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Published byElisabeth Long Modified over 8 years ago
Open calls of Social Challenge 6 Evrope in changing world: inclusive, innovative and reflective societies Michal Pacvoň, NCP for SC 6 NCP for Science with and for Society Tel: 0420/234 006 110
Structura of calls in SC6 2 years WorkProgramme 2014-2015! Calls: EURO – 2014 Overcoming of crisis: new ideas, strategies and Governance structures for Europe YOUNG – 2014 The Young generation in innovative, inclusive and sustainable Europe REFLECTIVE – 2015 Reflective societies: Cultural heritage and European Identities INT – 2014/15 Renforcement of the international cooperation of Europe in research and innovation INT – 2015 Europe as a global actor INSO 2014 a 2015 - New forms of innovation Calls were open on 11th December 2013 Deadlines: EURO, YOUNG and REFLECTIVE 3th June 2014, 7th January 2015 (will be postponed), INT 20th January 2015, INSO 31st March 2015
EURO – Overcoming of crisis: new ideas, strategies and Governance structures for Europe EURO 1 – Resilient and sustainable economic and monetary union in Europe – 10 M€ Scope: a) effective mechanism of fiscal policy coordination, b) fair and sustainable taxation, c) The impact of macroeconomic and social imbalances on economic stability d) global impacts of crisis in Europe and international monetary relations Impact: advance theoretical and practical debate on framework for more resiliant and sustainable economic and monetary union in Europe. New concepts, methodologies and tools EURO 2 – The European growth agenda – 10 M€ Scope: a) reform management for economic recovery, b) innovation based growth strategy for Europe, c) global production and innovation networks, d) migration, prosperity and growth Impact: scientific base for policies – economic recovery, knowledge on conditions and outcomes of innovation-based growth. Tools for better assessment of the socio-economic evolution of national economies and for analysis of policy options Deadlines 3th June 2014
EURO – Overcoming of crisis: new ideas, strategies and Governance structures for Europe EURO 3 –European societes after the crises – 7,5 M€ Scope: a) individual reactions to crises and challenges to European solidarity, b) unity in diversity: prospects of European identity and public sphere, c) innovatiove social investment approaches for the modernisation of social policies and servises EURO 4 – Political challenges for Europe – 7,5 M€ Scope: a) future of European integration, b) challenges to democratic practices and parties in Europe in the context of the crises c) political leadership in times of economic, political and social crises EURO 5 – ERA-net on Smart Urban Futures – 5 M€ EURO 6 - Meeting new societal needs by using emerging technologies in the public sector Deadlines 3th June 2014 and 7th January 2015
YOUNG – 2014 The Young generation in innovative, inclusive and sustainable Europe YOUNG 1 – Early job insecurity and labour market exclusion – 9 M€ YOUNG 2 – Youth mobility: opportunities, impacts, policies – 9 M€ YOUNG 3 (2015) – Lifelong learning for young adults: better policies for growth and inclusion in Europe – 6 M€ Scope: research will address adult education in general (for all ages), with a specific focus on young adults (from an indicative age of 18 and after leaving initial education and training) and vulnerable groups. Expected impact: create the synergies between actors collecting data, „inteligent decision information system“ YOUNG 4 – The young as a driver of social change – 9 M€ YOUNG 5 (2015) – Societal and political engagement of young people and their perspectives on Europe – 6 M€ Research should analyse the norms, values and attitudes of young people in Europe, as well as their expectations regarding public policy and organisation of economic, social and private life, including the organisation of cities and space more generally, as well as the types of business ethos. Expected impact: advance knowledge, contribution to public policies design
REFLECTIVE – 2015 Reflective societies: Cultural heritage and european identities REFLECTIVE 1 (2014) – ERA-net on Uses of the past – 5 M€ REFLECTIVE 2 – Emergence and transmission of European cultural heritage and Europeanisation – témata 2-5 mají rozpočet 15,5 M€ Scope: multidisciplinary, comparative research will focis on emergence of the Evropean cultural heritage in historical perspective; link local, regional, national and europeans aspects; impact on the Europeanisation and the perception of Europe; material and immaterial cultural heritage; multilingual character of CH; turistic potential Impact: Support of the cultural policies of EU concerning the mergence and use of CH. REFLECTIVE 3 – European cohesion, regional and urban policies and the perceptions of Europe Scope: The tailor-made, multidisciplinary, geographically balanced and comparative research will aim at exploring the interplay between (1) European regions with highly different administrative roles, civil participation, history, culture, creativity and identity, (2) the application of cohesion, regional and urban policies in the EU, including the subsidiarity aspects and decentralised decision-making and the aims of smart specialisation and (3) the contribution of regional policies to a positive identification with the value-based European integration project by European societies. Impact: The research is expected to make major conceptual, methodological and analytical contribution towards a better understanding of the relationship between European regional policies, local and regional identities and the perception of the added value of the EU by its citizens.
