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Government Eng. Collage, Godhra 3rd SEM CIVIL

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1 Government Eng. Collage, Godhra 3rd SEM CIVIL

2 Prepared By: 130600106044 - PUROHIT AALAP H.
BAMANIYA NILESH K. Bhatuk Riyaz M. Gohil Hiren R. Menba Mohammadjuber I. REFERENCE BY: Dr. R. P. Rathaliya GUIDED BY: Prof. A. F. Gheri

3 INDEX INTRODUCTION What is a Green Building? What are Green Features?
Principles of GREEN Building Materials used in GREEN Building Construction Benefits of GREEN Building GREEN Building Rating Systems Typical Layout a GREEN Building Some LEED Rated Building in INDIA

4 INTRODUCTION Green building(also known as green construction or sustainable building) expands and complements the building design concerns of economy, utility, durability and comfort. A Green building is one which uses less water, optimizes energy efficiency, conserves natural resources, generates less waste and provides healthier space for occupants as compared to conventional buildings.

5 What is a Green Building?
A sustainable or green building produces net zero or smaller carbon footprint or reduces the other harmful emissions. It is a building which dose not have adverse effects on the ecological balance. These structures don’t have a negative impact on the environment as they generate their own energy from solar energy, wind energy etc.

6 What are Green Features?
Minimal disturbance to landscapes and site condition. Use of recycled and Environmental Friendly Building materials. Use of Non-Toxic and recycled Materials. Use of Energy Efficient and Eco-Friendly Equipment. Use of Renewable Energy. Efficient use of Water and Water Recycling. Quality of Indoor Air Quality for Human Safety and Comfort.

7 Principles of GREEN Building
Siting and structure design efficiency Energy efficiency Water efficiency Materials efficiency Indoor environmental quality enhancement Waste reduction

8 Siting and structure design efficiency
Why it is important? Foundation of any construction project is rooted in 2 stages: i. Concept stage ii. Design stage During all life-cycle stages of a construction project Concept stage minimize impact on cost & performance Design stage minimize impact on environment

9 Buildings are complex products of diverse materials & components of various design variables to be decided at the design stage A variation of every design variable may affect the environment during life-cycle stages

10 How can we achieve it? Materials & Elements : Should reflect, transmit & absorb solar radiation. Energy Utilization : Use renewable powers to: Reduce utility cost Environmental impacts of energy production Location : Develop in pedestrian friendly to: promote healthy life styles alternate modes of transportation Surfaces : If low traffic, use porous paved to: assist onsite storm water infiltration reduce erosion

11 Energy Efficiency Why it is important?
Aims to reduce energy consumption in : embodied energy to extract, process, transport and install building materials operating energy to provide services such as heating and power for equipment. High-performance buildings use less operating energy. Embodied energy has greater importance. Make up as much as 30% of the overall life cycle energy consumption.

12 How we can achieve it? Building Material :Wood instead of brick, concrete or steel Orientation :Shade windows & roofs in summer Maximize solar gain in winter Effective Window placement Windows, Insulation :High Efficient for building envelope Barrier for conditioned space Energy Utilizations :Renewable Powers like Solar, Hydro, Wind, Bio mass Design :Passive solar building design Eg. Low-Energy Home

13 Water Efficiency Why it is important?
Aims in Reduction of water consumption Protection of water quality Demands on supply exceed the ability of aquifer to replenish itself Unnecessary wastage of water resources

14 How can we achieve it? Facilities : To increase the dependence of existing water Recycling : Water treatment and Heating : improves water quality & energy efficiency reduces amount of water in circulation Fixtures : Use water conserving fixtures Eg. Ultra low flush toilets, Low flow shower heads Design : Landscaping plan: Native, water retaining, drought resistant plants Rainwater harvesting system for irrigation Dual plumbing system: Reuse water for flushing, car washing etc.

15 Materials Efficiency Why it is important?
Efficient use and reuse of material reduces i. Environmental impact ii. Liable cost How can we achieve it? Use non-toxic, reusable, renewable & recyclable materials such as i. Coal combustion products ii. Foundry sand iii. Demolition debris in construction

16 Should be extracted & manufactured locally to minimize embedded energy in transportation
Manufacturing in off-site & bringing to site will: i. Minimize waste, noise &dust ii. Maximize recycling iii. High quality elements iv. Better OHS management

17 Materials used in GREEN Building Construction
Wool Brick Wool + Seaweed Polymer+ Clay 37 % more strength Resistant for cold and wet Solar Tiles Absorbs energy from sun Protect building Steady indoor temperature Ecofriendly Use rapidly renewable Bamboo instead of steel

18 Sustainable Concrete Crushed glass, wood chip, slag from steel industry Reduction in CO2 emission Paper insulation From recycled newspapers & cardboards Filled with chemical foam Insect & Fire resistant Triple-Glazed Windows Super-efficient windows Stops :Heat to enter building Direct sunlight

19 Benefits of GREEN Building
Buildings have a large effect on the environment, human health and the economy. The successful adoption of GREEN Building development can maximize both the economic and environmental performance of the building. Environmental Benefits Protect biodiversity and ecosystems Improve air and water quality Reduce waste streams Conserve natural resources

20 Economic Benefits Social Benefits Reduce operating costs
Create, expand, and shape markets for GREEN product and services Improve occupant productivity Social Benefits Enhance occupant comfort and health. Heighten aesthetic qualities. Minimize strain on local infrastructure. Improve overall quality of life.

