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m_to_fork_-_food_chain_statistics From farm to fork - food chain statistics European.

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Presentation on theme: "m_to_fork_-_food_chain_statistics From farm to fork - food chain statistics European."— Presentation transcript:

1 m_to_fork_-_food_chain_statistics From farm to fork - food chain statistics European Commission, EUROSTAT

2 Structure of the food chain, selected indicators, EU-27, 2008 (%).

3 Number of enterprises and local units (1000)

4 Regular farm labour force and number of persons employed, 2007, 2008, 2009 (1000)

5 File:Number of holdings and regular farm labour force, EU-27, 2007 (1000).

6 Agricultural gross output at basic prices, EU-27, 2008.

7 Crop production, EU-27, million tonnes, 1999-2009

8 Agricultural output- main agricultural and food products generated, 2009 (1000 tonnes).


10 Structure of food and beverages manufacturing, by activity, EU-27, 2008

11 Value added at factor cost of food and beverages manufacturing, EU-27, 2008 (%).

12 Self sufficiency in the main agricultural products, 2009 (1) (%).

13 Value of extra EU27 trade, 2010 (EUR million

14 Origin of extra EU27 imports of food, live animals and beverages, EU27, 2010 (% of total).

15 Structure of food, beverages and tobacco wholesaling, by activity, EU27, 2008

16 Value added at factor cost of food, beverages and tobacco wholesaling, EU27, 2008 (%

17 Transport of agricultural, fishing, food, beverage and tobacco products, EU27, 2009

18 Annual road freight transport by distance, EU27, 2009 (1).

19 Structure of food, beverages and tobacco retailing, by activity, EU-27, 2008

20 Structure of food and beverages services, by activity, EU27, 2008

21 Value added at factor cost of food, beverages and tobacco retailing, EU27, 2008 (%).

22 Value added at factor cost of food and beverages services, EU27, 2008 (%).

23 Development of household final consumption expenditure, volumes, EU-27 (1995=100).

24 Mean household final consumption expenditure on food and beverages, 2009 (1) (% of total

25 Development of harmonised indices of consumer prices, EU27 (2000=100

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