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7 th Grade Orientation. Junior High – It’s a BIG Deal! New building or part of the building New faces More teachers More movement Increased responsibility.

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Presentation on theme: "7 th Grade Orientation. Junior High – It’s a BIG Deal! New building or part of the building New faces More teachers More movement Increased responsibility."— Presentation transcript:

1 7 th Grade Orientation

2 Junior High – It’s a BIG Deal! New building or part of the building New faces More teachers More movement Increased responsibility & organization Increased opportunities & activities

3 HOWEVER; Things are the same too! Familiar building and places Friends Caring teachers and staff members Same high expectations and values Assessments (NWEA’s, MCA’s, etc…)

4 WE ARE HERE TO HELP YOU Teachers Educational Assistants Office Personnel (Ann & Denise) High School Counselor (Mrs. Hajek) School Social Worker (Mrs. Lodermeier) School Resource Officer (Officer Metcalf) Custodians and Lunchroom Staff Mr. Freihammer ME DON’T EVER BE AFRAID TO ASK FOR HELP!!!

5 Parent & Student Handbook Please take time to read through this handbook with your child. There are always tweaks and new additions.

6 Cell Phone Policy Absolutely no cell phones allowed during class time unless directed by the instructor Students will be allowed to use their phone during lunch and passing time If a violation does occur, phones will be confiscated and kept in the office until the end of the week Second offense a parent must come in and retrieve it If you need to get a hold of your child immediately, please call the office

7 Attendance PLEASE call in by 8:30 or send an email to Ann or Denise in the high school office Otherwise a note upon returning to school is necessary Absences after 8:30 AM equal NO extra-curricular events for that day unless the absence was pre- approved If gone for only part of the day, sign in at the office If an appointment, we require verification from the provider of the visit If we do not receive notification within 2 days of the absence, it will be marked UNEXCUSED

8 Unexcused Absences For every unexcused absence a student will need to make up their time in the after school program – Every Unexcused Hour = 1 hour in the After School Program) Students will be given a Yellow Card stating how many absences they have and how many hours they will need make up Students will need to notify parent(s) and arrange transportation Students are expected to miss extra-curricular practices, but are not expected to miss games. Students will have until the end of the semester to make up their time.

9 Unexcused Absences Grade Reductions If the student fails to make-up their time by the end of each semester, they will receive the following grade reductions in their class(s):

10 Tardies 4 minute passing time between classes is plenty Students are expected to be sitting down and ready to go when the second bell rings If students have multiple classes in a row in the same location, they may want to bring all of their supplies with them 3 Unexcused Tardies is equivalent to 1 Unexcused Absence Tardies will accumulate in 3’s (Ex: 3 unexcused tardies = 1 unexcused absence; 6 unexcused tardies = 2 unexcused absences, etc…).

11 Notification of Unexcused Absences or Tardies Teachers or office personal will notify students each time they receive an unexcused absence In addition, teachers will notify students when they receive an unexcused tardy. When students receive 2 unexcused tardies, they will receive a warning from office personnel Furthermore, it is our goal to utilize our School Reach notification system this year to contact parents via email or phone when your child is marked absent

12 Grades We expect all of our students to be working to the best of their ability We strive for personalized instruction that will challenge you Parents are strongly encouraged to check grades online Report Cards are no longer sent home except at the end of the school year – You can request a paper copy to be sent – With our new JMC program we will be able to email out report cards every quarter

13 Remedial Support Options Our #1 Goal is to help ALL students be academically successful Extended School Day or After School Program – 3:05 to 5:00 PM every Tuesday and Thursday Daily Working Lunch ADSIS – Any student (grades 7-11) that scores at or below the 40 th percentile on the NWEA Reading and Math exams qualify for ADSIS, which is additional support provided by teachers and classroom assistants in a one-to-one or small group setting for approximately 25 minutes a week Any student receiving a failing grade at the end of the quarter must serve a one game or contest suspension for each non passing subject Summer school is an option, as well as retention

14 1 st Hour Home Rooms MORE THAN JUST A TIME TO DO HOMEWORK!!! Student Connections - Great opportunity for students to connect with a specific teacher for multiple years Teachers and students work together to monitor, assist and provide encouragement Teachers also meet with individual students periodically to set attainable and challenging goals Teachers check grades for each homeroom student twice a week, work with struggling learners and refer students that are struggling to a specific instructor or the after school program Class meetings are also held once a month to discuss a variety of issues and to build a team/community atmosphere Excellent time for students to take care of other logistical needs

