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Streets and Local Roads
Proper Design Details for PCC Pavement Performance Mike Byers Indiana Chapter – American Concrete Pavement Association
American Concrete Pavement Association
Streets & Local Roads Chapter/States Associations of ACPA North Dakota Northwest Minnesota Michigan South Dakota Wisconsin Northeast Colorado- Wyoming Iowa Indiana Illinois Ohio Utah Western States Missouri-Kansas Kentucky Oklahoma-Arkansas Southeast Louisiana American Concrete Pavement Association
SLR Pavement Markets New/Reconstruction of Concrete Pavements
Concrete Overlays Unbonded Whitetopping Ultra-Thin Whitetopping (UTW) Concrete Inlays Intersections Roundabouts Bus Pads Alleys Concrete Pavement Restoration
Thickness Design Procedures
Empirical Design Procedures Based on observed performance AASHO Road Test Mechanistic Design Procedures Based on mathematically calculated pavement responses PCA Design Procedure (PCAPAV) StreetPave (ACPA Design Method) Ottawa, Illinois (approximately 80 miles southwest of Chicago) between 1956 and 1960
New Design Tools for SLR
MEPDG – Mechanistic-Emperical Design Guide StreetPave Software Concrete Thickness Asphalt Institute Design Thickness Life Cycle Cost Analysis Information Sheet IS184 Thickness Design Manual for Concrete Streets and Local Roads EB109 Equivalent Pavement Design Charts The design tools are primarily intended for concrete pavement designs for new construction for all categories of streets and local roads pavements. These are base on the PCAPAV “Thickness Design for Concrete Highway and Street Pavements (SLR Only) and the accompanying software. These projects are budgeted for 2004 but work is currently underway. The thickness guide will be primary a rewrite of our current metric version for SLR pavements only. The equivalent design charts are tools requested during the Chapter/State meetings and is a simple comparisons of equivalent Concrete to Asphalt cross sections incorporating the Structural Number concept. What’s Equivalent
Equivalent Pavement Design
StreetPave Software Concrete pavement thickness design based on revised criteria Asphalt equivalent section based on converted total carrying capacity Life-Cycle cost analysis based on initial costs of equivalent pavements and predicted maintenance
Different Pavement Types
Concrete Section Asphalt Section Asphalt Layer Subbase Base Subgrade Subbase Subgrade
How Pavements Carry Loads
7000 lb. 7000 lb. pressure < 1-3 psi pressure » 6-10 psi Concrete’s Rigidness spreads the load over a large area and keeps pressures on the subgrade low.
Comparison of Concrete vs. Asphalt
It’s not the same old Asphalt and Concrete anymore! Just look at the Gas Pumps! Gasoline prices are a good indicator of what asphalt pavement cost! Reproducing the graphics from ENR demonstrating the cost increase of Asphalt vs. the Cost Increase of Concrete
Life-Cycle Cost Analysis
Equivalent Uniform Annual Cost: Combines all present and future costs (benefits) into equal annual payments Costs Initial Cost Rehabilitation Cost Maintenance Cost Salvage Value Years Costs Equivalent Uniform Annual Cost Years
Streets and Local Roads Thickness Design Procedure
Surface smoothness or rideability Thickness Design Longitudinal joint Transverse joint Surface Texture Concrete materials Dowel bars Tiebars Subgrade Subbase or base
Concrete Pavement Types
Jointed Plain Undoweled Doweled Jointed Reinforced Continuously Reinforced
Jointed Plain Plan 8 – 15 ft Profile or
Jointed Plain
Agencies Designing Jointed Plain Concrete Highway Pavements
Use jointed plain designs Do not use jointed plain designs
Concrete Pavement Design Requires Selecting Appropriate Features
Subgrade modification Drainage system Subbase Joint Spacing 15 ft 18 ft Dowels Thickness 6 in 8 in 10 in Reinforcement Joint Sealant None Hot pour Silicone Preformed Surface Texture Transverse tine Burlap drag Shoulder Asphalt Concrete
Optimize Cost Performance
Now Using Mechanistic-Empirical Design (MEPDG) to Optimize
Principles of Design Load stresses Curling/Warping stresses
Thickness Curling/Warping stresses Jointing Volume change stresses
SLR Pavement Design Street classification and traffic Geometric design
Subgrades and subbases Concrete quality Thickness design Jointing Construction specifications
