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Refugee Health and Wellbeing Primary Care Workshop Disease Control Team Regional Public Health.

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Presentation on theme: "Refugee Health and Wellbeing Primary Care Workshop Disease Control Team Regional Public Health."— Presentation transcript:

1 Refugee Health and Wellbeing Primary Care Workshop Disease Control Team Regional Public Health

2 Who are we? Public Health Nurses (Health Environments and Disease Control Team) –Clinical Nurse Specialist, 9 Public Health Nurses, 1.3 FTE Refugee Health One of three nursing teams within Regional Public Health. The other two being school nursing team and immunisation team in schools. The refugee portfolio also has oversight from a medical officer within RPH.

3 What role do we play in the refugee sector? Health screening follow-up of all new quota refugee arrivals. TB screening of Family Reunion category and Asylum Seekers. Health promotion and education of the host and refugee communities. Advocacy and support for refugee families.


5 Transition visit with Quota Refugees The PHN will visit with a interpreter and discuss with the family: Medical notes and health issues Housing Health and Disability Rights Nutrition Primary Health Care Dental Care Begin latent tuberculosis treatment where applicable Facilitate referrals to secondary and tertiary services.


7 Involvement with those arriving under the Family Reunion Category Public health nurses hold responsibility for carrying out the TB screening for those who arrive in Wellington under this category. This involves TB screening questionnaire for everyone. Chest x-ray for all adults Chest x-ray and mantoux for those between 11-15 years old. Mantoux testing for those under 11 years old. It is up to those in primary health care to carry out other screening testing.


9 Involvement with those seeking asylum protection The applicant will often self-refer via the information provided in the INZ brochure. RPH is responsible for screening those who resettle in the Upper South Island and Lower North Island extending to the Hawkes Bay/ Bay of Plenty region.

10 What is offered to the applicant Within Wellington region: TB screening as per family support category and assistance with facilitating physical assessment and blood tests. Outside of Wellington region: PHN responsible for facilitating the person to have a physical assessment, blood tests and chest x-ray. All costs associated with testing are invoiced to RPH.



13 Wellington Regional Action Plan (WRAP) Facilitated by Changemakers refugee forum with RPH leading the health strand. Aims are to improve: Partnerships & Engagement, Information & Communication, Advocacy, Cultural Competence and Statistics, research and evaluation across Wellington refugee sector Different strands cover: Disability, Economic Wellbeing, Youth, Safety/Security, Health, Education/Training, Family Reunification, Strengthening Communities & Housing.

14 Involvement in the wider refugee sector and other agencies Public health nurses work in partnership with the clinical services team at Red Cross clinical services. Maintain relationships with those in primary health and other refugee orientated NGO’s such as Changemakers and Refugee Trauma Recovery. Regular correspondence with Mangere Refugee Centre Attend the NZ Refugee Resettlement Strategy Key Stakeholders Reference Group.

15 Involvement with communicable disease in the Wellington region Investigate and follow up notifiable diseases within the Greater Wellington Region. PHN responsible for investigation/follow up of vaccine preventable illnesses, tuberculosis and leprosy, rheumatic fever, meningococcal disease, HCV and Hep A. HPO(health protection officers) will carry out investigations for all water bourne and food bourne illness.

16 Initiatives that RPH is currently running in the Wellington Region Wellington Food Co-operatives Distribution hubs are in: Porirua, Titahi Bay and Naenae. For $ 10 per week families are eligible for market fresh fruit and vegetables that are in season at wholesale prices. Healthy Housing Assessment Service - Dedicated housing and advice service that consists of two part time nurses and a policy advisor. Issues that are addressed by the team include: -Mould, ventilation, curtains, sustainable heating options, insulation, fire safety, overcrowding, bed sharing, pest control, major maintenance issues, adequate bedding.

17 Continued.. Regional Public Health (RPH) have a dedicated housing and advice service called healthy housing consisting of two part time nurses and a policy advisor. Issues that are addressed by the team include: Mould, ventilation, curtains, sustainable heating options, insulation, fire safety, overcrowding, bed sharing, pest control, major maintenance issues, adequate bedding.

18 Useful refugee resources Regional Public Health Website Contains information on who and what we do, public health alerts, notifiable diseases, communicable disease and resources for health information. Auckland Regional Public Health Website dedicated to information about refugee communities, national networks, and language resources

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