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Recap & exam q’s. What did we cover? Content (a) Bowlby theory of attachment (b) Ainsworth, strange situation (c) Deprivation (ST & LT), reversing neg.

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Presentation on theme: "Recap & exam q’s. What did we cover? Content (a) Bowlby theory of attachment (b) Ainsworth, strange situation (c) Deprivation (ST & LT), reversing neg."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recap & exam q’s

2 What did we cover? Content (a) Bowlby theory of attachment (b) Ainsworth, strange situation (c) Deprivation (ST & LT), reversing neg effects. (d) Privation & reversibility (e) Explanations for Autism (TOM), extreme male brain (f) Day-care, advantages & disadvantages 2 Studies in detail Curtiss (1977) (Genie) effects of privation of 13 yr girl. Bowlby (1944) (44 juvenile thieves), maternal deprivation Key Issue/Content analysis The effects of day-care Research methodology observations, natural, structured (strange sit), case studies, longitudinal research, cross cultural research, ethical issues with children

3 What is Child psychology? Covers infancy, childhood and adolescence Concerned with how experiences in early relationships might affect our cognitive, social and emotional dev. Also considers specific childhood experiences such as neglect, day care and learning difficulties. One side of CD is research to gain understanding of children. The other side helps with issues and problems faced by children. Define the term attachment (2, marks) An attachment is a two-way emotional bond in which people depend upon each other for their sense of security(1) Although we form attachments throughout our lives, psychologists are particularly interested in the attachment that forms between babies and their primary carer (usually the mother) (1)

4 Name and outline the 4 characteristics of attachment (6,marks) Proximity Maintenance - The desire to be near the people we are attached to. Safe Haven - Returning to the attachment figure for comfort and safety in the face of a fear or threat. Secure Base - The attachment figure acts as a base of security from which the child can explore the surrounding environment. Separation Distress - Anxiety that occurs in the absence of the attachment figure.

5 Peer assessed Timed question Describe Bowlby’s Maternal Deprivation Hypothesis (6,marks) Bowlby suggested that if a child who suffers deprivation (loss of attachment) during the first 24 months will develop an internal working model of themselves as being unworthy. (2) if the attachment was broken then it can have detrimental effects on a child's mental health- lack of guilt consequences for own actions. (2) Affectionless psychopathy -condition where individuals appear to experience little guilt or emotion, lack normal affection, and are unable to form permanent relationships. Maternal deprivation can also lead to lower intelligence, delinquency & depression (2)

6 Evolutionary basis of attachment quiz 1) Who found that precocial species, imprinted on the mother in the first few days? 2) Evolutionary theory suggests Survival of the fittest, what does this mean? 3) The child must remain in _____ ______to parent in order to survive. 4) _____ is an instinctual pre-programmed behaviour ? 5) Bowlby used the idea of a _____ ______to describe how human babies attach within a period, first 2 years to their caregiver.

7 1) Lorenz found that pre-social species, imprinted on the mother in the first few days. 2) Any behaviour or characteristic that aids survival will mean that the organism survives to reproduce its genes. 3)close proximity to parent in order to survive. 4) Imprinting is instinctual pre-programmed behaviour. 5) Bowlby used the idea of a critical period to describe how human babies attach within a period, first 2 years to their caregiver. Evolutionary basis of attachment quiz

8 (b) Ainsworth Structured observation 1-Mother & child escorted to a room to play 2-Child explores room & plays 3- Stranger enters room & after 1 min talks to mum & tries to interact with child 4-Mother leaves, child & stranger left alone 5-After a length of time mum returns & stranger leaves. 6-Mum leaves room, leaving child alone 7-Stranger enters room & tries to interact with child 8-Mum returns to console the child

9 Ainsworth’s 3 attachment types (6, marks). Anxious avoidant attachment (type A)- Plays with stranger, does not check for mums presence, not distressed when mum leaves shows no interest in mums return (AVOIDS HER). Secure attachment (type B)- indifferent to stranger, becomes upset when mum leaves, happy on mums return in both reunions, easily calmed. Anxious-resistant attachment (type C)-shows fear of stranger, child very distressed, child wants comfort on mums return but may resist comfort.

10 (C) Deprivation Short term - describes the loss of a formed attachment between child and caregiver. any disruption to the continuity of a loving an mutual bond can be potentially damaging to a child’s emotional, intellectual and social development. James and Joyce Robertson (1968) PDD long term - effects are significant, as the caregiver may not return to the child at all, attachment is broken permanently. Divorce -Cockett & Tripp (1994) children in divorced families had problems at school and health. Death of a parent -Rutter’s (1981) the reason for the separation was more important than the separation itself. Children who experienced death of a parent fared better.

11 Describe characteristics of short term deprivation (4, marks) James and Joyce Robertson observed the behaviour of a 17 month old boy, John staying at a residential nursery while mum was having a second child. Protest –John failed to form attachments & started to protest & cry Despair – often found rolling around & hugging a teddy bear in despair Detachment-when collected by mum John ignored her showing detachment. SHORT TERM DEPRIVATION - PDD Give two examples of how we can we reduce the negative effects of deprivation (4, marks) Adequate substitute care can minimise the PDD in short term deprivation. Day care should be kept to a minimum until child is around two years old. Conflict should be kept to a minimum if in the case of divorce. Non-custodial parent should maintain regular contact.

