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Examples of Scorecard Measures for School-Community Partnerships: Possible Ways to Align School-Community Partnerships with SFUSD‘s Strategic Plan & Balanced.

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1 Examples of Scorecard Measures for School-Community Partnerships: Possible Ways to Align School-Community Partnerships with SFUSD‘s Strategic Plan & Balanced Scorecard Approach DRAFT Developed by the Policies and Procedures Subcommittee of the Partnerships Committee For more info on the Partnership Committee, go to October 20, 2008

2 Possible Steps Community Partners Can Take to Align Themselves with the SFUSD Strategic Plan and Balanced Scorecard (BSC) 1)Identify core services that the CBO delivers to the school 2)Identify outputs, outcomes and/or performance measures used by CBO to assess program outcomes 3) For each core service and/or outcome, look at SFUSD Balanced Scorecard Objectives and Measures to see if there is an alignment (view the SFUSD BSC at Note: Not all of the core services of the CBOs will map directly to the BSC. CBOs should focus on those services/programs for which there is a clear alignment.

3 Examples You Can Use A subcommittee of the Partnerships Committee followed those general steps to create some Examples of Scorecard Measures for School-Community Partnerships at the School Site Level, which are on the following slides. The subcommittee created examples of Process Measures and Intermediate Outcome Measures, which are defined below. Process Measures: assess the extent to which something is operating as it was intended; typically assesses how actions conform to requirements, standards, agreements or expectations. Answers the question: “How was the service delivered?” Intermediate Outcome Measures: assess the extent to which something achieves an objective or effect that will support reaching another objective or effect; typically focuses on the impact an action has rather than how the action was implemented. Answers the question: “So, what happened as a result of the service?” (Definitions based on information from the U.S. Government Accountability Office)

4 Most Relevant CBO Contributions Cascading Scorecard Process Measures Cascading Scorecard Intermediate Outcome Measures Focal Scorecard Measures Community partners provide: learning supports, including health services, mentoring, behavioral health services, academic enrichment, etc. skill-building activities to prepare them for successful 21st Century citizenship high-quality before and afterschool programming at every school parent & community engagement strategies to foster the healthy development of youth Certain elements need to be in place to support the partnership between community partners and school staff to meet their joint goals and objectives. Existing Measures in Balanced Scorecard Examples of PROCESS Measures Examples of OUTCOME Measures Conceptual Framework for Creating Examples of Scorecard Measures for School-Community Partnerships at the School Site Level With a healthy partnership in place, community partners can be held accountable for intermediate outcomes. School-community partnerships can help attain many of the goals and objectives in the SFUSD Balanced Scorecard, particularly several measures which are referred to as “focal” scorecard measures.

5 All community-school partnerships need certain processes and supports to be in place to be effective. These examples of Scorecard Process Measures will help measure the effectiveness of school-community partnerships and help partnerships attain intermediate outcomes and/or SFUSD’s BSC outcomes: Examples of Scorecard Process Measures for School-Community Partnerships Percentage of school staff who report they are familiar with the services provided by community partners; and percentage of community partners who report they know and understand the school’s and the district’s goals and objectives Percentage of school staff who report that community partners consistently deliver services as agreed upon with school staff and follow through on commitments made to students Percentage of community partners who report they have adequate access to students during school or in out-of- school time Percentage of school staff and community partners who report that necessary communication between parties (particularly between community partners and school administration) occurs in a timely and regular manner. Percentage of school staff and community partners who report they have timely access to information about student successes, challenges and needs, including that community partners are appropriately involved in SST, SAP, parent conferences and other school processes as necessary. Percentage of schools with one or more individuals designated as the resource coordinator specifically for services such as before and afterschool, arts-related, post-high school pathways-related, and health and wellness-related programming Percentage of community partners delivering programming who report they have adequate access to facility space to operate effective programming Percentage of school staff and community partners who report that community partners are meaningfully involved in the development of the School Site Plan/Scorecard and the School Site Council.

