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MRCS / IFRC Health Presented by Dr. Htay Win Assistant Coordinator (HIV)

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1 MRCS / IFRC Health Presented by Dr. Htay Win Assistant Coordinator (HIV)

2  The Major of the project is to improve knowledge, attitude, adaptive and positive behaviour and to develop skills regarding HIV/AIDS and STI prevention among young people and high risk behaviour population (Bus drivers and their assistant).  Skill building to PLHIV for Community Home-based care, counselling and Psychosocial on ART & TB  Medical referral services and Nutrition support  Established self-help group (SHG) for sustainability at the end of the project period  to reduce stigma and discrimination among young people and general population in the targeted areas.

3 Project Title :Outreach Programme on HIV/AIDS Prevention for Highway Bus/Truck Drivers and their Assistants (Trucker Project) Project Area : Mandalay Region & Northen Shan State (Lashio) Target population: 10000 Direct beneficiaries, Highway Bus/Truck Drivers and their Assistant Indirect beneficiaries,Terminal Authorities, Ticket sellor, Labor, vendor,Passenger,small snap shop,taxi drivers and entertainment girls near by terminal. Reporting period : 1.1.2012 to 30.11.2012 SrActivitiesAchievement 1 Small group discussion (742 session)7302 2 VCCT referral (one stop service ) 279(Mdy,)12(LSO)= Total 291 (Retro positive = 5 male,1female ) VDRL 6 positive 1male(LSO) 3 Condoms distribution 43099(LSH) 28018 Total 71117 4 Incentive (female purse) 2807 (Mdy)1953 (LSO) Total=4760 5 IEC (pamphlets/poster ) 15640 6 Trained Peer (Terminal) 10(2=F,8=M)MDY 6=M (LSO)

4 Project Title :Community based Prevention, Care and Support Project (Mandalay Region) Project Area : Mandalay Region (Maharaungmyae,Aungmyaetharsan and Pyigyitagon tsp Target population: 25 PLWHIA in each (3) tsp, total 75 client Reporting period : 1.1.2012 – 30.11.2012 SrActivitiesFrequencyAchievement 1Advocacy Meeting124 2 Meeting & Health talk with PLHIV 36900 3Nutrition support33825 4Medical support11264 5(ART received)55 (20 enrollment) 6 Condoms distribution112475 7Refresher Training (CHBC)140 (20F,20M) 7Trained Peer6(3=F,3=M)

5 Key achievement regarding with target and indicator  PLHIV self help groups were established in 3 townships since 2010 October and well functioning. During reporting period PLHIV self-help group encourage resource funding such as selling rice, sewing rope,lottery etc. Maharaungmyae township received seeds grants for year 2012 (17 lakh MMK from Alliance through MPG) and Aungmyaetharsan township received nutrition support until 2012 December supported by one Political party during reporting period.  As a capacity building 20 PLHIV from (3) township received Gender training from BI-MM (24-26 Jan 2012), 2 PLHIV received financial training from PACT Myanmar and 40 PLHIV received refresher training (CHBC) from Project. (30 March-3 April 2012)  (4) PLHIVs become pay staff assigned by Myanmar Positive Group Regarding the out reach activity RCVs encourage to female group labour, sex worker, KTV entertainment girls and other interested people during HE session who are working near by terminal as a peer educator. 10 (Two female, 8male) become peer educators for future Trucker Project.

6 Constrains Difficult to maintained the RCVs because of no pay staff at field. Reporting gap in between NHQ and field because of no paid field staff during phase-out year. Lack of close monitoring day by day for RCVs because of busy their National Society activities such as relief of earthquake,flood, rescoue of fire and security attention of Budda tooth relic etc. Lack of frequency of meeting between PLHIV leaders and assigned RCVs leader during phase-out year due to no pay staff at field. Difficult to train and maintained the Peer Educator for Trucker Project because of move around day by day (mobile nature.) Low result of VCCT referral because of Bus drivers are already done VCCT during their renewal of driving license.

7 Lesson learn Lesson 1:needs appropriate time for phase-out prorgamme Lesson 2:needs more training for RCVs, PLHIV and Peers during phase-out programme for sustainability and become skilfull. Lesson 3:Enough budget for phase-out programme. Lesson 4: Needs to enough financial support for SHG Income generation.

8 Susses Story According to year data for out reach activity only 6 retro-positive found among 291 VCCT referral cases because of well received of awareness. Regarding the PLHIV support only two death cases among 75 clients during phase-out year because of changing of their life style, and become skillfull of Home based care by trained SHG and received of ART medicine among them. Establish (3) SHG are well functioning and fundraising. MPG was funding support to (1) township SHG and one political party was nutrition support to remaining SHG during phase-out year.

9 Future Plan According to exit strategies future plan way forward to 1.Intensive local resources such as financial and technical resources negotiations with the stakeholders and business companies. 2.Established management committee for their revolving fund and maintained their support of medical, nutrition, OVCs and home/hospital care 3.Strenthened of volunteers & Peer Educators management and retention 4.During awareness raising activities or seasonal events PLHIV were involved their activities as a booths showing for fundraising campaigns,collaborate with NAP/RCVs 5.Integration of HIV activities into CBHFA initiative of branches

10 Community based Prevention, Care and Support Project (Mandalay Region) Advocacy meeting at Mandalay Region (Re-continuation of project,June 2011) Advocacy meeting at Lashio (Re-continuation of project,June 2011) PLHIV gathering meeting and health talk at Aungmyaetharsan Tsp Outreach activity at KTV near by highway terminal (Small group discusion on HIV/AIDS and related diseases)



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