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Nuclear Power Plants Earth Science/Physics Fall, 2015 Mrs. Kummer.

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Presentation on theme: "Nuclear Power Plants Earth Science/Physics Fall, 2015 Mrs. Kummer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nuclear Power Plants Earth Science/Physics Fall, 2015 Mrs. Kummer

2 Nuclear Power Plant Parts Video of How Power Plants Work

3 Parts of the Powerplant Containment Building: Concrete dome that contains the nuclear fission reactor and its pools. Heat Exchanger: Giant radiator to remove heat from heavy/light water from reactor to make steam. Turbine: Giant sideways fan that spins by the steam created in heat exchanger. Turns generator shaft that makes electricity. Cooling Tower: Tall cone structures you see from the road to help condense steam back to water (i.e. cool it down) Lake or Ocean: Receives condensed steam/water into natural water supply. Control Rods: Rods filled with elements that are really good at absorbing neutrons: Boron (B) and Cadmium (Cd) Fuel Rods: filled with U-235 enriched pellets that will be split upon starting chain reactions. Moderator: Water (heavy or light) found in reactor to slow the chain reaction.


5 Control Rods at Palisades Nuke Plant

6 Fuel Rods

7 Inside a Cooling Tower

8 Spent Fuel Rod Immediate Storage

9 Spent Fuel Rods Longterm Storage

10 Palisades Nuclear Plant South Haven, MI

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