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Using Linux with ARM Tutorial #3.

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Presentation on theme: "Using Linux with ARM Tutorial #3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Linux with ARM Tutorial #3

2 Why use an Operating System?
USB Device Drivers Keyboard, Mouse, Bluetooth Internet Stack Easily start using the Ethernet port Multi-threaded Applications

3 But Maybe an Operating System is Overkill
If only limited OS features are required Use ARM Semihosting

4 Hands-on Session Learn about Semihosting functions

5 Exercise 6: Semihosting
Virtual Operating System Allows C programs to make system calls I/O functions Time functions File operations Altera Monitor Program supports a subset printf and scanf to and from the terminal window. Some time functions

6 Printf, scanf and time functions
Program Printf, scanf and time functions #include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> int main(void)( char str[64]; int age = 0; // Get the initial timestamp clock_t start_time = clock(); while(1){ printf("What is your name?\n"); scanf("%s",str); printf("What is your age?\n"); scanf("%d",&age); ... } return 0;

7 Step 1: Create a New Project
Sets up the Altera Monitor Program Select files to work with Specify target system

8 Step 1.1: Specify name, directory and architecture

9 Step 1.2: Select the DE1-SoC Computer System

10 Step 1.3: Select Program Type and Sample Program

11 Step 1.4: Automatically Includes Example’s Source Files

12 Step 1.5: Set Board Connection and Select Processor

13 Step 1.6: Leave Default Memory Settings

14 Step 2: Program the FPGA with the Computer System

15 Step 3: Compile and Load Compile your C language program Load the compiled code into the memory on the DE1-SoC board

16 Step 4: Run

17 Step 5: Type in your name

18 Step 6: Type in your age

19 Step 7: See the Result of the Semi-hosting Functions

20 Step 8: Open the Sample Code

21 Please read the instructions at
Hands-on Session Please read the instructions at “/exercise6/instructions.pdf”

22 Boot Sequence with Altera Monitor Program
Resets the HPS Halts the code in the Boot ROM Loads a preloader into the HPS on-chip RAM Preloader comes pre-compiled with the Monitor Program Initializes the DDR3 SDRAM and HPS I/O pins Enables the HPS-FPGA bridges Disables the watchdog timers Re-maps the DDR3 SDRAM to address 0x Loads the user’s code into the DDR3 SDRAM Pauses the processor at the first instruction

23 Typical ARM Cortex-A9 Boot Sequence
Boot ROM Hard coded by Altera Determines the boot source by reading the boot select pins Preloader In Flash/SD Card or FPGA Typically initializes the DDR3 SDRAM and HPS I/O pins Boot loader Loads and starts the operating system

24 We provide premade SD Card Images
Linux SD Card Images We provide premade SD Card Images Preloader, Boot Loader, Linux (Kernel + Distro) FPGA related drivers Automatically programs FPGA with prebuilt system We have: Command-line GUI (Ubuntu)

25 Hands-on Session Boot Linux Connect to Linux via USB-to-UART and Putty Compile and run a simple program

26 Exercise 7: Talking to Linux on the DE1-SoC
Compile and execute the “Hello World” program #include <stdio.h> int main(void){ printf("Hello World!\n"); return 0; }

27 Step 1: Power Off the DE1-SoC

28 Step 2: Set MSEL to `b01010 on the DE1-SoC
Enables ARM to be able to configure the FPGA

29 Step 3: Insert Linux SD Card

30 Step 4: Power On the DE1-SoC

31 Step 5: Ensure the UART-to-USB is Connected to the Host Computer

32 Step 6: Check Device Manager for COM Port Settings

33 Step 7: Open Putty

34 Step 8: Select ‘Serial’ Connection Type

35 Step 9: Enter COM Port Name in ‘Serial line’ Box

36 Step 10: Enter Serial Port Settings as shown

37 Step 11: Save Session for Later Use

38 Step 12: Open Connection

39 Step 13: In Putty: Change to the Example Directory

40 Step 14: Compile the Sample Program

41 Step 15: Execute the Sample Program

42 Step 16: See the Output

43 Please read the instructions at
Hands-on Session Please read the instructions at “/exercise7/instructions.pdf”

44 What if We Want to Communicate with the FPGA?

45 Copy the programming bitstream to Linux Then within Linux command line
Programming the FPGA Create the desired system using the Quartus II software and the Qsys System Integration Tool Copy the programming bitstream to Linux Then within Linux command line Disable the HPS-FPGA bridges Configure the FPGA with your bitstream Re-enable the bridges

46 The Default DE1-SoC Computer System
The Linux distribution automatically programs the FPGA with the DE1-SoC Computer System during boot

47 Virtual Addresses vs Physical Addresses
Linux creates a virtual address space for programs FPGA peripheral are given physical addresses in Qsys Linux provides the function ‘mmap’ to map virtual address space to physical addresses ‘munmap’ un-maps addresses

48 Hands-on Session Communicate with FPGA peripheral within Linux

49 Exercise 8: Using FPGA Peripherals within Linux
We will use the default DE1-SoC Computer system We will use the red LEDs and the slider switches The program copies the value of the switches to the LEDs

