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1. Учебный аспект: активизировать изученную лексику по теме в речи учащихся, тренировать фонетические навыки; развивать у учащихся умение творчески использовать.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Учебный аспект: активизировать изученную лексику по теме в речи учащихся, тренировать фонетические навыки; развивать у учащихся умение творчески использовать."— Presentation transcript:


2 1. Учебный аспект: активизировать изученную лексику по теме в речи учащихся, тренировать фонетические навыки; развивать у учащихся умение творчески использовать усвоенный материал в ситуациях; практиковать в монологической и диалогической речи; учить учащихся делать компьютерные презентации творческих проектов; уметь оценивать проекты одноклассников. 2. Развивающий аспект: развивать широту взглядов, умения и навыки самостоятельной работы развивать творческое самостоятельное мышление учащихся; сформировать умения и навыки самостоятельного поиска, анализа и оценки информации; накапливать и совершенствовать опыт работы над проектом и его презентацией; 3. Воспитательный аспект: воспитывать умение взаимодействовать и сотрудничать в группе, приходить к общему решению; воспитывать положительное отношение,к различным видам спорта воспитывать ответственность друг за друга. Учебное пособие: плакаты, проекты учащихся по теме: «Спорт, Олимпийские игры. грамматическая таблица: «Простое прошедшее время», транскрипционные значки.

3 1. Начало урока (приветствие, ответы на вопросы). 2 мин 2. Работа над целями урока. T- CL 3 мин 3.Активизация речемыслительной деятельности учащихся. Т- CL 5 мин 4. Драматизация диалогов по теме: «Спорт. Олимпийские игры ». Р1- Р2 5 мин 5. Физкультминутка. 2мин 6. Презентация проектов учащихся. 20 мин 7. Домашнее задание. 2мин 8. Подведение итогов урока. 3мин

4 1. to develop reading and speaking skills ; 2. to speak English with the friends; 3. to develop auditory skills; get new information about sports and Olympic Games 5. to present projects; 6. to develop listening comprehension skills;

5 1) Do you like sports? 2) Which sports are the most popular in Great Britain? 3) What sport is your favourite sport? 4) When were the first Olympic Games been held? 5) What is the motto of the Olympic Games? 6) Who is your favourite sportsman or sportswoman? 7) What can you say about the Olympic Games in Canada? 8) When will the next Olympic Games be held?

6 Complete the sentences 1)People love sport because it….. 2)Sport teaches….. 3)It makes…. 4) More than that, sport helps…… 5) Football has been played…. 6)The motto of the Olympic Games is… 7) The Paralympic Games are the games for… 8) I am fond of… 9) My favourite ….

7 Ex. 3, p.119 1группа Ex. 1.2,p.187 2группа Ex. 2, p.188


9 Figure skating My by Novikova Masha form 8

10 Figure skating is another popular sport; in the 1960s the Soviet Union rose to become a dominant power in figure skating, especially in pairs skating and ice dancing.

11 At every Winter Olympics from 1964 until the present day, a Soviet or Russian pair has won gold, often considered the longest winning streak in modern sports history.

12 The russian figure skating championships are a figure skating national championship held annually to determine the national champions of Russia. Skaters compete at the senior level in the disiplines of mens singles, ladies singles, pair skating, and ice dancing.

13 The first Russian national competition was held on March 5, 1878 in St. Petersburg, Russian Empire. The winner was V. I. Sreznevski. From 1897 on, official Russian national championships in figure skating were held.

14 Figure skating is an Olympic sport in whichOlympic sport individuals, pairs, or groups perform spins,spins jumps, footwork and other intricate andjumpsfootwork challenging moves on

15 Figure skaters compete at various levels from beginner up to the Olympic level (senior), and at local, national, and international competitions.

16 The International Skating Union (ISU) regulates international figure skating judging and competitions.International Skating Union Figure skating is an official event in the Winter Olympic Games.Winter Olympic Games In languages other than English, figure skating is usually referred to by a name that translates as "artistic skating".

17 Thank you for your attention!

18 Made by Nikishina Dasha Form 8

19 Олимпийские игры Олимпийские игры Самые известные спортивные игры – Олимпийские игры. Идея игр – дружба, братство и согласие народов мира. Олимпийская эмблема – пять переплетенных колец: голубое, желтое, черное, зеленое и красное. Флаг любой страны имеет хотя бы один из этих цветов. Олимпийский девиз: быстрее, выше, сильнее. В первый раз олимпийские игры были проведены в Древней Греции в 776 году до н. э. Это был грандиозный спортивный праздник, включавший в себя соревнования по борьбе, бегу, езде на колесницах, гребле и др. К играм допускались только мужчины, женщинам запрещалось не только участвовать, но и наблюдать. Первые современные Олимпийские игры были проведены в 1896 в Афинах. Потом они были возобновлены в Лондоне после второй мировой войны. С того времени Олимпийские игры проводятся каждый четвертый год в разных странах. У древних греков не было зимних видов спорта. Только в 1924 году во Франции состоялись первые Зимние Олимпийские игры. Сейчас они проводятся регулярно.

20 Questions: 1. What is the Olympic emblems? 2. Did women participate in the games? 3. When and where did the original Olympic Games begin?

21 The world’s greatest international sports games are known as the Olympic Games.

22 The Olympic idea means friendship, fraternity and cooperation among the people of the world. The Olympic emblem is five interlinked rings: blue, yellow, black, green and red. Any national flag contains at least one of these colours.

23 The original Olympic Games began in ancient Greece in 776 B.C.It was a great athletic festival, including competitions in wrestling, foot racing and chariot racing, rowing and others. The games were for men only. Greek women were forbidden not only to participate but also to watch the Olympic.

