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Chasey M. Reed-Boston, MA, PhD Student APHA Member APHA Public Health Ethics Sub-Committee Member ASPH and CDC Joint Project Subject Matter Expert Participant.

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Presentation on theme: "Chasey M. Reed-Boston, MA, PhD Student APHA Member APHA Public Health Ethics Sub-Committee Member ASPH and CDC Joint Project Subject Matter Expert Participant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chasey M. Reed-Boston, MA, PhD Student APHA Member APHA Public Health Ethics Sub-Committee Member ASPH and CDC Joint Project Subject Matter Expert Participant

2  What is the South Texas Project?  How much electricity is produced by the South Texas Project?  Where is the South Texas Project is located with regard to Brazoria County?  How do pressurized water reactors work, and what could go wrong?  What are the risks to Brazoria County residents?  What plans are in place to protect Brazoria County residents?  Evacuate or shelter-in-place?  What barriers need to be addressed to maximize protective efforts?

3 A nuclear facility located south of Bay City, Texas in Matagorda County Has two Pressurized Water Reactors and is in the process of adding two Advanced Boiling Water Reactors Used to generate electricity One of 65 nuclear power plants in the United States, with two of the nation’s 104 reactors (U.S. Energy Information Administration, 2010)

4 Sources of Energy Production in the United States Nuclear plants are responsible for producing 20% of the electricity in the United States.

5 According to 2007 data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (2010a): ranked 5 th in energy production and were the largest reactors in the nation until 2003 For 5 consecutive years (2004-2008), led the nation’s 2-unit plants in production Texas ranked the highest of all 50 states in carbon dioxide emissions Texas’ electric industry ranked 5 th highest of all 50 states in sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions South Texas Project has a stellar safety record (STPNOC, 2010) February 2009 achieved a total safety Industrial Accident Rate of 0.00 Rated in the top 10% of US nuclear plants for personal safety Received the B. Ralph Sylvia Best of the Best Award, three times South Texas Project (STPNOC). (2010). Home page. Bay City, TX: Author. Retrieved on April 11, 2010, from U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). (2010a). Largest utility plants by net generation. Washington D.C.: Author. Retrieved on April 10, 2010, from

6 Geographic Proximity of South Texas Project to Brazoria County Even with all of these production and safety accolades, it is of utmost importance to have emergency plans in place in the event of a nuclear and radiological accident. This is important, not only for the South Texas Project facility, but for surrounding areas to also have plans in place to protect the health and well-being of their residents. (Image courtesy of Snob Hollow Designs) Snob Hollow Designs. (2010). County Maps of Texas: Brazoria County. Retrieved on April 10, 2010, from

7 In order to understand what could happen at the South Texas Project, it is first important to be somewhat familiar with pressurized water reactor (PWR) systems.

8 South Texas Project’s Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) Systems A pressurized water reactor system consists of: A primary system and a secondary system. The primary system moves the heat away from the fuel to the steam generator. The secondary system begins at the steam generator. The secondary system transfers the steam to powerful turbines, it is then converted to electricity. Then the steam then goes to the main condenser. United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC). (2008). Pressurized Water Reactor(PWR) Systems. Reactor Concepts Manual. Washington, DC: USNRC Technical Training Center. Retrieved on April 10, 2010, from rm/basicref/teachers/04.pdf rm/basicref/teachers/04.pdf

9 The need might arise for a nuclear reactor to be shut down. There is still a great deal of decay heat produced by the decay of fission products and the amount of heat is enough to cause damage if the fuel is not removed. The containment building can be adversely affected over a long period of time. Containment buildings can withstand a high pressure release, but prolonged releases would cause damage to the concrete. In the event of a primary system failure, “the coolant that is released into the containment building would contain radioactive material (fission products). If the concrete developed any cracks, the high pressure in the containment would tend to force the radioactive material out of the containment and into the environment” (p. 4-26). United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC). (2008). Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) Systems. Reactor Concepts Manual. Washington, DC: USNRC Technical Training Center. Retrieved on April 10, 2010, from

10 Probability of an event, Consequences of the event, and Mitigating actions (Levenson & Rahn, 1981) Also affected by time, distance and shielding (EPA, 2008) from the event Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). (2008). Communicating Radiation Risks: Crisis Communications for Emergency Responders. Washington DC: Author. Levenson, M. & Rahn, F. (1981). Realistic estimates of the consequences of nuclear accidents. Nuclear Technology, 53, 99-110.