Street Class Description Light Residential Residential Collector
Two-way Average Daily Traffic (ADT) Two-way Average Daily Truck Traffic (ADTT) Typical Range of Slab Thickness Light Residential Short streets in subdivisions and similar residential areas – often not through-streets. Less than 200 2-4 in. ( mm) Residential Through-streets in subdivisions and similar residential areas that occasionally carry a heavy vehicle (truck or bus). 200-1,000 10-50 in. ( mm) Collector Streets that collect traffic from several residential subdivisions, and that may serve buses and trucks. 1,000-8,000 50-500 in. ( mm) Business Streets that provide access to shopping and urban central business districts. 11,000-17,000 in. ( mm) Industrial Streets that provide access to industrial areas or parks, and typically carry heavier trucks than the business class. 2,000-4,000 in. ( mm) Arterial Streets that serve traffic from major expressways and carry traffic through metropolitan areas. Truck and bus routes are primarily on these roads. 4,000-15,000 (minor) 4,000-30,000 (major) 700-1,500 in. ( mm) in. ( mm)
Geometric Design Utilities Increase Edge Support Street Widths
Integral Curb Tied Curb & Gutter Widened Lanes (2 feet no parking) Parking Lanes Rural Areas – Tied Concrete Shoulders Street Widths Minimum width of 25 ft. Maximum Cross Slope of 2 percent (¼” per ft.) Traffic Lanes feet Parking Lanes 7-8 feet Notes: Utilities should be located outside pavement structure whenever possible. StreetPave treats each of the above category the same for additional edge support and typically will reduce the cross-sectional thickness by approximately 1 inch. Pavement lane widths greater than 14 (stripped) may cause drives to try and pass, especially on the right. Parking lanes of 6 ft. are not recommended.
For Concrete Pavements
Subbase vs. NO Subbase For Concrete Pavements Subbase Subgrade
For Concrete Pavements
Subgrade and Subbases For Concrete Pavements Subbase Subgrade
Subgrade and Subbases Subgrade Subbase
Natural ground, graded, and compacted on which the pavement is built. Subbase Layer of material directly below the concrete pavement.
UNIFORMITY: The Key To GOOD PAVEMENT PERFORMANCE As well as being Drainable and Compactable
Design for Uniform Support
Three Major Causes for Non-Uniform Support Expansive Soils Differential Frost Heave Pumping (loss of support)
Subbase vs. NO Subbase Presence of fine-grained soil Presence of water
Sufficient volume of trucks to cause soil pumping (> 100 trucks/day) Pavements on > 15% grade
Subgrade Properties Modulus of Subgrade Reaction, k-value
Plate-Load Test Reaction Stacked Plates Pressure Gauge Subgrade Plate load on subgrade Plate deflection on subgrade k = 5.0 psi in k = = 100 psi / in.
Subgrade Properties Plate-load test is rarely performed
time consuming & expensive Estimate k-value by correlation to other tests e.g. California Bearing Ratio (CBR) or R-value tests Lean concrete subbases increases k-value substantially
Subgrade Properties Correlated k-values for Subgrade Support Type
Amount of Support Historical k-values (pci) California Bearing Ratio (CBR), % (ASTM D 1183) Resistance Value (R-value) (ASTM D 2844) Fine-grained with high amounts of silt/clay Low Sand and sand-gravel with moderate silt/clay Medium Sand and sand-gravel with little or no silt/clay High
Subgrade and Subbases Design Summary
Subgrade strength is not a critical element in the thickness design. Has little impact on thickness. Need to know if pavement is on: Subgrade (k 25 MPa/m (100 psi/in.)), Granular subbase (k 40 MPa/m (150 psi/in.)), Asphalt treated subbase (k 80 MPa/m (300 psi/in.)) Cement treated/lean concrete subbase (k 125 MPa/m (500 psi/in.)).
Subgrade and Subbases Performance Summary
Proper design and construction are absolutely necessary if the pavement is to perform. Must be uniform throughout pavement’s life. Poor subgrade/subbase preparation can not be overcome with thickness. Any concrete pavement, built of any thickness, will have problems on a poorly designed and constructed subgrade or subbase.
Subbase Effects At the AASHO Road Test, concrete pavements with granular bases could carry about 30% more traffic. The current design procedures allows concrete pavements built with granular bases to carry about 5 - 8% more traffic.
Drainable Subbase?? Aggregate Quality – marginal D-cracking?
