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Objective: Students will study the fertility and death rates Essential Question: How does life and death affect population rate? Lang Obj: Students will.

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Presentation on theme: "Objective: Students will study the fertility and death rates Essential Question: How does life and death affect population rate? Lang Obj: Students will."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective: Students will study the fertility and death rates Essential Question: How does life and death affect population rate? Lang Obj: Students will record key vocabulary and discuss in small groups Birth and Death

2 Review for quiz Reread notes Box key vocabulary Circle most important main idea Note Revisit

3 Population increase quiz  The total number of live births in a year is ______  What in NIR and how is it calculated?  Define doubling time

4 Fertility  Total fertility rate TFR measures the number of births in a society  The average number of children a woman will have (15-49)  CBR provides a picture of society as a whole in a year  TFR predicts the future behavior of women and cultural change  TFR for world is 2.7  In Africa TFR average is 6 compared to 2 or less in Europe

5 Mortality  Infant mortality rate IMR- the annual number of deaths of infants under 1 year of age compared to total live births per 1,000s.  Highest rates in poor Sub Saharan Africa countries vs lowest is in Western Europe  Elbow Buddy Q: Make a graphic org and brainstorm 3 reasons why there is such a big difference  Stearns answer Medicine, income, clean water

6 Comparison  IMR exceeds 100 in Africa ( 10% of all babies die before they reach 1)  Western Europe is less than 5%  IMR reflects heath care  In USA African Americans IMR is twice as high national average (less than 10%)  Poor people lack affordable good health care.

7 Life expectancy  Average number of years a newborn infant can expect to live  Elbow Buddy Guess: Where is life expectancy highest?  Europe highest Africa lowest  Babies in Europe expect to live until 70 in Europe but only 40 in Africa

8 Recap  NIR, CBR, TFR, IMR, and Life expectancy all follow similar patterns  Elbow buddy explain the above five terms in relation to the type of country below  Which of the above are found in MCD:  Which of the above are found in LCD’s


10 Text Sign up  Everyone text this number  81010  Text this message  @c33bfc  Once you receive a text respond  Your First and Last name  No Phone No Prob  Email

11 Sign up for notifications ticket out the door DOWNLOAD THE INFINITE CAMPUS APP

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