11 The South Texas Project emergency plan is an industry model has achieved a rating of excellent in annual drills (STPNOC, 2010). There are sirens located within 10 miles of the plant, and in the event of an adverse occurrence that would affect residents, the sirens emit a steady tone for three minutes. South Texas Project (STPNOC). (2010). Home page. Bay City, TX: Author. Retrieved on April 11, 2010, from

12 Brazoria County’s Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Division also has a plan in the event of an accident at the South Texas Project. The plan depends upon the cooperation of city governments to deliver messages to their citizens via different methods. The messaging will depend directly upon the scope of the event and determined risks to the public health of Brazoria County. Capable and careful consultation and consideration will be used to determine whether to advise evacuation or sheltering in place.

13 Some experts feel that radiation exposure estimates are high by an approximate factor of 10 (Levenson & Rahn, 1981). These same experts feel that mass evacuation is not necessarily the safest strategy. They contend that evacuating those very close to the site and having others shelter-in-place prevents unnecessary exposure, thereby protecting public health. Levenson, M. & Rahn, F. (1981). Realistic estimates of the consequences of nuclear accidents. Nuclear Technology, 53, 99-110.

14 The Environmental Protection Agency (2008) advises that mass evacuation may not be called for depending on the event. Simple structures provide substantial protection: A wood frame house reduces dose rate from a passing cloud by 2 Masonry structure, 1 st floor, reduces dose rate by 10 Masonry structure, basement, reduces dose rate by up to 50 (Levenson & Rahn, 1981). Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). (2008). Communicating Radiation Risks: Crisis Communications for Emergency Responders. Washington DC: Author. Levenson, M. & Rahn, F. (1981). Realistic estimates of the consequences of nuclear accidents. Nuclear Technology, 53, 99-110.

15 Utilizing strong interlocal relationships, all involved must seek to address the following barriers: Communication Panic resulting in mass evacuations Education among the general public regarding safety measures and actual risk

16 Thank you for your time and attention during this presentation. As we have learned, South Texas Project provides an important resource to both Texas and the United States. Their emergency plans are comprehensive, and as a neighboring county, Brazoria County has a responsibility to also have a plan in place. Through strong relationships with our city governments, the Brazoria County Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Team will protect residents from unnecessary risks. As we work to increase education, barriers will be overcome, and as a whole, Brazoria County and its residents will be even more prepared for emergencies as they arise.

17 Department of State Health Services. (2009). Radiation control program. Austin, TX: Author. Retrieved on April 10, 2010, from Matagorda County. (n.d.). STP 10-mile emergency planning zone map and reception centers. Palacios, TX: Author. Retrieved on April 10, 2010, from United States Nuclear Regulation Commission (USNRC). (2010). Nuclear reactors. Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved on April 10, 2010, from ref/students/reactors.html ref/students/reactors.html United States Nuclear Regulation Commission (USNRC). (2010a). Issued design certification- Advanced Boiling Water Reactor (ABWR). Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved on April 20, 2010, from

18 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). (2008). Communicating Radiation Risks: Crisis Communications for Emergency Responders. Washington DC: Author. Levenson, M. & Rahn, F. (1981). Realistic estimates of the consequences of nuclear accidents. Nuclear Technology, 53, 99-110. Renewable Resource Data Center. (2010). Chapter 3: Regional Summaries. Wind Energy Resource Atlas of the United States. Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved on April 11, 2010, from Snob Hollow Designs. (2010). County Maps of Texas: Brazoria County. Retrieved on April 10, 2010, from

19 South Texas Project (STPNOC). (2010). Home page. Bay City, TX: Author. Retrieved on April 11, 2010, from U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). (2010). States with commercial nuclear industries. Washington D.C.: Author. Retrieved on April 10, 2010, from U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). (2010a). Largest utility plants by net generation. Washington D.C.: Author. Retrieved on April 10, 2010, from states#tab3 states#tab3

20 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC). (2008). Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) Systems. Reactor Concepts Manual. Washington, DC: USNRC Technical Training Center. Retrieved on April 10, 2010, from ref/teachers/04.pdf ref/teachers/04.pdf United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC). (n.d.). Pressurized water reactor system image. Retrieved on April 10, 2010, from

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