24 The first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens in 1896. Then they were resumed in London after the Second World War. Since then the Olympics are held every fourth year in different countries. Sbornaya USSR Garmisch-Partenkirchen

25 The ancient Greeks had no winter sports. Only in 1924 the first Winter Olympic Games were held in France. Now they are being held regularly. The ancient Greeks had no winter sports. Only in 1924 the first Winter Olympic Games were held in France. Now they are being held regularly. Uliya Chepalova, Larisa Lazutina. Sbornaya USSR

26 Olympic motto

27 Kazuesi Funaki

28 Free style

29 Snowboarding V. Tretyak Irina Rodnina, Aleksandr Zaicev

30 Sanni sport Bobsleigh

31 I. Kavalchuk Sbornaya Russia

32 Curling E.Grishin Figurnoe katanie Viktor Mamatov, Ivan Baykov, Rinat Safin, Aleksandr Tihonov

33 Vancouver - 2010 Gold 1. E.Ustyugov 2. S. Slepcova, A. Bogali-Titovec, O.Medvedceva, O. Zaiceva 3. N. Krukov Silver 1. A.Panzhinsky 2. E. Plushenko 3. I. Skoblev 4. O. Zaiceva 5. Snowboarding Bronze 1. I. Skoblev 2. Tretyakov (skeleton) 3. Bobsleigh 4. Sprint (women) 5. Sprint (men) 6. I. Tcherezov, A. Shipulin, M. Tchoydov, E. Ustyugov 7. I. Skoblev Russia takes place the 11-th in general test on medals.

34 Questions: 1. What is the Olympic emblems? 2. Did women participate in the games? 3. When and where did the original Olympic Games begin?


36 Sports in Russia Form 8 Made by Savosic Alyosha

37 Questions: What are the most popular sports in your school? Who is your favourite sportsman/woman?

38 Sport is very popular in Russia. More than 30 million people go to sport centres. There are a lot of different sports that are very popular in Russia. One of them is football. According to official figures, nearly 5 million people go in for it. Almost each town has its own football team. Ice hockey is one of the most popular among winter sports. Russian players have been taking part in world championships since 1954 and have won the world title on many occasions. In 1988 we celebrated the hundredth anniversary of athletics.

39 Track and field events are participated by 7.5 million people now. Russian sportsmen are the European, World and Olympic records holders in different disciplines. Other popular team games are basketball and volleyball. More than 6 million people play volleyball in physical culture teams and sporting clubs. The mens and womens teams won Olympic, European and World Champions titles for many times. A little less people play basketball. Soviet players first took part in Olympic contests at the 1952 Games in Helsinki. Since then they have been among the Olympic prize winners for several times.

40 Questions: What are the most popular sports in your school? Who is your favourite sportsman/woman?

41 The end

42 Popular sport games in Russia and in Britain Form 8 Made by Khvalova Rita

43 Questions: What are the most popular sports in your school, your class? What are the most popular sports in your school, your class? What is better to play sport or to watch it? What is better to play sport or to watch it?

44 Sport is very popular in Russia. More than 30 million people go to sport centers. There are a lot of different sports that are very popular in Russian. One of them is football. Sport is very popular in Russia. More than 30 million people go to sport centers. There are a lot of different sports that are very popular in Russian. One of them is football.

45 Football Football has been played in one form or another for hundred of years. First it was a very rude and hard game. There were no rules. But sinse 1863 it has been played with proper rules. That year the Football Association (FA) the was started. Its first job was to get a set of rules for all teams, by the end of the 19 th century almost every town had its own team. The modern game was introduced to other countries by British soldiers,seamen and businessmen. Nowadays, nearly every country has its own football team. One of the main competitions of the football season is the FA Cup. It has been held every May at the famous Wembley stadium in London since the middle of the 19 th century. Football has been played in one form or another for hundred of years. First it was a very rude and hard game. There were no rules. But sinse 1863 it has been played with proper rules. That year the Football Association (FA) the was started. Its first job was to get a set of rules for all teams, by the end of the 19 th century almost every town had its own team. The modern game was introduced to other countries by British soldiers,seamen and businessmen. Nowadays, nearly every country has its own football team. One of the main competitions of the football season is the FA Cup. It has been held every May at the famous Wembley stadium in London since the middle of the 19 th century.

46 I think sport is good. Because sport builds character. More than that it makes men out of boys and women out of girls. I should add sport makes me strong, fast, patient. And it is a good way to meet people, even from other countries. I think sport is good. Because sport builds character. More than that it makes men out of boys and women out of girls. I should add sport makes me strong, fast, patient. And it is a good way to meet people, even from other countries.

47 Questions: What are the most popular sports in your school, your class? What are the most popular sports in your school, your class? What is better to play sport or to watch it? What is better to play sport or to watch it?


49 1)What are people all over the world fond of ? 2) What unites people of every nationality? 3)Who goes in for calisthenics?

50 People all over the world are very fond of sports and games. That is one of the things in which people of every nationality and class are united.

51 The most popular outdoor winter sports are shooting, hunting, hockey and, in the countries where the weather is frosty and there is much snow – skating, skiing and tobogganing. Many people greatly enjoy figure-skating and ski-jumping.

52 Summer affords excellent opportunities for swimming, boating, yachting, cycling, gliding and many other sports. Among outdoor games football takes the first place in public interests; this game is played in all the countries of the world. The other games that have firmly established themselves in favour in different countries are cricket, volley-ball, basket-ball, and so on.

53 1)What are people all over the world fond of ? 2) What unites people of every nationality? 3)Who goes in for calisthenics?


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