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Lord of the Flies VS. WWII Research Ass. By:Annmarie Latimore Pd.2 Mrs.Francis.

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Presentation on theme: "Lord of the Flies VS. WWII Research Ass. By:Annmarie Latimore Pd.2 Mrs.Francis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lord of the Flies VS. WWII Research Ass. By:Annmarie Latimore Pd.2 Mrs.Francis

2 Jack=Hitler Jack: He convinced the boys on the Island that he can supply food, fun and security. “we shall erect a people’s tribunal before which the Nov. criminals of 1918 shall expiate their crime and I frankly predict you shall then see their heads rolling in the sand.”

3 Jack&Hitler They both were able to convince other of their ability to provide safety and security.

4 Ralph=President Roosevelt The boy on the island are drawn to Ralph by the conch and right away vote to make him chief. “The new President brought an air of cheerful confidence that quickly rallied the people to his banner.”

5 Ralph&President Roosevelt Both President Roosevelt and Ralph are popular with the people right away because of them being understanding and caring to them. (http://lordoftheflies19.tri) ( es/franklin-roosevelt-picture.jpg)

6 Rock = The Atomic Bomb The rock that falls down on Piggy kills him. After his death a bad series of event's happens on the island. The Atomic Bomb “power of what previously was the world’s most devastating bomb, had been dropped on Japan.”

7 Rock & The Atomic Bomb Both the rock and the Atomic bomb are a symbol that shows strength of destruction and death. The war on the island is equal to the war in the world. ( rock_solid_solutions_small.jpg) ( d_atomic_bomb.jpg)

8 War on Island = War in the World The boys on the island are fighting over leadership and who has more to offer. Following Japan's bombing of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii and America’s entry into Roosevelt, England's Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Soviet leader Joseph Stalin, held a series of diplomatic conferences to coordinate wartime strategies and plan the post-war world.

9 War on Island & War in the World The reason for the boy fighting on the island is because of what they out in the real world and the war that’s happing the same time as the boys fight. ( iler/image044.jpg) ( es/earth%20transparent.png)

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