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School Resource Management Issue: Unsupervised Students EDU 577: School Resource Management Presentation by: Rich Welsh.

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1 School Resource Management Issue: Unsupervised Students EDU 577: School Resource Management Presentation by: Rich Welsh

2 Learning Outcomes  Evaluate a resource management issue.  Review possible steps to solve the problem.  Decide the best solution for the problem and obstacles that could present themselves.

3 Background Knowledge  Willow Hill Elementary School  Over 75 percent of students walk to and from school.  They arrive and leave at the times that are convenient to their own or parents schedules.  Many arrive at school before staff members/aides are required to be at school.  Teachers can not be forced to supervise before or after school by contract.

4 Statement of Problem  Many students are on the playground before and after school unsupervised.  Students are causing vandalism to school property and fighting.  Supervision is needed before and afterschool to decrease student infractions.

5 If you were principal, would you… 1.Assign “Extra Duty” pay to aides who can come in early to supervise the playground? 2. Design and implement a policy with procedures for students who early? 3. Start a school program to assist with supervising students before and after school?

6 Developing School Policy  Responsibility also falls on the parents  Bring students to school at reasonable hour  Principals must have a written policy  Outlined procedures and expectations  Parents who do not abide by the policy will be held accountable  Procedures for Early Arrival & Late Departure Procedures for Early Arrival & Late Departure

7 Before/After school Programs  Teachers can stay after school for extra duty pay. Start programs they can supervise.  Implemented programs  Literature Club  HW Club  Reading Olympics  YMCA Before Care  Enroll students who are usually at school early.

8 YMCA Before/Afterschool Program  YMCA occupies the cafeteria & gym/playground  Program hosts & supervises students before school and after school  Parents pay weekly  Some parents do not have money  YMCA Brochure YMCA Brochure

9 AAA Safety Patrol Program -Teachers select responsible student candidates to patrol the school before and after school. -Program funded by grant money received -Safeties wear sashes ordered from AAA -Each Safety has a designated area to patrol  Walker Patrols, Bus Patrols  Hallway & Bathroom Patrol  Assemblies  After School Activities

10 Safety Responsibilities -Safeties can warn students, "write them up" – -Monitor Hallway and tell me in writing about problems - move students away from each other (if they are bus safeties) -Open doors for students -Record observations in hallways -Student volunteers sign up to be safety patrol boys/girls

11 AAA School Safety Patrol Criteria: Ability to follow rules Good attendance record Good judgment Courtesy Respect for classmates Desire to help others

12 Additional Supervision  Aides supervise students on the playground before and during school.  Are not required to arrive at school before 8:30  Set up an extra duty pay for aides to come in 30 minutes early each day.  Assist with bus duty & playground supervision  Each aide is assigned a designated area to monitor.

13 Resolutions  Begin AAA Safety Patrol Program  Assign addition duties to aides that volunteer to assist in supervising bus duties and playground  Implement various before and after school programs to keep students active  Principal patrol of playground before and after school

14 People Impacted  Aides and Administration  Give extra time to help supervise students  Teachers  Arrive earlier and stay later at school  Although being compensated many are not as willing  Students  Volunteering time to practice being responsible

15 Wrap Up  Student infractions before/afterschool  Students need to be supervised  Before and Afterschool  Setup a strategy to provide supervision  Before/ Afterschool Policies in writing  Implement programs to occupy students  Pay aides and support staff to supervise  Eliminate students infractions before/afterschool

16 Resources 1. 2. 3.Frank, Stephen and Miles, Karen Hawley. The Strategic School-Making the Most of People,Time, and Money. Corwin Press: Thousand Oaks, California. 2008. 4. 2367743/

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