video Memory Dual Port VGA PLD Output generator VGA 25.175 Mhz Oscillator Pic 32 Game controller Bluetooth Transmitter/ reciever Audio Output Circuitry RCA Android Device

4  An ability to communicate with android device to display player information (properties, money) over Bluetooth and accept player input such as dice roll.  An ability to display board and animation on a monitor.  An ability to output audio for dice roll and background music.  An ability to properly simulate monopoly game (keep track of money, property, position).  An ability to save game to flash memory and load game from saved data.

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