Traffic Level – high volume may warrant drainable subbase Edge drains behind curb still good detail
Concrete Quality Portland Cement Supplementary Cementitious Materials
Aggregates Chemical Admixtures Water Testing
Maximum size aggregate Total target air content, percent *
Concrete Quality Recommended Air Contents for Durable Concrete Maximum size aggregate Total target air content, percent * in. mm Severe Exposure Moderate Exposure 3/8 9.5 7.5 6 1/2 12.5 7 5.5 3/4 19.0 5 1 25.0 4.5 1½ 37.5 2 50.0 4 Suggest 6.5
Maximum water-cementitious ratio by weight
Concrete Quality Maximum Permissible Water-Cement Ratio for Durable Concrete Pavement Type of exposure Maximum water-cementitious ratio by weight Freezing/thawing with deicing chemicals 0.45 Severe sulfate exposure [water-soluble sulfate (SO4) in soil > 0.20 % by weight] Moderate sulfate exposure [water-soluble sulfate (SO4) in soil of 0.10 to 0.20 % by weight] 0.50 INDOT max 0.42
Basics of Thickness Design
When a pavement is subjected to traffic loadings the pavement reacts by bending and creating both compressive and flexure stresses. Since the Stresses ratio is much greater for flexural than compressive, the flexural strength governs the thickness design
The latest design and cost analysis tool from ACPA…
Determine and compare thickness requirements and costs for concrete and asphalt pavements using StreetPave. Features: Updated mechanistic design method for concrete pavement Fatigue and erosion analysis Jointing spacing & load transfer recommendations Thickness rounding and reliability considerations Analysis of existing concrete pavements Asphalt design based on the Asphalt Institute method Comparison to equivalent concrete pavement Life cycle cost analysis module Printable summary reports and charts Design summary Design factor sensitivity & life-cycle plots User-friendly format and features Walkthrough Wizard Help information for all inputs Compatible with Windows™ 95, 98, NT, 2000, XP
Thickness Design for Streets and Local Roads
StreetPave User Inputs & Outputs Global Settings Region Units (English or Metric) Terminal Serviceability Percent Slabs Cracked at end of design Life Design Life Reliability Traffic Pavement Properties Thickness/Dowel/Jointing Recommendations
Design Example – Inputs
Design life = 30 years k-value = 100 pci Concrete flexural strength = 600 psi Load transfer (dowels) = yes Edge support = yes Traffic category = Collector 2-way ADTT = 100 Reliability = 80% Percent Slabs Cracked = 15%
Thickness Design Procedure
Design controlled by: Fatigue usually controls design of light-traffic pavements Single-axles usually cause more fatigue damage Erosion usually controls design of undoweled medium- and heavy-traffic pavements Tandem-axles usually cause more erosion damage Tridem-axles usually cause more erosion damage
Thickness Design Procedure Concrete Properties
Flexural Strength (Modulus of Rupture, ASTM C 78) Avg. 28-day strength in 3rd-point loading Other Factors Concrete Strength Gain with Age Fatigue Properties Third-point Loading d=L/ 6 L/3 Span Length = L
Thickness Design Procedure Concrete Properties
Compressive Strength f’c Head of Testing Machine S’c = 8-10 Ö f’c Cylinder Depth f’c = Compressive Strength (psi) S’c = Flexural Strength (psi)
Basics of Thickness Design Stress / Fatigue
Compressive strength: ~4000 psi Flexural strength: ~600 psi When a pavement is subjected to traffic loadings the pavement reacts by bending and creating both compressive and flexure stresses. Since the Stresses ratio is much greater for flexural than compressive, the flexural strength governs the thickness design
Source (Modeled after) RD102, Evaluation of the Long-Term Properties of Concrete, by Sharon Wood.
Concrete Strength Properties
If specify minimum flexural strength at 28-day of 550 psi & allow 10% of beams to fall below minimum: STEP 1 Estimate SDEV: 9% for typical ready mix. SDEV = 550 * 0.09 = 50 psi STEP 2 S’c design = S’c minimum + z * SDEV S’c design = * 50 S’c design = 614 psi Fig Concrete strength gain versus time for concrete exposed to outdoor conditions. Concrete continues to gain strength for many years when moisture is provided by rainfall and other environmental sources (Wood 1992).