21 GREEN Building Rating Systems
There have been building which adopt one or more green features. To recognize the extent of features that a building adopted, rating system have been evolved. The Green building rating system are the qualitative measures of sustainability and the actual benefits of green design. Government body and policy guidelines responsible for assessing sustainability in building sector in INDIA: NBC(National Building Code) ECBC(Energy Conservation Building Code),2007 Local byelaws

22 The INDIA Green Building Council(IGBC), 2009 is actively promoting green building in INDIA.
The INDIA has currently two GREEN Rating System: GRIHA-(Green Rating for Integrated Habital Assessment) LEED-(Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design)

23 1-GRIHA GRIHA is an acronym for Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment. GRIHA is a Sanskrit word meaning – ‘Abode’. Human Habitats (buildings) interact with the environment in various ways. Throughout their life cycles, from construction to operation and then demolition, they consume resources in the form of energy, water, materials, etc. and emit wastes either directly in the form of municipal wastes or indirectly as emissions from electricity generation. GRIHA attempts to minimize a building’s resource consumption, waste generation, and overall ecological impact to within certain nationally acceptable limits / benchmarks.

24 GRIHA Rating System GRIHA rating system consists of 34 criteria categorized under various sections such as Site Selection and Site Planning, Conservation and Efficient Utilization of Resources, Building Operation and Maintenance, and Innovation points. Eight of these 34 criteria are mandatory, four are partly mandatory, while the rest are optional. Each criterion has a number of points assigned to it. It means that a project intending to meet the criterion would qualify for the points. Different levels of certification (one star to five stars) are awarded based on the number of points earned. The minimum points required for certification is 50.

25 GRIHA Rating System: Points achieved GRIHA Rating 50-60 61-70 71-80
81-90 91-100

26 There are a set of 34 criteria formulated by GRIHA to rate a Building:
Criterion 1 Site Selection Criterion 2 Preserve and protect landscape during construction/compensatory depository forestation. Criterion 3 Soil conservation (post construction) Criterion 4 Design to include existing site features Criterion 5 Reduce hard paving on site Criterion 6 Enhance outdoor lighting system efficiency Criterion 7 Plan utilities efficiently and optimize on-site circulation efficiency Criterion 8 Provide minimum level of sanitation/safety facilities for construction workers

27 Criterion 9 Reduce air pollution during construction
Criterion 10 Reduce landscape water demand Criterion 11 Reduce building water use Criterion 12 Efficient water use during construction Criterion 13 Optimize building design to reduce conventional energy demand Criterion 14 Optimize energy performance of building within specified comfort limits Criterion 15 Utilization of fly-ash or equivalent industrial/agricultural waste as recommended by BIS in building structures Criterion 16 Reduce embodied energy of construction is reduced by adopting material efficient technologies and/or low-energy materials Criterion 17 Use low-energy materials in Interiors

28 Criterion 18 Renewable energy utilization
Criterion 19 Renewable energy based hot water system Criterion 20 Waste water treatment Criterion 21 Water recycle and reuse (including rainwater) Criterion 22 Reduction in waste during construction Criterion 23 Efficient Waste segregation Criterion 24 Storage and disposal of wastes Criterion 25 Resource recovery from waste Criterion 26 Use of low-VOC paints/adhesives/sealants Criterion 28 Ensure water quality Criterion 29 Acceptable outdoor and indoor noise levels

29 Criterion 30 Tobacco and smoke control
Criterion 31 Provide at least the minimum level of accessibility for persons with disabilities Criterion 32 Energy audit and validation Criterion 33 Operation and Maintenance Criterion 34 Innovation Points

30 2-LEED LEED is an acronym for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. LEED was developed by the US Green Building Council (USGBC), and it is the most widely used rating system in North America. IGBC has taken steps to promote the GREEN Building concept in INDIA. Currently, IGBC is facilitating the LEED rating of the US in INDIA. LEED-INDIA was launched in 2001 and rates buildings by addressing performance in the following six areas:

31 Sustainable sites Water efficiency Energy and atmosphere Materials and Resources Indoor environmental quality Innovation and design process In addition, LEED- INDIA has adopted several benchmarks for building performance. The buildings are given ratings of ‘Platinum’, ‘Gold’, ‘Silver’ and ‘Certified’ based on GREEN Building attributes.

32 LEED Rating System Certification based on the points scored by the structure.

33 Typical Layout a GREEN Building

34 Some LEED Rated Building in INDIA

35 Granados Pumps, Chennai GOLD RATING
Thermal Storage: TCS techno park and Granados Pumps, Chennai GOLD RATING Wipro technologies, GURGAON PLATINUM RATING

36 District Cooling System – RMZ Eco space, Kolkata

37 Shapath V concept. A view from SG highway
First GREEN Building in GUJARAT


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