6 When a healthy partnership process is in place, school-community partnerships can be held accountable for intermediate outcomes that will contribute to meeting the SFUSD Balanced Scorecard Measures. Examples of Scorecard Outcome Measures for School-Community Partnerships % of youth who report they feel more connected to school % of youth who have demonstrated an increase in school attendance % of youth, by subgroup, who participate in before and afterschool programming % of parents who report feeling more connected to their child’s school life and activities due to efforts made by a community partner working with the school. % of youth who utilize behavioral health, mental health, and mentoring services on school campuses or through community partners working with schools % of youth who report they learned something new and interesting that they want to know more about through an activity, class, field trip or project led by or in conjunction with a community partner. % of youth who report they had the opportunity to build skills through school-to-career programs, work- based learning experiences, apprenticeships, service-learning, financial literacy, life skills activities, youth leadership or other activities that help them feel prepared for success after their high school career. % of students who report having at least two positive adult relationships with community partners in their life % of programs that meet program quality standards. (Standards need to be collaboratively developed for each type of program. For example, the Afterschool for All Initiative plans to develop standards for afterschool programs which could be used for this measure.) % of youth at each school site who report they have access to a variety of programming options after school

7 School-community partnerships can help attain many of the goals and objectives in the SFUSD Balanced Scorecard, particularly several measures which are referred to as “focal” scorecard measures. Focal Measures Within the SFUSD Balanced Scorecard Number of schools that parents, families, students, and community feel safe attending and participating in activities from very early in the morning to very late at night (Goal #1: Access & Equity) Reduction in disparate impact on all subgroups of suspensions, expulsions, transfers, County and court school attendance, and participation in honors and/or AP classes (Goal #1: Access & Equity) Number and percentage of students, by subgroup, who are accepted at four-year colleges, universities, or other accredited post-secondary institutions (Goal #2: Student Achievement) Number and percentage of students who report having at least five positive adult relationships in their life (Goal #2: Student Achievement) Number and percentage of students participating in district activities outside the regular school day (Goal #2: Student Achievement)  Percentage of community based organization programs rated as highly effective in supporting SFUSD’s strategic goals and objectives by principals, school staff, students, and families (Goal #3: Accountability)

8 SFUSD Balanced Scorecard Objective SFUSD Balanced Scorecard Measure DRAFT Examples of Scorecard Measures for School-Community Partnerships (Intermediate Outcome Measures) CBO/City Services 1.3) Create an environment for students to flourish Create a safe, affirming, and enriched environment for participatory and inclusive learning for every group of students  Number of schools that parents, families, students, and community feel safe attending and participating in activities from very early in the morning to very late at night  Reduction in disparate impact on all subgroups of suspensions, expulsions, transfers, County and court school attendance, and participation in honors and/or AP classes  Number of schools that reflect and build on students’ language, cultures, and lived experiences and that provide access to resources that close the access and achievement gaps, including the digital divide  Percentage of schools that are fully integrated racially, ethnically and socio economically as measured by TBD Percentage of youth who report they feel more connected to school. Percentage of youth who have demonstrated an increase in school attendance. Percentage of youth, by subgroup, who participate in before and afterschool programming. Percentage of parents who report feeling more connected to their child’s school life and activities due to efforts made by a community partner working with the school. Percentage of youth who utilize behavioral health, mental health, and mentoring services on school campuses or through community partners working with schools. Percentage of youth who report they learned something new and interesting that they want to know more about through an activity, class, field trip or project led by or in conjunction with a community partner. learning supports skill-building activities before and afterschool programming parent & community engagement Goal #1: Access and Equity Make social justice a reality 1 DRAFT Examples of Scorecard Measures for School-Community Partnerships Developed by the Partnership Committee (October 2008) Focal Measures from the SFUSD BSC