Thickness Design Procedure Concrete Properties
Comparison of f’c, MR, and Required Thickness Compressive Strength (psi) Flexural Strength (psi) Design Thickness (inches) 3000 450 – 550 (500) 6.5 (6.43) PCA 7.0 4000 510 – 630 (600) 5.5 (5.25) PCA 6.5 5000 570 – 710 (700) 5.0 (4.86) PCA 6.0 Life 30 years, Collector (2), k-value 162, Reliability 80 %, plus C & G, 2 % annual growth
Design Period/Life 20 to 35 years is commonly used
Shorter or longer design period may be economically justified in some cases High performance concrete pavements Long-life pavements A special haul road to be used for only a few years Cross-overs Temporary lanes
Design Reliability Practically everything associated with pavement design is variable Variability in mean design inputs—traffic, materials, subgrade, climate, and so on Error in performance prediction models In StreetPave design, the fatigue variability can be modeled and applied as an adjustment factor
Recommended Reliability
Levels of Reliability for Pavement Design Functional Classification of Roadway Recommended Reliability Urban Rural Interstates, Freeways, and Tollways 80 – 99 Principal Arterials 75 – 95 Collectors Residential & Local Roads 50 – 80 The American Concrete Pavement Association design procedure incorporates reliability as an input variable. Reliability, simply stated, is the factor of safety of the pavement design. It is a measure of how likely the specified design will perform before “failure.” This design procedure predicts when the pavement will “fail” either due to fatigue (a crack will form) or erosion (the subgrade material will pump out from underneath the pavement). The recommended level of reliability depends on the type of roadway that is being designed. A relatively high reliability is used for high-traffic, high-speed roadways, while low-traffic, low-speed roads typically need a low level of reliability. The importance of this innovation is that it allows the design professional to use lower levels of reliability to produce design thicknesses more practical for streets and local road design. Table 12 lists the recommended reliability levels for roadway design, dependent on the classification of the facility. The design tables 13(a) and 13(b) were developed using a reliability value of 80 percent, which is common for most street and local road applications and takes into account the variations in materials and layer thicknesses for each traffic category.
Recommended Percent of Slabs Cracked at End of Design Life
Thickness Design Combined Reliability & Slabs Cracked Spreadsheet Recommended Levels of Slab Cracking by Roadway Type Roadway Type Recommended Percent of Slabs Cracked at End of Design Life (Default) 15% Interstate Highways, Expressways, Tollways, Turnpikes 5% State Roads, Arterials 10% Collectors, County Roads Residential Streets 25% The design procedure also incorporates the amount of slab cracking as another factor used to evaluate the predicted long-term pavement performance. Primarily, this factor assists in planning future maintenance or pavement preservation activities at the end of the pavement’s design life. For Tables 13(a) and 13(b), the percent slabs cracked at the end of the design life was set at 15 percent for all roadway classifications, which reduces the overall repairs required to extend the pavement service life past the design period. For additional information on concrete pavement preservation or restoration, see American Concrete Pavement Association publication The Concrete Pavement Restoration Guide, Reference 9.
Basics of Thickness Design Deflection / Erosion
Higher k-value will lower deflections Load transfer will lower deflections
Concrete Pavement Design For Municipal Streets
Load Transfer (slabs ability to share its load with neighboring slabs) Dowels Aggregate Interlock Edge Support Tied curb & gutter Integral curb & gutter Parking lane Tied concrete L = x U = 0 Poor Load Transfer Emphasize that: Adequate load transfer reduces vertical movement at the joints, minimizing joint-related distresses. Typical load transfer mechanisms are aggregate interlock and dowel bars. Also, stabilized bases can be used to reduce to potential of pumping Note to the speaker: Stabilized bases are developed using procedures and techniques by which otherwise unsuitable soils may be improved. In many instances, the existing subgrade soils are unsatisfactory in their natural state but can be altered through stabilization to improve the material properties to meet the requirements of subbase and base layer materials. In some instances, stabilized bases are used to improve the structural integrity of the pavement layers supporting the pavement surface. Many factors influence the type of stabilizing material selected for a particular project, such as the type of soil. In addition, different stabilizers are used for different reasons, such as strength gain, waterproofing, or water retarding. Therefore, some stabilizing materials are more appropriate for a given soil type than others. Stabilizing admixtures include cement, lime, lime flyash, bitumen (asphalt), and calcium or sodium chloride. The use of edge support will reduce the stresses at the pavement edge and reduce the overall cross-sectional thickness. In residential and collector, and minor arterials this would typically be 1 inch major arterials this thickness reduction is approximately 1.5 inches. Good Load Transfer L = x/2 U
Dowels vs. NO Dowels Load Transfer
= x U = 0 Poor Load Transfer The slabs ability to share its load with its neighboring slab Dowels High Traffic Volumes (Pavements > 8 in.) (> 120 Trucks/day) Aggregate Interlock Low Traffic Volumes (Pavements < 7 in.) Good Load Transfer L = x U
Load Transfer Efficiency
Load Transfer Mechanism LTE, % aggregate interlock stabilized base dowel bars These are the expected average performance ranges of load transfer efficiency for highway pavements over the life of the pavement for each load transfer mechanism listed. The load transfer performance will depend on the selected materials and the quality of construction within a given project. As you can see from these ranges, dowel bars provide the best and most reliable load transfer.
