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Air Pollution and Public Health Mike Kolleng American Lung Association.

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Presentation on theme: "Air Pollution and Public Health Mike Kolleng American Lung Association."— Presentation transcript:

1 Air Pollution and Public Health Mike Kolleng American Lung Association

2 Why Healthy Air Matters

3 Ozone Pollution Common pollutants: Ozone (smog) Particulate matter (soot) Mercury Carbon pollution Outdoor Air Pollutants

4 What is ozone? Gas, sometimes called smog Created in the atmosphere NOx + VOCs + + = Ozone (O 3 ) Outdoor Air Pollutants

5 Particulate matter is microscopic Outdoor Air Pollutants Solids and aerosols bypass the body’s defenses to lodge in lungs.

6 Health Effects of Air Pollution

7 Risks from breathing ozone: Premature death Coughing and wheezing Asthma attacks Worsening of COPD Hospital and ER admissions –US EPA, Air Quality Criteria for Ozone and Related Photochemical Oxidants, 2006 Outdoor Air Pollutants

8 Risks from breathing particle pollution : Premature mortality Asthma attacks Heart attacks, strokes Worsening of lung & cardiovascular diseases Hospital and ER admissions EPA, Integrated Science Assessment, 2009 Outdoor Air Pollutants

9 Toxic air pollution About 180 hazardous air pollutants harm health in other ways, including... Outdoor Air Pollutants

10 Just some of the toxic pollutants Cause Cancer Arsenic Dioxins and furans Benzene Formaldehyde May damage reproductive systems PAHs Damage developing nervous systems Mercury Lead Irritates skin, eyes, breathing passages Acid gases Outdoor Air Pollutants

11 Health Effects of Air Pollution Someone in every family faces higher risk from air pollution

12 Children, teens have growing lungs, spend more time outdoors, inhale more air per pound Children, Teens face higher risk

13 Aging brings a gradual decline in the body’s systems that makes us more vulnerable. Older Adults face higher risk

14 Having asthma or other lung diseases, cardiovascular disease or diabetes puts you at higher risk. Chronic diseases mean higher risk

15 Working or exercising outdoors increases exposure, especially near highways Healthy adults face higher risk

16 Poorer people often live closer to sources of pollution, may have higher incidence of disease, and less access to care. Low income people face higher risk

17 State of the Air 2013 Results for DuPage County and Illinois GroupDuPage CountyIllinois Total Population923,22212,869,257 Pediatric Asthma16,258223,551 Adult Asthma57,088796,340 COPD42,441592,962 Cardiovascular Disease238,7983,302,457 Diabetes68,728951,228 Children 18 & Under225,3183,098,125 Adults 65 & Over110,0601,640,765 Poverty Estimate71,0401,871,482

18 Why should we care?

19 Health Effects of Bad Air Health Effects of Secondhand Smoke Shortness of breath & wheezing Asthma attacks ER visits & hospitalizations Long-term lung & cardiovascular disease Lung Cancer Premature death in seniors and infants Health Effects of Air Pollution

20 Air pollution drops 59% since 1970 Success since 1990

21 The 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments prevent: 20102020 Adult Mortality - particles160,000230,000 Infant Mortality - particles230280 Mortality - ozone4,3007,100 Chronic Bronchitis54,00075,000 Heart Disease - Acute Myocardial Infarction130,000200,000 Asthma Exacerbation1,700,0002,400,000 Emergency Room Visits86,000120,000 School Loss Days3,200,0005,400,000 Lost Work Days13,000,00017,000,000 Public Health

22 In 2010 alone, the Clean Air Act Saved 160,000 lives Prevented 130,000 heart attacks Prevented 1.7 million asthma attacks Prevented 86,000 emergency dept. visits –EPA, 2011 Why Healthy Air Matters

23 Healthy Air Campaign Defend the Clean Air Act Stop Congress from interfering with EPA Push Administration to implement the law

24 We need your help: Pay attention to air pollution to protect you and your family. Take steps to limit the pollution you produce. Tell your members of Congress how important Clean Air Act is to your patients. Speak up for clean air standards. Protecting your health

25 Healthy Air Campaign Measure of Success No statutory changes Power Plant Mercury and Air Toxics Standards Cross State Air Pollution Rule Standards for cement plant toxics Proposed standards for industrial boilers and high fuel economy vehicles Updated particulate pollution standard

26 Goals for 2014 Defend previous victories Push for clean vehicles and clean fuels Tighten health standards for ozone and particulate matter Support standards for carbon pollution Clean air protections

27 Dan Dolan-Laughlin Double lung transplant recipient from Wheaton, IL Lead healthy air advocate 2013 White House Champion of Change for Public Health and Environment

28 Thank You Contact Information Mike Kolleng American Lung Association 312-445-2525 @ALAIllinois

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