9 SFUSD Balanced Scorecard Objective SFUSD Balanced Scorecard Measure DRAFT Examples of Scorecard Measures for School-Community Partnerships (Intermediate Outcome Measure) CBO/City Services 2.2) Prepare the citizens of tomorrow Graduate all students college and career path ready and prepared with the skills/capacities required for successful 21 st Century citizenship (academic competence; technological fluency; creative/critical/innovative thinking, reasoning, and solution seeking; high level multi-modal communication skills; environmental, civic, and social responsibility; strength of character, high level multilingual/multicultural skills; aesthetic sensibility; collaborative/team orientations)  Number and percentage of students, by subgroup, who are accepted at four-year colleges, universities, or other accredited post-secondary institutions  Number and percentage of students, by subgroup, who attend four-year colleges, universities, or other accredited post-secondary institutions  Number and percentage of students, by subgroup, who complete four-year colleges, universities, or other accredited post-secondary institutions within six years  Number and percentage of students taking the PSAT  Number and percentage of students who have taken the SAT and scored at or above 500 on the math and verbal subtests during their high school career  Number and percentage of students who have taken at least one AP course and scored 3 or better during their high school career Percentage of youth who report they had the opportunity to build skills through school-to-career programs, work-based learning experiences, apprenticeships, service-learning, financial literacy, life skills activities, youth leadership or other activities that help them feel prepared for success after their high school career. skill-building activities Goal #2: Student Achievement Engage high achieving and joyful learners 2 Focal Measure from the SFUSD BSC

10 SFUSD Balanced Scorecard Objective SFUSD Balanced Scorecard Measure DRAFT Examples of Scorecard Measures for School-Community Partnerships (Intermediate Outcome Measures) CBO/City Services 2.3) Learning beyond the classroom Foster, encourage, support, and fund opportunities for students to engage in their school, community, and larger world in ways that support maximum identity investment and cognitive emotional engagement  Number and percentage of students regularly engaged in defining, describing, and shaping an empowering and joyful school experience  Number and percentage of students participating in at least two community service events per year  Number and percentage of students who are enrolled in courses and have their talents (academic, artistic, athletic, social) showcased in venues outside of SFUSD  Number and percentage of students who have a SFUSD sponsored international experience  Number and percentage student who vote in their local student government elections  Number and percentage of students who report having at least five positive adult relationships in their life  Number and percentage of students participating in district activities outside the regular school day Percentage of youth who report having at least two positive adult relationships with community partners in their life (2 of the 5 relationships indicated in the BSC Measure.) Percentage of programs that meet program quality standards (These standards need to be collaboratively developed for each type of program. For example, the Afterschool for All Initiative plans to develop program quality standards for afterschool, which could be used for this measure.) Percentage of youth at each school site who report they have access to a variety of programming options after school learning supports skill-building activities before and afterschool programming Goal #2: Student Achievement Engage high achieving and joyful learners 3 Focal Measures from the SFUSD BSC

11 SFUSD Balanced Scorecard Objective SFUSD Balanced Scorecard Measure DRAFT Examples of Scorecard Measures for School-Community Partnerships (Process Measures) CBO/City Services 3.2) Create the culture of service and support  Percentage of community based organization programs rated as highly effective in supporting SFUSD’s strategic goals and objectives by principals, school staff, students, and families  Percentage of programs that have been evaluated on a three- year cycle for their impact on student achievement Percentage of school staff who report they are familiar with the services provided by community partners; and percentage of community partners who report they know and understand the school’s and the district’s goals and objectives Percentage of school staff who report that community partners consistently deliver services as agreed upon with school staff and follow through on commitments made to students Percentage of community partners who report they have adequate access to students during school or in out-of-school time Percentage of school staff and community partners who report that necessary communication between parties (particularly between community partners and school administration) occurs in a timely and regular manner Percentage of school staff and community partners who report they have timely access to information about student successes, challenges and needs, including that community partners are appropriately involved in SST, SAP, parent conferences and other school processes as necessary Percentage of schools with one or more individuals designated as the resource coordinator specifically for services such as before and afterschool, arts-related, post-high school pathways-related, and health and wellness-related programming Percentage of community partners delivering programming who report they have adequate access to facility space to operate effective programming Percentage of school staff and community partners who report that community partners are meaningfully involved in the development of the School Site Plan/Scorecard and the SSC learning supports skill-building activities before and afterschool programming parent & community engagement Goal #3: Accountability Keep our promises to students and families 4 Focal Measure from the SFUSD BSC

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