15 Schedules Your child will be receiving a copy of their schedule tonight, as well as on the 1 st day of school If you ever have any questions regarding schedules and future planning, please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs. Hajek Example Schedule

16 Wed. Early Release Schedule 1 st Period: 8:00 – 8:41 (41 min.) 2 nd Period: 8:45 – 9:35 (50 min.) 3 rd Period: 9:39 – 10:29 (50 min.) 4 th Period: 10:33 – 11:23 (50 min.) SH Lunch: 11:23 – 11:53 (30 min.) 5 th Period JH: 11:27 – 12:17 (50 min.) JH Lunch: 12:17 – 12:47 (30 min.) 5 th Period SH: 11:57 – 12:47 (50 min.) 6 th Period: 12:51 – 1:41 (50 min.) 7 th Period: 1:45 – 2:35 (50 min.) 2:40 PM: Busses Depart 2:45 – 3:25 PM: PLC’s

17 Activities Numerous Sports including: – Volleyball, Football, Cross Country, Boys and Girls Basketball, Wrestling, Dance, Alpine Skiing, Baseball, Softball, Track and Golf. Numerous Fine Arts Activities including: – The Fall Play, One Act, Musical, Speech Team, Math Team, Band, Choir, Student Council, SADD. Additional Club Team Activities including: – Bowling and Trap Shooting.

18 The following is actual W-K student data from an article I had published in the WI Coaches Association magazine. It looks at 160 of our students, grades 9-11. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES MAKE A DIFFERENCE O Activities1 Activity2 Activities3 Activities4 + Activities 29 Students33 Students39 Students27 Students32 Students





23 COMMUNICATION Please don’t hesitate to call or email a teacher if you have any questions or concerns about grades or anything else for that matter In addition, never hesitate to give me a call, send me an email, or stop on by Finally, please make sure all of your contact information is correct in JMC and we now have the ability to add additional emails

24 Additional Items Transportation Lockers and Locks Other Electronic Devices (iPods) iPad Initiative Door Security System Assignment Book Immunizations Emergency Forms Picture Day – (Friday, Aug. 22 nd ) All completed paperwork can be turned into the office starting tonight, as well as lunch money and medications. Any forms you need can also be picked up including the online grade access form, the free and reduced lunch eligibility form, MSHSL forms for participation in extracurricular activities, etc…

25 Questions

26 10 Tips for a Great Year 1. BE IN SCHOOL EVERY DAY Attendance is the number one school success factor! 2. GIVE YOUR BEST EFFORT EVERY DAY Work hard in your classes and be proud of your accomplishments! 3. DON’T BE AFRAID TO ASK FOR HELP Most problems can be resolved just by talking to the right person! 4. SET GOALS Setting goals is an important life-long skill. Get in the habit now of setting goals! 5. KNOW YOUR SCHOOL’S RULES All schools have attendance policies, rules, dress codes, and athletic eligibility requirements. Now your handbook! 6. MAKE GOOD DECISIONS You are responsible for the choices and decisions you make. Think before you act! 7. PLAN FOR YOUR FUTURE Graduation may seem like a long way off, but it’s never too early to start thinking about graduation, as well as what you want to do after you graduate. 8. GET INVOLVED IN SCHOOL ACTIVITIES All schools have athletic teams, music programs, drama programs and various clubs. Try to get involved in two or three activities. You’ll meet new people, develop new skills, and have a lot of fun along the way. 9. BE HEALTHY AND ACTIVE To be at your best, eat healthy foods, be physically active, and get plenty of sleep. 10. WORK TO MAKE CONNECTIONS~FRIENDS, TEACHERS, & OFFICE PERS0NAL These connections and relationships are a vital part of your educational career. These people can help you make difficult decisions, plan for your future, and just be a great listener.

27 Tour We have a group of outstanding high school NHS members waiting to give you a superb tour. We will split up alphabetically as follows: – Allen – Gusa – Hager – Lee – Lien – Wobbe Tiffany Stumpf Lauren Bussian Susan Stoll MaKenna Patrow Ashley Braem Logan Lien Byron Schmoker THANK YOU!!!

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