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Forest Niepołomice 11. Generally about forest Niepołomickiej: Generally about forest niepołomickiej: Niepołomice Forest was in the past part of a large.

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Presentation on theme: "Forest Niepołomice 11. Generally about forest Niepołomickiej: Generally about forest niepołomickiej: Niepołomice Forest was in the past part of a large."— Presentation transcript:

1 Forest Niepołomice 11

2 Generally about forest Niepołomickiej: Generally about forest niepołomickiej: Niepołomice Forest was in the past part of a large complex of forest that stretched from the northern basin of the Sandomierz to the San valley. Due to the short distance from Krakow wilderness formerly it was one of the most popular areas where hunting Polish rulers. Name Niepołomice Forest comes from the word " niepołomny ", that is impossible to overcome. Thus, formerly forest niepołomna forest would be difficult to grub up, the development of agriculture, very inaccessible. 21

3 Characteristic of forest: Characteristic of forest Forest Niepołomicka is the most attraction and popular in Cracow. It is not so far away, because about 20 km, and the truth is there are many possibilities. The first time I was there for a walk with friends. At that moment I felt like a dream. Even then I knew that I would be spending a lot of time. I come here whenever I'm sad.. When I can not find my place. The photo below is my favorite part Noise stream really calms me down. 31

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5 Fauna of forest: Fauna of Forest is home to many beautiful animals. In the area of forest is 175 species of birds. Forest Niepolomicka, especially its northern part, occupy different species of amphibians. The most common during the mating season meets green toad, toad, frog Tawn, moor frog and tree frog. Sometimes we can meet slowworm ordinary, ordinary grass snake, and with a little luck - Smooth Snake. For large mammals that inhabit the forest include deer, there are in our approx. 2,300, deer and wild boar. Sometimes, there are wolves and moose. 51

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7 Flora of forest: According to the data of 2002, the most common type of forest habitat type is mixed forest wilgoty (45%) with a predominance of pine and spruce. Second place is humid forest (22%), followed by mixed forest humid (12%). In the northern part of the forest there is a much greater diversity of plant species than in the south. In addition to the dominant hornbeam, can meet riparian forests and alder. In many wetland areas there are many species of aquatic plants and wetland. Walking around this part of the forest Niepołomicka easiest to hit the ganutnki such as: Euonymus ordinary, wall lettuce, tussock cottongrass and bog cranberries. In the autumn, we meet people with baskets full of mushrooms 71

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9 Species Protected: Forest Niepołomicka Among the birds are protected species such as the collared flycatcher, middle spotted woodpecker, woodpecker, black woodpecker, solitary sandpiper, grouse, herons and boreal owl. Forest also inhabit the birds that are strictly protected species: the kingfisher, Ural, corncrake, black kite, remiz, honey buzzard, lesser spotted eagle, hen harrier and harrier, osprey, black stork and hobby. Les is also home to the protected Great Capricorn Beetle - the largest beetle of the family longhorn in Poland. In our country it can meet only on oaks and pedunculate bezszypułkowych, and its population for decades steadily decreasing. Cluster mammals represent protected whiskered bat, lesser noctule and dormouse. In the northern part of the forest are also protected species of plants - ivy, European Wild Ginger, Woodruff, break up spicata, and others. In the forest there are also interesting species of mountain plants: Goose Haller mantle almost naked and speedwell mountain. 91

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11 King of the forest Niepołomice: king of our forest is, of course, bison. This is one of the most recognizable symbols of Polish world. The first pair of these animals was brought to Niepołomice of Bialowieza Forest before World War II, the Order of the Main Directorate of State Forests in Bialowieza (7 December 1938). Breeding bison is under constant supervision. Currently Niepołomickie herd consists of about thirty individuals. Bull herd is born in 1996, "guarantor". The Royal Castle in Niepołomice can look at spreparowanemu żubrowi. It was brought from the Bialowieza Forest 20 February 2004 by the Foundation Royal Castle, accompanied by boisterous celebrations. For bison chosen the name "Niepołom." 111

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13 Nature 2000: Niepołomice Forest there are over thirty species of protected plants. The whole forest was included in the Natura 2000 program aimed to provide special protection, inter alia, that plants like lily of the valley, Dactylorhiza majalis, carnation delicious, Epipactis purpurata, snowdrop, twayblade, Neottia, Ononis spinosa, lesser butterfly orchid, primrose spring and viburnum coral. In addition, the SPA "Niepołomice Forest" is one of the few lowland breeding grounds Tengmalm also having great importance for the two regularly occurring species of migratory birds - Eurasian Hobby (Falco subbuteo) and pigeon bruise (Columba oenas). In total, the Forest there are 16 species. Birds Directive Birds (including the black stork and the honey buzzard), 4 species. Polish Red Book (black kite, boreal owl, lesser spotted eagle, Ural) and many others protected species. 131