50 MMAP #define HW_REGS_BASE ( 0xff200000 )
#define HW_REGS_SPAN ( 0x ) #define HW_REGS_MASK ( HW_REGS_SPAN - 1 ) // Open /dev/mem if( ( fd = open( "/dev/mem", ( O_RDWR | O_SYNC ) ) ) == -1 ) { printf( "ERROR: could not open \"/dev/mem\"...\n" ); return( 1 ); } // get virtual addr that maps to physical virtual_base = mmap( NULL, HW_REGS_SPAN, ( PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE ), MAP_SHARED, fd, HW_REGS_BASE ); if( virtual_base == MAP_FAILED ) { printf( "ERROR: mmap() failed...\n" ); close( fd ); return(1);

51 Using the Virtual Address
#define LED_PIO_BASE 0x0 #define SW_PIO_BASE 0x40 volatile unsigned int *h2p_lw_led_addr=NULL; volatile unsigned int *h2p_lw_sw_addr=NULL; // Get the address that maps to the LEDs h2p_lw_led_addr=(unsigned int *)(virtual_base + (( LED_PIO_BASE ) & ( HW_REGS_MASK ) )); h2p_lw_sw_addr=(unsigned int *)(virtual_base + (( SW_PIO_BASE ) & ( HW_REGS_MASK ) )); while(!stop){ *h2p_lw_led_addr = *h2p_lw_sw_addr; }

52 MUNMAP if( munmap( virtual_base, HW_REGS_SPAN ) != 0 ) {
printf( "ERROR: munmap() failed...\n" ); close( fd ); return( 1 ); }

53 Step 1: Open the Connection to the DE1-SoC using Putty

54 Step 2: Change to the Example Directory

55 Step 3: Compile the Sample Program

56 Step 4: Execute the Sample Program

57 Step 5: The Program is Running. Try Toggling the Switches.

58 Step 6: Press Control-C to Exit the Program

59 Step 7: Open the leds.c file. See the mmap usage.

60 Please read the instructions at
Hands-on Session Please read the instructions at “/exercise8/instructions.pdf”

61 Handling Interrupts from FPGA Peripherals
This requires a Linux device driver A. Modify the Linux kernel B. Write a kernel module Kernel modules can be loaded at run-time Easily register interrupt handler using library functions

62 Interrupt handling (optional) Exit routine
Kernel Modules Initialization Sets up the module upon loading Interrupt handling (optional) Exit routine Clears used resources upon unloading

63 Hands-on Session Create a Linux device driver

64 Exercise 8: Creating a Linux Device Driver
We will use the red LEDs and pushbuttons The program increments the value displayed on the LEDs when a pushbutton is pressed

65 Kernel Module - Initialization
void * lwbridgebase; static int __init intitialize_pushbutton_handler(void) { // get the virtual addr that maps to 0xff200000 lwbridgebase = ioremap_nocache(0xff200000, 0x200000); // Set LEDs to 0x200 (the leftmost LED will turn on) iowrite32(0x200,lwbridgebase); // Clear the PIO edgecapture register (clear any pending interrupt) iowrite32(0xf,lwbridgebase+0x5c); // Enable IRQ generation for the 4 buttons iowrite32(0xf,lwbridgebase+0x58); // Register the interrupt handler. return request_irq(73, (irq_handler_t)irq_handler, IRQF_SHARED, "pushbutton_irq_handler", (void *)(irq_handler)); } module_init(intitialize_pushbutton_handler);

66 Kernel Module – Interrupt Handler
irq_handler_t irq_handler(int irq, void *dev_id, struct pt_regs *regs) { // Increment the value on the LEDs iowrite32(ioread32(lwbridgebase)+1,lwbridgebase); // Clear the edgecapture register (clears current interrupt) iowrite32(0xf,lwbridgebase+0x5c); return (irq_handler_t) IRQ_HANDLED; }

67 Kernel Module – Exit Routine
static void __exit cleanup_pushbutton_handler(void) { // Turn off LEDs and de-register irq handler iowrite32(0x0,lwbridgebase); free_irq(73, (void*) irq_handler); } module_exit(cleanup_pushbutton_handler);

68 Step 1: Open the Connection to the DE1-SoC using Putty

69 Step 2: Change to the Example Directory

70 Step 3: Compile the Sample Program

71 Step 4: Compilation Complete

72 Step 5: Insert Newly Compiled Kernel Module into Linux

73 Step 6: Run ‘lsmod’ to See All Loaded Kernel Modules

74 Step 6: The Pushbutton IRQ Handler was Loaded

75 Step 7: Try Toggling the Pushbuttons

76 Step 8: Remove the Kernel Module

77 Step 9: Run ‘lsmod’ to See All Loaded Kernel Modules

78 Step 10: Examine the ‘pushbutton_irq_handler.c’ file

79 Please read the instructions at
Hands-on Session Please read the instructions at “/exercise9/instructions.pdf”

80 Where did we go from here?
Summary #4 What did we learn? Using semi-hosting ARM Cortex-A9 Boot Sequence How to run the Linux operating system How to communicate between the HPS and FPGA under Linux How to create a kernel module Where did we go from here? Tutorials: Using Linux on the DE1-SoC Using Terminals with DE-Series Boards SD Card images Linux for the DE1-SoC Tons of Linux documentation online

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