12 (d) Privation Privation - when an attachment to a caregiver is never formed. These children are sometimes referred to as feral children, children that have been severely neglected. Privation can have very adverse effects on a child's development socially, emotionally & intellectually. Psychologists are still uncertain whether or not these effects can be reversed.

13 Developmental issue Two theories of autism 1) Mind blindness – cognitive explanation Baron-Cohen, 1997, theory that children with autism spectrum conditions are delayed in developing a theory of mind (ToM):the ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes, to imagine their thoughts and feelings. Sally Anne test 2) Extreme male brain - A Biological explanation- Baron- Cohen et al.(2005)-an autistic brain is an extreme form of the typical male brain. Males and females are stronger at specific tasks. These differences are caused by the presence of testosterone in the womb.

14 (f) Day care Research into day care has focused on several aspects of a child’s development Social dev -Ability of child to interact with others, form healthy attachments & relationships with peers and family Emotional dev - The ability of a child to cope with situations in a positive way, how confident & independent they are. Cognitive dev - Refers to the intellectual growth of a child. Positive effects Sylva et al. (2004) longitudinal study into the effects of child care for over 300 children age 3-7 in UK Negative effects Belsky & Rovine (1988) drew on findings from 2 American longitudinal studies to investigate effects of day care on mother-child & father-child attachments. And more!!

15 You need to know the a.p.r.c for the two studies in detail Forty-four juvenile thieves (Bowlby 1946) dep (Genie) effects of privation of 13 year old girl (Curtiss, 1977) priv Proc –res methd – sample step by step. Bothe case studies so analysis of findings should be in your results/findings And be able to evaluate both. Don’t forget you can use ME-GRAVE

16 Key issue-The effects of day care on children’s development Bowlby suggested that children in day care have less opportunity to form attachments. Particularly if staff turnover is high & the attention is shared between other children. Some studies show advantages to day care- (Sylva et al). Other studies show disadvantages -(Belsky & Rovine) ALSO use other studies in this section i.e. Advantages - Andersson (92), Howes (88) Disadvantages - Ruhm (04), NICHD (91)

17 Describe how you went about conducting your content analysis/summary In groups we researched using internet books and journals, then examined four articles, looked at graphs, stats, etc THEN looked for certain themes i.e. Soc, emot, cog, effects on children in daycare. Using content analysis we counted the number of times each theme has been mentioned from all of the sources, using tallying system. Drew up a table of results. Finally, produced findings and drew conclusions from each of the four sources.

18 Which concepts and studies can you apply from child when discussing the effects of day care (key issue/ev of prac). Positive and negative effects of day care; Sylva and Belsky and Rovine ST/LT deprivation Maternal deprivation Ainsworth, att types Bowlby’s theory, 44 thieves study Separation anxiety AND ANYTHING ELSE YOU HAVE LEARNED! THINK OF A TOPIC IN YOUR FINDINGS AND LINK IT!

19 Stuck at any of these?? Your turn to tackle anything that you did not perform well at. Use the questions we have covered …. 1) Research this topic again. 2) Re write your answers. 3) get someone else to look over your work. Try some more past exam questions (use the list) Revise a topic you are still unsure about. Everyone should be ACTIVELY REVISING.

20 Describe the aim of Curtiss’s study (3, marks) Researchers involved in the case study of Genie wanted to investigate the developmental consequences of extreme isolation i.e. Lang dev Emotional dev Intellectual functioning Social skills The primary aim was to also help Genie and to see if she could learn a language.

21 Describe the procedure of Bowlby’s study (4, marks) Bowlby interviewed 44 juvenile thieves Unstructured interviews - rich and detailed qualitative data about childhood. Compared them to a control group of 44 juveniles referred with emotional disturbance, but not involved in stealing. boys completed IQ tests and had psychiatric assessments for about an hour with a social worker.

22 How to link what you have learned…PEE ST Deprivation (point)-concept/theory/study is a loss of a formed attachment between caregiver and child one example of this is day-care (elaboration). ST deprivation can be seen in article ‘raising baby’ where a study in found that the more time a child spent in centre-based day-care before kindergarten the more likely their sixth grade teacher was to report that the child "gets in many fights," is "disobedient at school," and "argues a lot." (explanation). This can be an explanation or a weakness.

23 Stuck on anything we have covered?? Your turn to tackle anything that you did not perform well at. Use the questions we have covered …. 1) Research this topic again. 2) Re write your answers. 3) get someone else to look over your work. Try some more past exam questions (use the list) Revise a topic you are still unsure about. Everyone should be ACTIVELY REVISING.

24 Evaluate Bowlby’s study (4) Strengths Case studies are valid as they are rich in detailed information. Matched to a control group of similar children (not thieves). Therefore he drew the conclusion that affectionless character can be linked with stealing. Weaknesses Findings are unique to this case study. Only 17 of the thieves had suffered deprivation, 27 had not, therefore it is difficult to conclude that maternal deprivation caused delinquency

25 Quick spider-gram - write down as much as you can on Bowlby’s work. Forming an attachment has survival value, as staying close to the mother ensures food and protection. Monotropy is the special attachment between carer and child First 6 months babies display proximity- promoting behaviours. These encourage bond Babies can then begin to show distress & anxiety around strangers, separation anxiety The next 6 months the child treats the caregiver as a safe base from which they can explore their world. Children being separated from parents can suffer a broken attachment. Bowlby also proposed the Maternal deprivation hypothesis

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