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15 Nature Reserves: The Niepołomice Forest was created six nature reserves, together covering an area of 101.41 hectares. These are: Lipówka- survived with established December 24, 1957 year. It is the oldest nature reserve in the Niepolomice Forest and is a strict reserve. It was created in order to protect the natural forests of the former Forest Niepołomicka. There is also a riparian alder and alder. It was found also the presence of some relict species of plants shit-rskich. Gibiel - is the largest nature reserve in Niepołomice Forest. It was established on October 21, 1961. It protects the original, natural pieces of wood. There are also many natural monuments and habitats of animals such as the black stork, buzzard, tawny owl, black woodpecker and the grosbeak. It is a strict reserve. Dlugosz Royal - is a nature reserve, created April 26, 1963 year in order to ensure the protection of numerous plants zarodnikowym and floral, as well as fungi kapeluszowym and various lichens. Particular attention is paid here. 151

16 Dlugosz king - fern located on the red list of plants and fungi, Polish, hazard category. Dębina- is a strict reserve created on December 24, 1957. As Lipówka reserve, it includes fragments of natural hail. There is a old trees of oak aged up to 210 years. Wiślisko Kobyle- is the youngest reserve in Niepołomice Forest. It was created December 10, 1970 year. It protects many species of aquatic plants. Reserve contains a fragment of the oxbow lake in the natural overgrowth. There is also a rich forest hail. Circular- created April 21, 1962 year is the lowest nature reserve in the entire Niepołomice Forest. Reserve was created to protect fragments of natural deciduous forest and oxbow lakes wiślańskiego. It is habitat for beetles Great Capricorn Beetle and hermit oak and amphibians: fire-bellied toad and crested newt. Nest here also birds such as Muchówka białoszyja, black woodpecker, lesser spotted eagle, corncrake, boreal owl and Ural. 161

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18 The ownership structure of forest: The ownership structure of forest management forest area is characterized by small, gentle hills and wide river valleys. Sometimes you come across a small, narrow ravines and wetlands, which is a lot in the forest in some areas there are also peat soil, formerly used for agriculture and ogrodnictwa.Puszczę separate trenches. Currently, there is not a lot of natural creeks. 181

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20 Size of the acquisition of raw wood Forest is a natural treasure trove of many resources: 201 Wood, undergrowth fruit, medicinal plants and many other treasures of the forest, is a gift of nature to man. Annual gaining in size smaller than the current increment allows the systematic increase of the resources of our forests. The basis for conducting such an economy is valid Forest Act of 28 September 1991. (As amended. Amended). Size usage is the result of breeding needs rebuilding stands przeszłorębnych and felling, mainly pine. About 54% of harvested timber from felling cuts while the remaining 46% comes from treatments such as thinning czyszczeniai (early and late), and the land contingent. Raw coniferous constitutes almost 60% of harvested wood and hardwood 40%.Such system is conditioned by a considerable share of our pine stands.

21 The Forest District Niepołomice: -Supply of wood 2 817 776 m 3 - The average wealth per ha 277m3 - Annual timber harvesting is about 42 709m3 -- Increase the current annual average of 59 825m 211

22 Availability forests:  Public forests account for 82%  Forests, national parks represent 2%  Municipal forests represent 0.9%  Other state forests 1.1%  Private forests account for 18%  Most of them are in the region: -Małopolskim 43.3% -Mazowieckim 42.9% -Lubelskim 39.6%  At least in the region: -Lubuskim 1.2% -Zachodniopomorskim 1.6% -Dolnośląskim 3.6% 221

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24 Binding CO2: Binding CO2 Woods is the most effective way to reduce CO2 emissions. Poland produces 10 tonnes of CO2 per capita per year. Hectare forest consumes 16 tons of CO2 per year. Low CO2 emission limits led to a lack of energy in Poland, which is zagroożeniem for Polish energy security. CO2 emission limits of the Kyoto indeed hit the entire European Union economy. 241

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26 Non-productive functions: Stop the huge quantities of water Reduce the power of the wind Shape the earth's climate The fullness of features recreational - tourist Factory oxygen Shield against noise and pollution 261

27 END THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!! source: Julian Zinkow pt. „Wokół Niepołomic i Puszczy Niepołomickiej” internet 271 School data : Gimnazium Niepołomice ulica szkolna 3 Postal Code: 32-005 develop : Gabriela Bułat Kamila Mikuła Roksana Kostecka Contest YPEF in Poland

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