Shear between aggregate particles below the initial saw cut
Aggregate Interlock Shear between aggregate particles below the initial saw cut
Aggregate Interlock
Design - Erosion Conditions for Pumping
Subgrade soil that will go into Suspension Free water between slab and subgrade Frequent heavy wheel loads / large deflections
Dowel bars Lengths from 15-18 in. 6.0 in. min. embedment length
Diameter in. for SLR Epoxy or other coating used in harsher climates for corrosion protection
Dowel Recommendations
Dowels recommended when ADTT is greater than or equal to 80: If pavement thickness is 6” or less dowels not recommended If pavement thickness is 6.5” to 7.5” use 1” dowels If pavement thickness is 8” or greater use 1¼“ dowels Note: Due to rounding at a thickness of 6.01 inches the recommended thickness is rounded up to the nearest 0.5 inch 6.5 inches. In these cases, dowels may or may not be recommended. The use of a non-pumping subgrade/subbase could be used in place of 1” dowels.
Faulting Model Faulting, in 0.20 Dense-graded base No dowel 0.15
Permeable base No dowel 0.10 Dense-graded base 1-in dowel 0.10 in of faulting typically becomes uncomfortable to the driving public, as well as the vehicular commerce, and triggers rehabilitation. The “beige” faulting trend increases very rapidly as ESALs accumulate. The “orange” faulting trend is similar. The “light blue” trend becomes uncomfortable around 15 million ESALs. The “dark blue” trend remains well below the uncomfortable threshold for rehabilitation. Therefore, dowels reduce faulting better than nondoweled JPCP or permeable bases. Faulting is just one of the distresses caused by poor load transfer. 0.05 Dense-graded base 1.25-in dowel 0.00 5 10 15 20 Traffic, million ESALs
Construction of Concrete Pavement
Plant Operations Central Mixed Concrete Truck Mixed Concrete Paving Operations Slipform Paving Fixed Form Paving Saw & Seal Central Mix Concrete Batch Plant
Construction Specifications
Smoothness 10-20 ft. Straightedge Profilograph Index Texture Speeds less than 40 mph Burlap Drag Astroturf Drag
Curing and Protection Fig An excellent method of wet curing is to completely cover the surface with wet burlap and keep it continuously wet during the curing period. (69946)
Curing Curing is one of the most important steps in quality concrete construction and one of the most neglected. Effective curing is absolutely essential for surface durability. Durability = resistance to freeze-thaw
Curing Curing requires adequate — Moisture Temperature Time
If any of these factors are neglected, the desired properties will not develop Fig Curing should begin as soon as the concrete stiffens enough to prevent marring or erosion of the surface. Burlap sprayed with water is an effective method for moist curing. (69973)
Membrane Curing of Concrete
Evaporation from water surface Curing membrane Partially saturated Saturated Concrete
Curing The simplest, most economical and widely used method is a liquid membrane which is sprayed on the surface of a slab as soon as possible after finishing. Apply at manufacture’s rate of coverage. Perform field check to verify application rate.
Effect of Adequate Curing on Hardened Concrete
Increased Strength Watertightness Abrasion resistance Freeze-thaw resistance Volume stability
Effect of Curing on Strength Development
The latest design and cost analysis tool from ACPA…
Determine and compare thickness requirements and costs for concrete and asphalt pavements using StreetPave. Features: Updated mechanistic design method for concrete pavement Fatigue and erosion analysis Jointing spacing & load transfer recommendations Thickness rounding and reliability considerations Analysis of existing concrete pavements Asphalt design based on the Asphalt Institute method Comparison to equivalent concrete pavement Life cycle cost analysis module Printable summary reports and charts Design summary Design factor sensitivity & life-cycle plots User-friendly format and features Walkthrough Wizard Help information for all inputs Compatible with Windows™ 95, 98, NT, 2000, XP
SLR Publications Information Sheet-
Maturity Testing of Concrete- Information Sheet- (IS Concrete Pavement for GA Business &Commuter Aircraft Longevity and Performance of DG Pavements Specification Guideline for Dowel Bar Retrofit Engineering Bulletin- (EB Early Cracking Causes/Solutions Engineering Bulletin-(EB Life Cycle Cost Analysis
Indiana Concrete Resources
Jerry Larson Mike Byers Pat Long Chris Tull, P.E., LEED AP
Contacts for further information
Questions? Contacts for further information INDIANA CHAPTER
Thank You It is vital to our program for people to get involved in the Streets and Local Roads program. The SLR subcommittee will met twice in These meetings are where key areas of our promotion initiative are discussed and future products/programs are outlined. Get involved!
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