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Name: P4 6 mark question practice All 6 mark questions are marked using the following Quality of Written Answer guidelines: LEVEL 3 (5-6 marks) Answer.

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Presentation on theme: "Name: P4 6 mark question practice All 6 mark questions are marked using the following Quality of Written Answer guidelines: LEVEL 3 (5-6 marks) Answer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Name: P4 6 mark question practice All 6 mark questions are marked using the following Quality of Written Answer guidelines: LEVEL 3 (5-6 marks) Answer applies correct and detailed scientific knowledge. All information in the answer is relevant, clear, organised and presented in a structured and coherent format. Specialist terms are used appropriately. Few, if any, errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling. LEVEL 2 (3-4 marks) Answers applies scientific knowledge. For the most part the information is relevant and presented in a structured and coherent format. Specialist terms are used for the most part appropriately. There are occasional errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling. LEVEL 1 (1-2 marks) Answer applies some knowledge. Answer may be simplistic. There may be limited use of specialist terms. Errors of grammar, punctuation and spelling prevent communication of the science. LEVEL 0 (0 marks) Insufficient or irrelevant science. Answer not worthy of credit.

2 1.Electricity can be dangerous, if a fault occurs in a circuit a shock could be fatal. Describe two safety measures used in the UK to reduce the risk of a fatal accident. Level 3 (5-6 marks) ✓ or ✗ Does each line contain at least one, correctly used physics key word? Does the answer contain at least four of the ‘relevant points’? Is the answer easy to read, following a clear thought-process? Are there any spelling, punctuation or grammar mistakes? Level 2 (3-4 marks) ✓ or ✗ Does the answer contain at least three, correctly used Physics key words? Does the answer contain at between two and four the ‘relevant points’? Is the answer easy to read, following a clear thought-process? Are there any spelling, punctuation or grammar mistakes? Level 1 (1-2 marks) ✓ or ✗ Does the answer contain at least one, correctly used physics key word? Does the answer contain at least one of the ‘relevant points’? Is the answer easy to read, following a clear thought-process? Are there any spelling, punctuation or grammar mistakes? Level 0 (0 marks) ✓ or ✗ Does the answer include any of the ‘relevant points’? MARK /6

3 2.Static electricity can be very useful when used correctly. Explain how an object can become charged and describe one use of static electricity. Level 3 (5-6 marks) ✓ or ✗ Does each line contain at least one, correctly used physics key word? Does the answer contain at least four of the ‘relevant points’? Is the answer easy to read, following a clear thought-process? Are there any spelling, punctuation or grammar mistakes? Level 2 (3-4 marks) ✓ or ✗ Does the answer contain at least three, correctly used Physics key words? Does the answer contain at between two and four the ‘relevant points’? Is the answer easy to read, following a clear thought-process? Are there any spelling, punctuation or grammar mistakes? Level 1 (1-2 marks) ✓ or ✗ Does the answer contain at least one, correctly used physics key word? Does the answer contain at least one of the ‘relevant points’? Is the answer easy to read, following a clear thought-process? Are there any spelling, punctuation or grammar mistakes? Level 0 (0 marks) ✓ or ✗ Does the answer include any of the ‘relevant points’? MARK /6

4 3.Explain how measurements from radioactive carbon can be used to find the date of old materials. Level 3 (5-6 marks) ✓ or ✗ Does each line contain at least one, correctly used physics key word? Does the answer contain at least four of the ‘relevant points’? Is the answer easy to read, following a clear thought-process? Are there any spelling, punctuation or grammar mistakes? Level 2 (3-4 marks) ✓ or ✗ Does the answer contain at least three, correctly used Physics key words? Does the answer contain at between two and four the ‘relevant points’? Is the answer easy to read, following a clear thought-process? Are there any spelling, punctuation or grammar mistakes? Level 1 (1-2 marks) ✓ or ✗ Does the answer contain at least one, correctly used physics key word? Does the answer contain at least one of the ‘relevant points’? Is the answer easy to read, following a clear thought-process? Are there any spelling, punctuation or grammar mistakes? Level 0 (0 marks) ✓ or ✗ Does the answer include any of the ‘relevant points’? MARK /6

5 4.A nuclear power station uses a fission reaction to release energy. Describe a nuclear fission reaction and explain how the reaction is controlled in a power station Level 3 (5-6 marks) ✓ or ✗ Does each line contain at least one, correctly used physics key word? Does the answer contain at least four of the ‘relevant points’? Is the answer easy to read, following a clear thought-process? Are there any spelling, punctuation or grammar mistakes? Level 2 (3-4 marks) ✓ or ✗ Does the answer contain at least three, correctly used Physics key words? Does the answer contain at between two and four the ‘relevant points’? Is the answer easy to read, following a clear thought-process? Are there any spelling, punctuation or grammar mistakes? Level 1 (1-2 marks) ✓ or ✗ Does the answer contain at least one, correctly used physics key word? Does the answer contain at least one of the ‘relevant points’? Is the answer easy to read, following a clear thought-process? Are there any spelling, punctuation or grammar mistakes? Level 0 (0 marks) ✓ or ✗ Does the answer include any of the ‘relevant points’? MARK /6

6 Other possibilities Many people do not like the idea of building more nuclear power stations because of the radioactive waste they produce. Scientists believe that a power station using nuclear fusion not fission is the future of power generation. Explain how a fusion reaction is different to a fission reaction and the challenges it presents What is ultrasound and how is it used in medicine? Describe fully the nature of an alpha particle (what it’s made from, speed, ionising, penetrating power, mass, charge) and Explain how they are used in smoke alarms Describe fully the nature of a beta particle and explain how they are used to measure paper thickness Describe fully the nature of gamma radiation and explain how they are used in industry or medicine Explain why ionising radiation is dangerous and provide an example of where the risk of using radiation is worth taking Describe fully the difference between x-rays and gamma rays (how they are produced and how they are used) Explain the role of an Earth wire and explain why double insulated appliances do not need an Earth wire

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