REFLECTIVE – 2015 Reflective societies: Cultural heritage and european identities REFLECTIVE 4 – Cultural opposition in the former socialist countries Scope: The comparative research will firstly examine various types of collections witnessing the widest possible spectrum of the cultural opposition movements and activities in former socialist countries. Secondly, various types of the country-specific cultural opposition movements in the former socialist countries should be analysed and ways how their activities reflected and reacted to the oppression from the communist regime should be investigated. Impact: register of these collections, better knowledge, a set of recommendations based on such research findings will propose methods for a preservation of these, future cultural heritage, objects and will give guidance on the role of the European Union in this respect REFLECTIVE 5 – The cultural heritage of war in contemporary Europe Scope: The multidisciplinary, geographically balanced and comparative research will aim at exploring the complex relationship that contemporary European societies have with the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of the major armed conflicts fought on their soil in the 20th century Impact: Research under this topic will significantly deepen knowledge on the – sometimes contradictory – local, national and European aspects of the cultural heritage of wars and other major armed conflicts. It will provide innovative ways, networks, tools and policy advice on how to maintain and preserve it REFLECTIVE 6 – Innovation ecosystems of digital cultural assets – 11 M€
REFLECTIVE – 2015 Reflective societies: Cultural heritage and european identities REFLECTIVE 7 (2014) - Advanced 3D modelling for accessing and understanding European cultural assets – 15 M€ REFLECTIVE 8 – Communication and dissemination platform – 1 M€ Impact: The support action will bring together researchers on the topics selected for EU funding, creating communities with multidisciplinary perspectives that will ensure effective dissemination and take up of EU-funded research results increasing therefore substantially their visibility. REFLECTIVE 9 (2014) – Social platform on Reflective Societies – 1 M€
INT – 2014/15 Renforcement of the international cooperation of Europe in research and innovation INT 1 – Enhancing and focusing research and innovation cooperation with the Union's key international partners – 3,9 M€ 2014 a 6,9 M€ 2015 INT 2 – Encouraging the research and innovation cooperation between the Union and selected regional partners – 4,45 M€ 2014 a 3,45 M€ 2015 Uzávěrky 29. 4. 2014 a 20. 1. 2015
INT – 2015 Europe as a global actor Budget for INT 3 – INT 12 – 26, 5 M€ recommended budget 1,5 M€ - 2,5 M€ INT 3 – Europe’s contribution to a value based global order and its contestants Global justice, human rights, europeans and non-Europeans perspectives, possibilities and limites of the influence of EU, empirical analysis INT 4 – The European Union’s contribution to global development: in search of greater policy coherence dopadimpact of European policies on developing countries, intended and non intended impact, - survey of policies and regulations and their impact INT 5 – Rethinking the EU crisis response mechanism in light of recent conflicts Analysis of the crises response and analysis of the EU capacities schopnosti EU to react and také decisions. Role of NATO and UN, BRICS
INT – 2015 Europe as a global actor INT 6 – Re-invigorating the partnership between the two shores of the Mediterranan evaluate the potential and the efficiency of the policies and measures, identify the obstacles and the possibilities of the future cooperation. Different conceptions of the region. INT 7 – Towards a new geopolitical order in the South and East Mediterrranean region SEMC (jižní a východní středozemí) a Blízký východ, analyze the main political dynamics of the regions, roles of the interior and exterior actors, potencial risks of destabilization, project should include large representation of the partners from the region! INT 8 – The EU and the Eastern Partnership 6 postsovietic republic, „stock-taking“ of existing bilateral relations, special attention to Belarusie, Ukraine, Moldavie, geostrategic influences – Russia and Turkey, evaluation of the possibilities of EU policies INT 9 – EU, Turkey and its wider neightbourhood: challenges and opportunities economic, politic, social and geostrategic challenges of the futher integration of Turkey to EU, large representation of the partners from Turkey and neibourghood!
INT – 2015 Europe as global actor INT 10 – EU and integration challenges in the Balkans „stock taking“ existing reletions with EU and among them, perspective of these countries, socioekonomic development, etnic and political conflicts, possibilities of EU policies INT 11 – European cultural and science diplomacy: exploiting the potential of culture and science in the EUs external relations bilateral and multilateral cultural relations of EU with significant countries and regions in the neighborhood, cooperation in the area of science and technologyj INT 12 – The cultural and social dimension of EU-LAC relations strategic partnership from 1999, kritical analysis of the past and present cultural, scientific and intelectual exchanges with the objectoive to find synergies and „cross-fertilisations“, how the citizens of LAC perceive EU, definition of the vision of the future cooperation
INSO 2014 a 2015 New forms of innovation INSO 1 (2015) – Innovation in the public sector by using emerging ICT technologies – 21.4.2014 INSO 2 (2014,15) – ICT-enabled open governement– 29.4.2014 a 21.4.2015 CSA INSO 3 – Understanding and supporting business model innovation – 29.4.2014 INSO 4 – The economic impact of the Innovation Union – 29.4.2014
INSO 2014 a 2015 New forms of innovation INSO 5 – Innovative schemes for open innovation and science 2.0 – 31.3.2015 INSO 6 – Social Innovation Community – 31.3.2015 INSO 7 – Platform for ICT for Learning and Inclusion – 29.4.2014 INSO 8 – Towards joint programming under Horizon 2020 – 29.4.2014 INSO 9 – Synchronised call initiative – 29.4.2014 INSO 10 – Innovative mobile e-governement application by SMEs – SME instrument, multiple deadlines INSO 11 – SME bussiness model innovation – SME instrument
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