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Lesson 2.  Compare the three major world religions: Islam, Judaism, and Christianity.  Analyze the Islamic religion to dispel preconceived notions.

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1 Lesson 2

2  Compare the three major world religions: Islam, Judaism, and Christianity.  Analyze the Islamic religion to dispel preconceived notions.  Explore the causes behind fundamentalism and its impact on US foreign policy.

3  To what religious affiliation do most Middle Eastern groups belong?  Islam- Muslims  All but Israelis and Armenians

4  ~1800 BCE, Hebrews flee Canaan, migrate to Egypt (enslaved).  Moses takes to Sinai Peninsula.  1 God, 10 Commandments  ~1025 BCE form kingdom of Israel in Fertile Crescent.  ~500 BCE Persians take over, Return to Israel & rebuild temple in Jerusalem.  ~70 CE, Romans expel Jews from Israel/Palestine – diaspora…  Won’t return until late 1800s

5  Jesus born in Roman ruled Palestine (Bethlehem)  Some believed he was the messiah - savior from foreign rule  Romans, scared of popularity & angry over refusal to accept emperor as a god, crucified him 33CE  Followers, Christians, spread “word”  Everyone equal, eternal life  Became martyrs  313CE, Constantine converts  395CE, official religion empire

6  What was life like in the Middle East in early centuries?  Desert  Bedouins  Oasis towns  Feuds, rivalry, lawless

7  ~610 CE Angel Gabriel tells Mohammed he is to be the messenger of God/Allah  ~622 flee from Mecca to Medina, build 1 st mosque  Hejira – Yr 1 of Muslim Calendar  Prophet  Expansion of Islam  Uses war & political maneuvering to spread ideas  632 control Peninsula  732 Atlantic to India

8  People of the Book –  Monotheistic, Allah same God, Judgment Day, Tolerance

9 In small groups, create a graphic representation of content related to one of the following:  Five Pillars  Jihad  Sunni v. Shi’ite (Shia)  Women  Attire



12  Political & social movement promoting a return to traditional, or fundamental, interpretation of any religion.  Islamic Fundamentalism or “Political Islam”  Est. Shari’a law as foundation of government  Rid society of non-Islamic influence

13  Islamic empire eclipsed, dominated, and exploited by West. Frustrated w/politics.  Frustration with rapid social & economic changes.  Western presence in Holy Lands, ME politics, perceived attack on Islam

14  Most DO NOT ADVOCATE violence!  Terrorism as form of jihad  Seek to overthrow secular regimes & rulers they regard as un-Islamic

15  What terror groups can you identify by name?  Chart  Similarities?  Differences?  Role in government?

16  US Concerns  Poly & econ stability  Terror attacks against Western Interests  “Islamaphobia”- Anti- Arab Anti-Muslim, sentiment born out of fear and ignorance

17  Do you consider Islamic Fundamentalism a threat to US security? Why or why not?

18  Wiki Post Middle East tab “Islam and Fundamentalism”  Why is it important to study Islam and fundamentalism and its many meaning?

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